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Heilongjiang further strengthens safety precautions during key flood control periods

Published on 2023-08-08 09:31:00 | Source: | Information classification: Local information

Affected by recent heavy rainfall, Heilongjiang Some scenic spots in the province were temporarily closed. To ensure the provincial culture and Travel? The Safety Production Committee of Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism has issued relevant notices one after another, requiring the cultural (sports) radio, television and tourism bureaus of each city (region) to further strengthen the safety precautions during the critical period of flood control, and carry out re investigation and re rectification of hidden dangers in flood control.

The notice emphasized that the cultural and tourism administrative departments of each city and region should guide and urge the water related A-level tourist attractions to carry out the investigation and control of hidden dangers in flood season, focusing on the areas near surface rivers, lakes, reservoirs and vulnerable to mountain torrents, debris flows, rolling stones and other disasters, improving flood prevention warning measures, setting warning signs, improving flood prevention facilities and self rescue and mutual rescue equipment. Develop emergency response plans, organize drills, increase the reserve of sand and gravel materials, woven bags, flood control equipment and other materials, and make emergency response to ensure that in the event of an emergency, the first time to deal with it, if necessary, close the scenic spot, divert tourists, and avoid and reduce personnel and property losses.

The notice pointed out that the cultural and tourism administrative departments of all cities and regions urged travel agency In view of the characteristics of the safety work of the tourist team, pay close attention to the flood forecast and warning prompt, make emergency plans and make reasonable arrangements Tourist routes According to the level of safety risk warning, strengthen the safety warning for tourists, take necessary safety precautions, stop the group and lead the group to the risk area if necessary, adjust or stop the trip if it is already in the risk area, and organize tourists to leave the risk area.

The notice clearly stated that the cultural and tourism administrative departments of each city and region should strictly implement the 24-hour on duty and leader on duty system, keep the communication equipment unblocked, and always make preparations for emergency response. Strictly implement the information reporting system, report major dangerous situations and disasters as soon as possible, and resolutely put an end to late reporting, omission, false reporting, concealment and other situations. Pay close attention to weather changes, issue tourism early warning information through various media and means such as radio, television, Internet, SMS, electronic display screen, etc., and launch plans according to the early warning level to guide tourists and tourism enterprises to prevent and avoid security risks in a timely manner. Widely carry out flood season and Summer tourism Publicize safety knowledge, popularize safety emergency knowledge related to tourism, and improve the safety awareness of tourism enterprises, employees and tourists.