Wuling Mountain

Wuling Mountain

Wuling Mountain is located in Xinglong County, Chengde City, Hebei Province, 130 kilometers away from the urban area of Chengde. The main peak is 2118 meters above sea level, which is the highest peak of Yanshan Mountains. Wuling Mountain has a temperate continental monsoon mountain climate, with hot rainy season, long winter and short summer [View details]

Types of attractions: other  

Opening Hours: 08:00~17:00

Address of tourist attractions: Xinglong County, Chengde City, northern Hebei Province consult a map

120.00 yuan

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Introduction to Scenic Spots

Wuling Mountain is located in Xinglong County, Chengde City, Hebei Province, 130 kilometers away from the urban area of Chengde. The main peak is 2118 meters above sea level, which is the highest peak of Yanshan Mountains.

Wuling Mountain has a temperate continental monsoon mountain climate, characterized by hot and rainy seasons, long winter and short summer, four distinct seasons, cool summer, and large temperature difference between day and night. The complexity of terrain and landform determines the diversity of climate. "Peach blossom floats at the foot of the mountain, and snow flakes fly on the mountain", "It rains continuously at the foot of the mountain, and the sun shines brightly on the mountain", known as "Three miles in different days, and three seasons in one mountain". It is the "cool island" in the "hot sea" of North China.

Wuling Mountain National Nature Reserve takes forest landscape as the main body, Cangshan Qifeng as the skeleton, Qingxi Bitan as the vein, and cultural relics and historic sites are interspersed in it, forming a unique animation volume that combines static landscape and dynamic landscape, natural landscape and cultural landscape. Here, the mountains overlap, the mountains are clear, the water is beautiful, the scenery is quiet and magnificent, the meandering streams are crystal clear, the smoke is vast, the beads are spattered with jade, the strange peaks and rocks are as plastic as paintings. In it, the canyon stands on the wall, the stone path haunts, and the ravines are deep. In spring, everything recovers, birds sing and flowers smell, flowers are red and willows are green, bees and butterflies are intertwined, azaleas, lilacs, honeysuckles and other flowers compete to open, colorful, even green, also shows different shades of color and levels, according to the altitude of the mountain, flowers open layer by layer, trees green layer by layer, everywhere is full of vitality, let you feel the infinite beauty of being close to nature. In summer, the sun is scorching outside the mountain, the trees are lush inside the mountain, the golden lotus is like a golden pavement, the anemone is like a jade on the slope, the cool wind is cool, the waterfalls and flowing springs are flying, and the pools and streams are clear.

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