Shiyan Lake Hot Spring Resort

Shiyan Lake Hot Spring Resort

Shiyan Lake Hot Spring Resort is located at the bank of Shiyan Lake, 40 kilometers northwest of the center of Shenzhen, covering an area of 3.9 square kilometers. It is famous for its unique natural Yulu Hot Spring. Its simple and elegant Spanish architectural complex stretches [View details]

Types of attractions: hot spring  

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Address of tourist attractions: Shiyan Lake, 40 kilometers northwest of the center of Shenzhen consult a map

98 yuan

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Introduction to Scenic Spots

Shiyan Lake Hot Spring Resort is located at the bank of Shiyan Lake, 40 kilometers northwest of the center of Shenzhen, covering an area of 3.9 square kilometers. It is famous for its unique natural Yulu Hot Spring. Its simple and elegant Spanish architectural complex stretches like a belt, with various abstract sculptures interspersed in it. The environment is quiet and beautiful. The village has luxury hot spring sauna and more than 300 guestroom villas. There are restaurants headed by famous Chinese and Western chefs, romantic coffee shops, large dance halls, and high-end karaoke rooms, medium and small karaoke rooms and shopping malls. In addition, there are many amusement projects, such as horse racing field, standard swimming pool, British billiard room, bumper car, video game machine, fishing club, Taigong fishing field, fireworks display field, barbecue field, tennis court and football field under construction.

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