Quyang Beiyue Temple

Quyang Beiyue Temple

AAAA Grade A scenic spot

The Beiyue Temple was formerly known as the Temple of the Holy Emperor of Tianyuan in Beiyue An, commonly known as Douwang Store. National 4A level scenic spot, national key cultural relics protection unit. It is located in Quyang County, Hebei Province. History: Beiyue Temple was built by Emperor Xuanwu of the Northern Wei Dynasty [View details]

Types of attractions: temple  

Opening Hours: 08:30-17:00

Address: Beiyue Temple, Quyang County, Baoding, Hebei consult a map

40.00 yuan

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Introduction to Scenic Spots

The Beiyue Temple was formerly known as the Temple of the Holy Emperor of Tianyuan in Beiyue An, commonly known as Douwang Store. National 4A level scenic spot, national key cultural relics protection unit. It is located in Quyang County, Hebei Province. Historical evolution The Beiyue Temple was built during the reign of Emperor Xuanwu of the Northern Wei Dynasty (500~512). It was a place of worship for Beiyue. It was built in successive dynasties. Until the seventeenth year of Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty (1660), it was a place of worship for Hengshan Mountain, the northern mountain. During the Zhenguan period of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty (627~649), the Beiyue Temple was rebuilt, and then repaired and expanded to varying degrees in successive dynasties. The main buildings of Beiyue Temple are arranged on the north-south axis. The existing buildings are the Imperial Incense Pavilion, Lingxiao Gate, Sanshan Gate, Feitai Temple ruins and the Hall of Dening. There are also some stele pavilions on both sides. After the early Qing Dynasty, it changed to worship Hunyuan in Shanxi. The existing Beiyue Temple was built during the reign of Emperor Xuanwu of the Northern Wei Dynasty in the Southern and Northern Dynasties during the reign of Jingming and Yongping (500-512).   

Beiyue Temple was built by royal nobles to worship the "God of Beiyue Hengshan", so it was named "Beiyue Temple". Beiyue Temple is located in the west of Quyang County. The temple has exquisite buildings, carved beams and painted towers, magnificent momentum, and is a national key cultural relics protection unit with stele gallery, stone inscription hall, museum, etc. It was built during the reign of Emperor Xuanwu of the Northern Wei Dynasty in the Zhengshi period of Jingming (500-512 AD). Later, it was repaired repeatedly in the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. Beiyue Temple covers an area of 542 meters long, 321 meters wide from east to west, and a total area of 174000 square meters. Its architectural pattern adopts the classical architectural form with the central axis as the main and the west wing symmetrical. The main building of the temple, the "Hall of Dening", is located at the north end of the central axis. To the south, there are Flying Stone Hall, Sanshan Gate, Lingxiao Gate, Imperial Incense Pavilion, Chaoyue Gate, Meridian Gate, etc. On both sides of the main hall are the east and west Zhaofu Gates. There are also 8 other buildings, such as Beilou, which are scattered on both sides of the central axis.  

Features of tourist attractions


The magnificent Tening Temple is the main building of Beiyue Temple. It faces south, nine rooms wide, six rooms deep, surrounded by an ambulatory, double eaves veranda style, glazed tile ridge, green tile roof, 30 meters high, covering an area of 2009.8 square meters. It is a palace style building with double eaves cut high, covered with green tiles and yellow glazed tiles as the ridge. The whole hall is built on the stone foundation. The columns in the hall are arranged in a column method, and the beam frame is of central column type; The eaves of the hall are of one and two arches. The whole hall is 9 rooms wide and 6 rooms deep. The lower floor is surrounded by corridors, and the ground is paved with square bricks and strip bricks. In front of the hall, there is a platform, surrounded by stone railing pillars, the capitals are decorated with stone lion statues, and the four corners of the hall have dragon heads.  


The most spectacular part of Beiyue Temple is the murals in the "Tening Temple". Inside the temple, there are tall murals on the east and west walls, 6.5 meters high and 17.6 meters long. There is the "Heavenly Palace Painting" painted by Wu Daozi, the painting sage of the Tang Dynasty. Behind the north mountain wall, there is a huge colorful mural, "The Tour of Beiyue Hengshan God". The murals are 8 meters high and 27 meters long. The murals on the east and west sides are 8 meters high and 18 meters long, respectively, The total area of the murals is 504 square meters. The content of the mural: The eastern mural is "Traveling in Clouds and Showering in Rain", which depicts the image of many gods and deities, who promote clouds and rain, and bring down rain for the benefit of the people. The largest figure is up to 3.3 meters high; The western mural is "Xianning in All Nations", which depicts the scene of the gods retreating and returning to the palace after successfully completing the task of promoting clouds and distributing rain. The god of heaven (Zhong Kui) on the west wall is the essence of the whole mural, with thick and strong muscles, ferocious appearance, horizontal spear and flying. There are 73 people in the two murals, and the images of many tasks are similar. The painting on the wall of Beishan Mountain is "The Patrol Map of Beiyue Hengshan God". It is said that the mural figures of Beiyue Temple in Quyang and the water on the murals of Bolin Temple in Zhaoxian County were all painted by Wu Daozi, a great painter of the Tang Dynasty, so there is a legend of "Quyang ghost, Zhaozhou water". The "Flying God" in Quyang and the "Water" on the murals in the main hall of Berlin Temple in Zhaozhou (Zhaoxian County) were both painted by Wu Daozi of the Tang Dynasty, so there is a saying.  

inscriptions on a tablet

Beiyue Temple has more than 200 steles, steles and scripture towers in it, as well as stele corridors and stele towers. It is one of the largest stele groups in Hebei Province. From the perspective of the times, since the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Northern Qi Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty, the Five Dynasties, the Song Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, the inscriptions have been complete, spanning more than 1500 years. The contents of the inscriptions are mostly the records of the reconstruction of Beiyue Temple in the past dynasties and the offerings to the gods of Beiyue, and also the impressions of poems, words, songs and fu. From the perspective of calligraphy art, there are such fonts as Zhen, Cao, Li, Zhuan and Xingshu. The earliest stele inscription, which was made in the third year of the Northern Wei Dynasty and the year of Heping (AD 462), is a very precious treasure among the existing steles in China. There are "Stele of Hengshan Temple in Dingzhou of the Tang Dynasty", "Stele of Beiyue Temple in the Tang Dynasty", "Stele of Beiyue God in the Tang Dynasty", "Stele of Rebuilding Beiyue Temple in the Song Dynasty", "Stele of Rebuilding Beiyue Temple in the Song Dynasty", "Stele of Sushi's Poems", "Stele of Dayuanfeng and Beiyue Shouzhao", which can be regarded as a treasure house of calligraphy art and the political, economic The evolution of culture and calligraphy provides valuable material materials.   

There is a sculpture art museum in Beiyue Temple, where more than 100 ancient sculptures are preserved. His works include figures, animals, Buddha statues, scriptures, etc., especially the "Stone Tiger of the Western Han Dynasty", "Stone Lion of the Northern Wei Dynasty", "Backlit Thousand Buddha Statues of the Northern Wei Dynasty", "Stone Lantern of the Tang Dynasty", "Giant Buddha of the Tang Dynasty", "Stone Buddha Laughing Monk", and "Jingzhuang of the Jin Dynasty". The work has beautiful shape, exquisite knife work, clear and smooth lines, which fully demonstrates the different styles and characteristics of stone carving art in northern China in different historical periods.


There is a museum in Beiyue Temple, whose architectural style is a classical quadrangle. There are three exhibition rooms, including bronze pottery, Ding Kiln porcelain, and stone statues. More than 200 cultural relics are on display. There are couplets inscribed by famous calligraphers on the door columns inside the museum.   

In a word, Beiyue Temple is not only a beautiful place to worship the god of Mount Hengshan, but also a rich cultural and artistic palace. It is a combination of ancient architecture, painting, calligraphy, stone carving, porcelain and other artistic flowers. It is bright and shining, showing the world our great ancestors' diligence, intelligence and wisdom. When you walk in the palace, you will feel relaxed and happy, and appreciate the true meaning of "truth, kindness and beauty"; So that you can appreciate the breadth and depth of the excellent traditional culture of our Chinese nation.  

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