Maoqiao Village

Maoqiao Village

Maoqiao Village, under the jurisdiction of Huating Town, Jiading District, Shanghai, is located in the northwest of Shanghai suburbs, at the junction with Taicang City, Jiangsu Province, in the core area of Jiading Modern Agricultural Park, and the district level frost bamboo highway runs through the village [View details]

Types of attractions: other  

Opening Hours: All day

Address: Huating Town, Jiading District consult a map

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Introduction to Scenic Spots

Maoqiao Village, located in the northernmost part of Jiading District, Shanghai, is one of the 35 new socialist countryside demonstration villages in China. Maoqiao Village is like an open museum. The architectural style of Jiangnan village houses with centuries old houses and modern farmhouses, Maoqiao canteen, educated youth house and other memorable cultural backgrounds, local folk customs and folk bamboo weaving, straw weaving, swordfish, honey peaches, garlic and other local specialties will make you linger. Seeing thousands of acres of farmland, harvesting fruits, eating farm meals, doing farm work, and living in farm houses, you can forget the hustle and bustle of the city and feel the kindness of returning to nature when you spend a day here as a farmer.

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