Laji Mountain

Laji Mountain

Laji Mountain is a branch of Riyue Mountain. It is called "Gongmula" in Tibetan, which means the place where Gala chickens (stone pheasants) live. Laji Mountain is the boundary mountain between Guide and Huangzhong, winding from west to east, with the highest peak at 4524 meters above sea level. Sea [View details]

Types of attractions: mountain range  

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Address of tourist attractions: Guide County, Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province consult a map

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Introduction to Scenic Spots

Laji Mountain is a branch of Riyue Mountain. It is called "Gongmula" in Tibetan, which means the place where Gala chickens (stone pheasants) live. Laji Mountain is the boundary mountain between Guide and Huangzhong, winding from west to east, with the highest peak at 4524 meters above sea level. The Laji Mountain Pass, which is more than 3800 meters above sea level, has an important geographical location. Ningguo Road passes through it, and there is a road to Huangyuan in the south of the pass.  

The north slope of Laji Mountain is steep, and most of the rocks are exposed. Except in summer, the slopes are often covered with snow. The south slope is gentle and suitable for pasture growth. The Hongshanzui Grassland here is the summer pasture of Garang Township, from Laji Mountain Pass to the watershed in the north to Datan Village in the south. The center is 3746 meters above sea level.

In the grassland, the slope is gentle, the water source is abundant, and the grass grows well. When summer comes, the hillside is covered with green grass, flowers, flocks of cattle and sheep, the sound of pastoral songs, as well as the empty blue sky and long white clouds, which is a wonderful place for downtown people.


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