West Beijing Eighteen Ponds

West Beijing Eighteen Ponds

AAA Grade A scenic spot

Located in Anjiazhuang Village, Wangping District Office, Mentougou District, the West Beijing Eighteen Pond is located at the north foot of Qingshuijian Peak, 1528 meters above sea level. It is famous for its deep valley, strange rocks, unique water and different flowers. Here you can enjoy the magnificent and straight mountains; The cliffs are covered with emerald hills; Deep and precipitous canyon; Strange peaks and dangerous rocks with different shapes; The lush primitive vegetation in onion cages; The colorful exotic flowers and plants, and the wild fruits and vegetables in the four seasons. Here you can feel: the pure and fresh air; The cold and sweet mountain spring; The clear chirp of birds; The cricket sound of insects is constant; The fragrance of flowers is pleasant; Fish's leisurely game; Strange and natural scenery [View details]

Types of attractions: canyon  

Opening Hours: 08:00~18:00

Address: Anjiazhuang Village, Mentougou District consult a map

35.00 yuan

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