Huating Old Street

Huating Old Street

Songjiang "Huating Old Street" originally refers to the section from the west of Zhongshan Middle Road to Xilin Road, 608 meters long. There are many streets and alleys on both sides of the road, which are densely populated areas of the ancient city. Its south side crosses Shihe River (Shihe River was filled up when "digging deep holes, accumulating grain extensively, preparing for war and famine for the people" in the early period of the Cultural Revolution), and there are Guanyuxing and Jingjiayan in it. ... [View details]

Types of attractions: other  

Opening Hours: All day

Address of tourist attractions: West of the Road Bridge, Zhongshan Middle Road, Songjiang District to Xilin Road consult a map

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Introduction to Scenic Spots

As a large-scale reconstruction project of Songjiang Ancient City, Huating Old Street (formerly Zhongshan Middle Road) starts from Renmin Road in the east and ends at Xilin Road in the west, with a total length of 606 meters and a total investment of 340 million yuan. It is the essence of the ten mile long street in the ancient city. The project is overall designed by Shanghai East China Design Institute. The pavement is paved with rock slabs. At Renmin Road Crossing and Xilin Road Crossing, there is one east and west archway, one leisure park (Road Bridge Park), and five squares (Yuejing Square, Chanjing Square, Commercial Leisure Square, Folk Custom Square, and Historical and Cultural Square). It has successively repaired the mosque of the Yuan Dynasty, Xilin Temple of the Ming Dynasty, Yuan Chang House, Qu's House, Wang Yeshan House and other municipal and district level cultural relics protection units, and built 53000 square meters of buildings imitating the Ming and Qing dynasties, reflecting the graceful posture of "two temples facing each other from north to south, ancient houses standing side by side along the street, groups of antique buildings, green gardens and trees".

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