Mushroom Museum

Mushroom Museum

The Chinese Mushroom Museum is located in Shanghai Fengxian Modern Agricultural Park, with a total exhibition area of nearly 3000 square meters. There are three branches in the museum, which are Mushroom Science Museum, Mushroom History Museum and Mushroom Folk Art Museum [View details]

Types of attractions: other  

Opening Hours: 9:00-17:00 (closed on Saturday and Sunday)

Address of tourist attractions: 7299 Jinhai Highway, Fengxian District, Shanghai consult a map

20.00 yuan

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Introduction to Scenic Spots

The mushroom industry, with the production and processing of edible fungi as its core, has developed rapidly. The World Health Organization has proposed the scientific diet structure of "one meat, one vegetable and one mushroom". China's bacteria industry has risen rapidly in recent years, and has become a major country in the world's bacteria industry. It has made significant contributions to the development of China's rural economy, improving people's lives, developing new drug resources, and has had an important impact on promoting the development of the world's bacteria industry to a diversified structure.

The mushroom history museum consists of two parts: the historical research of mushroom and the planting history of mushroom. Through the combination of multimedia and mechatronics technology, visitors can intuitively understand the ancient people's understanding of mushrooms and appreciate the rich heritage of ancient bacteriological research. The Phantom Imaging Film truly reappears the scene of ancient mushroom farmers planting shiitake mushrooms, and through the comparison with modern planting technology, it reflects that the development of science and technology has greatly promoted the development of mushroom industry.

Mushroom Folk Art Museum mainly displays the unique mushroom culture formed by Chinese people in the process of exploring nature, as well as many famous works and beautiful works of art with mushroom as the theme. In the folk custom museum, visitors will see the treasure of mushroom science museum - a very rare giant ganoderma lucidum with a diameter of 76 cm.

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