Chuansha Ancient City Wall

Chuansha Ancient City Wall

It is located in Chengxiang Primary School, No. 171, Xinchuan Road. It was built in the Ming Dynasty and still exists in the southeast corner. There are Kuixing Pavilion, Yuebei Pavilion, Pen Tower and other buildings on it. The ancient city wall of Chuansha was built in 1557 by the people of Chuansha to resist Japanese invasion. By taking advantage of the city wall, the people of Chuansha successfully repelled the repeated attacks of Japanese pirates. This wall is the material evidence of the Chinese nation's indomitable resistance to foreign aggression. ... [View details]

Types of attractions: ancient city   park  

Opening Hours: All day

Address of tourist attractions: No. 171, Xinchuan Road, Pudong New Area consult a map

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[Ancient City Wall · Current Situation] Overwhelmed with many cracks  

When I first walked up to the Yuebei Pavilion, there was an obvious crack one or two meters long on the ground on the east side of the pavilion. On the east side of Kuixing Pavilion, a crack also appeared. Later, the reporter came to the path on the east side of the city wall to observe, and noticed that there was also a long gap on the east wall of the ancient city wall, many plants had grown out of the gap, and there was also a sturdy old tree "sticking out" from the gap.  

In addition, many cracks also caused the ancient city wall to tilt. Some of the cracks on the walls of the ancient city were long ago, and some were caused by the reconstruction of Kuixing Pavilion, Yuebei Pavilion and other buildings in recent years. It turned out that the Yuebei Pavilion had only one floor before, and the ancient city wall could still bear its weight. However, in the 1980s, the Yuebei Pavilion was rebuilt as a 2-storey building, which virtually increased the burden of the ancient city wall, making the wall inclined, and cracks gradually emerged.  

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