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 Bayinbuluke Grassland, a must see for Xinjiang tourism


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Product No.: 59289

Bayinbuluke Grassland, a must see for Xinjiang tourism

Landscape price: ¥780 Market price: ¥1080 element Starting price description
Scenic spot level: AAAAA
Scenic spot classification: Xinjiang Tourist Attraction
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adult Children

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  • Last updated: 05-11
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Introduction to Scenic Spots

Information provision: Xinjiang Kanghui Nature International travel agency  0991-2333891,QQ:191509176

Four day car tour from Urumqi to Nalati, Bayinbuluke and Sayram Lake in Ili, 780 yuan per person

The first day: Urumqi/Qingshui River (about 640km, about 9 hours )Qingshuihe Standard Room

In the morning, take a bus from the unified assembly place to Qingshuihe Town. At noon to Sikeshu Town Travel? The reception restaurant has a unified meal. After the meal, we will rush to the restaurant“ Tianshan Mountain The first pool, one of the four beautiful women in the lake National AAAA Scenic Area Sayram Lake Haixi Scenic Area (150 yuan included) , you can take photos by the lake and enjoy the scenery of lakes and mountains. After the visit, we hurried to Qingshuihe Town, where we saw the "Iron Pass" Fruit Gully Beautiful scenery, arrive at Qingshuihe Town after dinner, and go to the largest land trade port in western China—— Horgos port , in the majestic National Gate Take a group photo and check in the hotel in the evening.

Day 2 Qingshuihe/Nalati (about 320 km, about 6 hours) Nalati Standard Room

After breakfast, take the bus to the famous ancient primitive capital of Xinjiang, the national AAAA level historical and cultural scenic spot—— Huiyuan Ancient City "Huiyuan is the capital of the Western Regions in Xinjiang in the Qing Dynasty". This is the only existing ancient city in Xinjiang where the aborigines live. You can take the characteristic "Hadik" to wander in the ancient city, and enjoy authentic folk songs and dances while tasting Chinese food. Or choose the national AAAA level folk custom cultural scenic spot [Kazanqi Folk Custom Scenic Spot] known as the "Northern Xinjiang Uygur Museum" (160 yuan at your own expense), go to Nalati for lunch, and enter the AAAAA level scenic spot Nalati Scenic Area (95 yuan is included in the ticket), transfer to the Valley Grassland shuttle bus (40 yuan is included in the shuttle bus) at the ticket station to enter the Valley Grassland Scenic Area, where you can choose suitable activities for free. After the tour, transfer to our tour bus and go to the restaurant for dinner. In the evening, you can also go to the Kazakh camp and participate in the large-scale grassland bonfire event (168 yuan is not included) of imitating the ancient Wusun Kingdom to marry the Princess of Relief. You can taste authentic Kazakh food and stay in the hotel in the evening.

Day 3 Nalati/Yining (about 260 km, about 4 hours)

After breakfast, head east all the way, climb over Bingdaban in Tianshan Mountain to the largest subalpine meadow grassland in Xinjiang—— Bayanbulak Grassland (World Natural Heritage) Along the way, you can enjoy the beautiful canyon scenery and see the most perfect outline of Tianshan Mountain. After arriving at Bayinbuluke Scenic Area, transfer to the inter district bus and stand at Swan Lake Looking from the top of Basilik Mountain, the ancient Kaidu River slowly comes to you from the horizon. This is the "Nine Turns and Eighteen Turns" (about 4 hours' tour, including the time for shuttle buses to enter and leave), after which you can return to Nalati Town and Yining City after lunch Yili Silk Road Cultural Tourism City The only high-tech acousto-optic technology, holographic image, ring hall and other high-tech means in Xinjiang are used here, which can let you know the colorful culture and unique charm of the ancient Silk Road in person. Stay in the hotel after dinner.

Day 4 Yining/Urumqi (about 720km, about 9 hours)

Take the bus after breakfast lavender Museum , walk into the purple world and feel the fragrance. At noon, we will have a unified meal at the tourist reception restaurant, and after arriving in Urumqi, we will form a unified group to end the pleasant trip to Ili grassland.

The cost includes:

1. Transportation: air-conditioned travel car

2. Admission: Nalati, (Lavender Museum and Ili Silk Road Cultural Tourism City are free of charge if you don't visit them)

3. Interval: Nalati Valley Grassland Intercity Bus

4. Accommodation: standard room for the whole journey, excluding single room difference (Qingshuihe, Nalati Zhun III, Yining City Zhun III)

5. Meals: 3 a.m. and 7 noon (two meals are flavor meals, the rest are group meals, and the flavor meals are arranged by the tour guide according to the travel time)

6. Guide service: excellent Mandarin guide service

7. Insurance: travel agency liability insurance, each person will be given a personal travel accident insurance, with a maximum coverage of 100000 yuan

Bayanbulak Grassland

        Bayinbuluke Grassland, be located Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang In the intermountain basin in the northwest of Hejing County and the middle of Tianshan Mountains, surrounded by snow mountains, it is about 2500 meters above sea level and covers an area of 23835 square kilometers. It is the second largest grassland in China, second only to the Erdos grassland in Inner Mongolia. Bayinbuluke means "rich spring" in Mongolian. With flat terrain and abundant water and grass, it is a typical grass meadow grassland and one of the most important animal husbandry bases in Xinjiang. There are not only snow mountains around land of idyllic beauty There are "nine bends and eighteen bends" Kaidu River , more elegant and charming Swan Lake

Bayinbuluke Grassland is inhabited by nine ethnic groups, including Mongolian, Han, Tibetan and Kazakh, with splendid ethnic customs Nadam The grand event, horse racing, archery and other competitions make tourists linger.

famous Swan Lake Located on the grassland, Swan Lake is actually a large area of marshland composed of many interconnected small lakes, which is the first Swan Nature Reserve in China. The nature reserve has lush water and grass, a humid climate and beautiful scenery.

       As early as the 36th year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1771), Turhute Khoshut And other tribes Wabashi Led by Volga River Liu Juyi returned to the east, and the Qing government gave them fertile land with water and grass, and settled them in Bayinbuluke grassland and Kaidu River basin. It has a vast territory, flat terrain, abundant water and grass, and is full of high-quality“ Buttercup ”。 Yanqi Tianshan horses, Bayinbuluke sheep, Chinese Merino sheep And the "plateau tank" Yak , known as the "Four Treasures of Grassland"

Pictures of scenic spots

Traffic conditions

Transportation from Urumqi to Bayinbuluke Grassland and Ili Grassland

Surrounding hotels

    ——No surrounding hotels——

payment method

Please reconfirm the price and duration before booking

Tour fee can be directly transferred to the public account of Xinjiang Kanghui Nature International Travel Agency Co., Ltd

Publish Consultation

You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
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Xinjiang Kanghui Nature International Travel Agency Co., Ltd
Service hotline
Xinjiang Kanghui Tourism 0991-2333891
Xinjiang Individual Tourism 13109918673
Xinjiang Custom Tourism 0991-2306482

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