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 Tianshan Tianchi Lake


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Product No.: 58613

Tianshan Tianchi Lake

Landscape price: ¥260 Market price: ¥400 element Starting price description
Scenic spot level: AAAAA
Scenic spot classification: Xinjiang Tourist Attraction
Package type:
Tickets, round-trip fare, lunch
Travel month:
June July August
Play date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of visitors:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this scenic spot is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

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  • Introduction to Scenic Spots
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  • Peripheral tickets
  • payment method
  • Last updated: 05-11
——Note information is not filled——

Introduction to Scenic Spots

go to Heaven Pool scheduling:

Urumqi/ Tianshan Tianchi Lake /Urumqi

Gather at the designated place in the morning (8:30 - 9:30) and take the bus Tianshan Mountain Pearl "Tianshan Mountain Tianchi Scenic Area After arriving at the parking lot of the scenic spot, transfer to the shuttle bus to Tianchi scenic spot for sightseeing along the way Shimen First line Longtan Blue Moon, Sea Immortal Needle, East Tianchi, West Tianchi, Hangquan Waterfall Wait for the six scenic spots of Tianchi, overlook the Bogda Snow Peak, enjoy the magic charm of Tianshan Snow Peak and lakes, have free activities after lunch, and gather in the parking lot at the designated time to return Urumqi At about 19:30, you will arrive in the center of Urumqi and end your pleasant trip! You can pay for the night World Grand Bazaar (Uygur: market) Feel the hospitality of local minorities. Taste the authentic ethnic flavor meal, watch the extremely seductive dance performance (at your own expense), and then take a taxi to return to the hotel at your own expense. End the happy trip! Great beauty Xinjiang Look forward to your legendary appointment next time........

reminder: There is often rain in the Tianchi Lake, so you need to carry a thick coat and rain gear; Pay attention to the quality of the goods sold by small traders;

Expenses include

1、 admission ticket: The first ticket of Tianchi Lake+shuttle bus;

2、 have meals: One table for ten people will be given as Xinjiang special vegetarian pilaf;

3、 Guide clothing: Local tour guide Chinese explanation service or driver and tour guide;

4、 Transportation: local Travel? air-conditioned bus;

5、 Insurance: travel agency Liability insurance.

Tianshan Tianchi Lake Located in Fukang County, Xinjiang Bogda Peak Half way up the mountain, 110 kilometers east of Urumqi, 1980 meters above sea level, is a natural mountain lake with a half moon shaped lake surface. The Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Area, centered on the Tianchi Lake, is characterized by four complete vertical natural landscape belts, snow capped mountains, glaciers, and alpine lakes. It takes the myth of the Queen Mother of the West of the ancient Yaochi Lake, as well as religion and unique ethnic customs as its cultural connotation, and integrates forests, grasslands, snow capped mountains, and cultural landscapes. The scenery is unique. The natural scenery of Tianshan Tianchi Lake not only has the beauty of Emei, but also shows the power of Huashan Mountain, and has a unique beauty: the lake water is clear, crystal clear as jade, pure and pleasant; Surrounded by mountains, green grass and beautiful wild flowers, it has the reputation of "Tianshan Pearl"; Tall and straight, verdant spruce and Tasong cover mountains and mountains, blocking the sky and the sun, just like a beautiful picture of nature.

The Tianchi Nature Reserve can be divided into "North Slope Tourist Area of the Great Tianchi Lake", "Great Tianchi Tourist Area", "Hundred Thousand Arhats Niban Wood Mountain Tourist Area", "Niangniang Temple Tourist Area" and "North Slope Tourist Area of Bogda Peak", with eight scenic spots in each area and 40 scenic spots in five areas. At the same time, the Tianshan Tianchi Lake has world-class characteristics in five aspects, including the Quaternary high mountains and ice lakes, which are ranked in the forefront of the world.

Tianchi Scenic Area Centered on the Tianchi Lake, it integrates forests, grasslands, snow mountains and cultural landscapes to form a unique landscape. It starts from Shimen in the north, ends at Xuexian in the south, ends at Maya Mountain in the west, and ends at Dadonggou in the east, with a total area of 160 square kilometers. Standing on a high place and looking up from afar, a green sea wave rises and falls one after another, and that blue wave hangs high in the middle of the mountain, just like a jade lamp held high by the giant hand of the rock mountain. Along the coast, the pines and cypresses are green, the rocks are jagged, and there is smoke; Green grass around the mountains and flocks of sheep; There are also thousands of years of ice peaks, which are wrapped in snow. The whole lake and mountains are extremely beautiful. There are three water surfaces in the Tianchi Lake. In addition to the main lake, there are two water surfaces on the east and west sides. To the east is the East Small Tianchi Lake, which was formerly known as Black Dragon Pool. It is 500 meters east of the Tianchi Lake. It is said that it is the place where the Queen Mother of the West bathes and cleans. Therefore, it is also known as the wash stream and the bath basin. There is a hundred zhang cliff at the bottom of the pool, and a waterfall flows straight down, just like a rainbow falling from the sky. It is so spectacular that it helps to create a scene of the sun hanging spring Yaohong. On the west side is the West Small Tianchi Lake, also known as the Jade Lady Pool. It is said to be the foot washing place of the Queen Mother of the West, two kilometers northwest of the Tianchi Lake. The pool in the west is like a full moon, with clear and deep water, surrounded by Tasson. If the bright moon is in the sky, the shadow is still on the wall, and the clear scenery is infinite, so we can also get a beautiful day: the blue moon in Longtan. There is also a waterfall hanging on the side of the pool, which is several meters high, like the Milky Way falling to the ground, spitting beads and splashing jade. The scene is called Jade Belt Silver Curtain. There is Wentao Pavilion on the pool, and climbing the pavilion to view the waterfall is of special interest. You can see the curtains rolling in the pool, the pines and green waters; You can hear the water hitting the rock and the sound shaking the rift valley.

Pictures of scenic spots

Traffic conditions

Gather near Hongshan and Railway Bureau in Urumqi and get on the train. Details: 0991-2333891

payment method

Please reconfirm the price and duration before booking

Tour fee can be directly transferred to the public account of Xinjiang Kanghui Nature International Travel Agency Co., Ltd

Publish Consultation

You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
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Service Centre

Xinjiang Kanghui Nature International Travel Agency Co., Ltd
Service hotline
Xinjiang Kanghui Tourism 0991-2333891
Xinjiang Individual Tourism 13109918673
Xinjiang Custom Tourism 0991-2306482

Booking process