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 Jiuwanxi Drifting


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Product No.: 58456

Jiuwanxi Drifting

Landscape price: ¥110 Market price: ¥180 element Starting price description
Scenic spot level: nothing
Scenic spot classification: drift
Package type:
Monday - Friday weekend
Travel month:
June July August
Play date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of visitors:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this scenic spot is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

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  • Last updated: 06-30
① Reservation hotline: 027-65389462 15527918587
② This product is an electronic ticket, which can be booked on the day of play, but can only be used 2 hours after the booking. If the normal rafting cannot be done due to its own reasons, it needs to be solved by itself; The ticket does not include insurance
③ Drifting is a special tourism project with risks. The scenic spot provides standard drifting equipment, but it is impossible to exclude the existence of risks. Drifters should first pay attention to their own safety, and understand and accept the risks; Before buying tickets, please read the notes on drifting in common sense management
④ Guests should pay attention to their own safety. In case of any injury, please go to the clinic at the end of the drift for registration and simple treatment; If you leave by yourself, the scenic spot will not bear any liability for compensation. Our website only provides preferential ticket booking service, not responsible for the safety of guests.

Introduction to Scenic Spots

Jiuwanxi is located 20 kilometers away from the south bank of the Yangtze River upstream of the Three Gorges Dam Three Gorges of the Yangtze River It is one of the few tributary canyons in the middle of the Yangtze River. The total length of the stream is 46 kilometers. The river entrance is opposite to Niugan Mafei Gorge. The upstream is connected to Bingshu Baojian Gorge, and the downstream is Kongling Beach. It is the most precipitous section in the ancient waterway of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River. The entrance of Jiuwanxi River was called Juyufang in ancient times. It is the place where Qu Yuan, the great patriotic poet, died in his hometown. Now it is called Gaoxia Pinghu One of the best scenic spots.

   Jiuwanxi is located on the south bank of the Yangtze River, in the west of Zigui New County (Maoping), originating from the southern foot of Yuntai Wasteland, and in the northwest of Zhuxi Wasteland in Yanglinqiao Town. Along the river reach, it is called Sandu River, Linjia River, Laolin River, and Jiuwanxi River, collectively known as Jiuwanxi River. The stream flows into the Yangtze River 20 kilometers upstream of the Three Gorges Dam. The total length of the stream is 42.3 kilometers, the drainage area is 514.5 square kilometers, the riverbed is 40-710 meters wide, the average water depth is 0.8 meters, the river fall is 1073 meters, the average gradient is 2.5%, the average annual flow is 17.5 cubic meters per second, the maximum flow in flood period exceeds 7000 cubic meters per second, and the minimum flow is 2.5 cubic meters per second. The places where streams pass are mainly canyons and karst landforms. The scenery on both banks is peculiar and beautiful. Most areas are sparsely populated, and the ecological environment is good, forming many unique landscapes. It is one of the ten new Three Gorges scenic spots.

   Jiuwanxi Travel? It is divided into two tourist areas, namely, water and land. The road starts from Jiuwanxi Bridge and ends at Jiuwanxi Power Station, along which there are Xiannv Mountain, Jieya, Couple Peak, Shenniuquan Jiangjunyan More than ten natural landscapes, such as beautiful women basking in shame, Scissors Cliff, and Buddhist Monument; Ancient hanging coffins with great scientific research value and ornamental exploration value; There are dry creeks, which are inaccessible and completely in the original state, as well as the wonders of the world and the marvelous green ground cracks.  

    After the Three Gorges Dam impoundment in 2003, Jiuwanxi Drifting It is divided into two sections. The first section is 6.8 kilometers of thrilling adventure float, and the next section is 6.4 kilometers of leisure and sightseeing float. High gorges and flat lakes alternate with each other, and strange peaks and beautiful waters compete with each other. It is very pleasant to travel. The magnificent Three Gorges Dam, the magnificent Kongling rapids, and the mighty Jiangjun Rock will reveal the magnificence and beauty of the rivers and waters of the gorge; The wall standing bamboo slips asking the sky, the vicissitudes of the giant fish workshop, and the mysterious ancient hanging coffins show the charm of Bachu culture. In 2005, Jiuwanxi changed the previous seasonal tour into a four season tour, and developed a new Pinghu sightseeing project, which fully embodies the new concept of "sports, leisure, health" tourism.  

Pictures of scenic spots

Traffic conditions

Detailed address: Jiuwanxi Town, Zigui County, Yichang City

Surrounding hotels

    ——No surrounding hotels——

payment method

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You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
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Service Centre

Hubei Hailv Baishitong International Travel Agency Co., Ltd
Service hotline
Tourism consultant 15527918587
Yan Qing 027-65389462

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