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 Beijing Happy Valley


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Product No.: 12286

Beijing Happy Valley

Landscape price: ¥140 Market price: ¥160 element Starting price description
Scenic spot level: AAAA
Scenic spot classification: Beijing attractions
Package type:
Default type_1
Travel month:
June July August
Play date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of visitors:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this scenic spot is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

  • Remarks
  • Introduction to Scenic Spots
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  • Traffic conditions
  • Peripheral tickets
  • payment method
  • Last updated: 2014-07-02
Beijing Happy Valley is located in the southeast corner of Sifang Bridge, East Fourth Ring Road, Beijing, and connects Beijing Shenyang Expressway in the north. It is 10.2km away from Tiananmen in a straight line, and it takes 5 minutes to drive to the central business district (CBD) of Beijing, and 5 minutes to drive to the entrance of Beijing Tianjin Tanggu Expressway.

Introduction to Scenic Spots

Beijing Happy Valley It is a theme ecological park built by OCT Group with 20 years of professional accumulation and four years of dedication. It is Beijing The regional leader of cultural industry is a classic of modern tourism in China. With its fashionable, dynamic, joyful and dreamy humanistic charm, it has become an important symbol of Beijing's experience tourism! Beijing Happy Valley is located in the southeast corner of Sifang Bridge, East Fourth Ring Road, Chaoyang District, covering an area of 1 million square meters. Among them, the first phase of the park covers an area of about 540000 square meters, including the fjord forest, Atlantis, Lost Maya, Aegean Port Shangri-La And Ant Kingdom, which will be completed and opened in the summer of 2006. The second and third phases of the park, covering 50000 square meters and 400000 square meters respectively, will be launched after the opening of the first phase. Beijing Happy Valley has elaborately set up more than 120 experience projects, including more than 40 entertainment projects

Pictures of scenic spots

    ——No pictures of scenic spots——

Traffic conditions


payment method

1、 Registration method;

 1 , online shopping Online registration: sign a travel contract by emailing our customer service to confirm the travel price and the booking information of the tourist list (via QQ Online or email, WeChat, e-travel contract signed by email, scanning contract, camera (mobile phone) photography contract can be transferred after remittance) online shopping is the preferred best way for most customers. Fast and efficient. Saving time Email signing: we will send the stamped electronic contract document to your designated email address, and you will read the contract and relevant attachments as soon as you receive the email, and reply "Read, agree to this travel contract and sign" to complete the signing process.

two Signing contract application by fax and express Sign the travel contract and itinerary by fax, and transfer the money after the date and price are confirmed. Express signing: we will express the sealed contract to you, and after you sign it, it will be sent back to our company to complete the signing, If the visa materials need express delivery, please indicate the order number in the express so that the staff can handle them in time.

three On site registration Go to the travel agency to sign a travel contract, and consult and negotiate face to face. Pay cash to complete the scheduled registration.

four Telephone registration : Confirm the travel date price and reservation information by telephone to complete the transaction. SMS to confirm the tourist's name, ID number and other details. Sign travel contracts by sending SMS, MMS, WeChat, email, etc. Telephone bank payment.

five . On site service registration Go to the tourist office to apply for signing the contract and pay the money, mainly for tourists in the Fifth Ring Road in Beijing,

(In the Fifth Ring Road of Beijing, door-to-door service is available fifty From yuan)

2、 Payment method,

1、 Remittance and transfer settlement , online banking, mobile banking transfer remittance, bank transfer remittance, ATM ATM transfer remittance. WeChat, Alipay and other transfers are the best way for most customers to choose. Safe and fast, preferred for online shopping.

2、 Cash settlement , RMB cash settlement. There are ATM The machine is convenient for withdrawal and the business hall of each bank is convenient for transfer.

3、 Check settlement , need to advance six The contract will come into effect after the cheque payment is received. Only Beijing company can use check,

4、 Credit card settlement , tourists are required to pay service charges 2% , (foreign currency card swiping 8% Service charge). Credit card can be bound to Alipay to scan QR code for payment (remote payment), if necessary POS Please make an appointment in advance.

5、 Foreign guests and tourists Foreign currency settlement account BANK OF CHINA BEIJING BRANCH All currencies in the world are remitted to BOC.


be careful: You can remit the deposit for reservation, and then pay the cash or remittance balance, or you can pay part of the cash deposit, and then pay off the balance or remittance before leaving the group. For cheque payment and card swiping, it is the settlement method of remitting to the corporate account. If there is a refund, it can only be returned to the original account, and cash cannot be withdrawn. Remittance account, Bank of China, ICBC, Bank of Communications, China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, China Merchants. All major banks are convenient to use. Please do not make inter-bank remittance. Alipay please use urgent remittance to ensure immediate payment. The payment to account contract takes effect. Avoid delaying your travel.

Publish Consultation

You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
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Service Centre

Zhongtang International Travel Agency Co., Ltd. - Unified Holiday Department
Service hotline
24-hour free reservation hotline 010-51666871
Free door-to-door service hotline: 010-51666872
Tourism quality supervision hotline: 13051906288
Green fast service hotline 18901066209
24-hour SMS registration phone 13051246388
Group enterprise customer 13051243988

Booking process