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contact information

Three Gorges Special Line Tourism Center  0717-6760460

Three Gorges International Cruise Center  0717-6760088

Tourism center around Yichang  0717-6231377

Shenzhou Wuhan Railway Tourist Center  0717-6236377

Interbank grounding center  0717-6760920

Domestic group tourism center  0717-6760840

Conference reception center  0717-6760846

Inbound tourism center  0717-6862446

Traffic Ticket Reservation Center  0717-6862448

Fax room  0717-6862479

Public Relations and Marketing Department  0717-6863707

Tourist fleet dispatching center  0717-6863717

Customer Service Department  0717-6760930

Human Resources Department  0717-6760230

Planning Department  0717-6760530

Quality Supervision Department  0717-6754007

Finance Department  0717-6863776

General Manager's Office  0717-6760899

Individual customer consultation

Individual customer consultation

Individual customer consultation

Individual customer consultation

China (Yichang) Yilv Holiday International Travel Agency is an international tourism service enterprise registered by the competent department with independent legal personality. It is an influential, powerful and trusted tourism company. Under the baptism of years of hard work and market competition, it has become a professional company with influence and high visibility at home and abroad that sells the Three Gorges tourism of the Yangtze River and China tourism. It is your forever trusted travel partner. The company now has reception, outreach, scheduling, quality inspection, finance, ticketing, customer service Details>>

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