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On the 14th day of the first lunar month in Wutai Mountain, it is hard to find a room. Tourists, house prices have soared

Published on: February 4, 2012 Click: second

"With excitement, I silently sent my best wishes to my relatives and friends in the distance in the burning incense of prayer. The surging thoughts were comforted in the tranquil Buddhist scenic spot. There were no bright fireworks and deafening firecrackers in downtown festivals, only the occasional bell ringing and the Buddhist chanting of pure heart and quiet desire. Here I seemed to feel the reversal of time and space On February 17, Ms. Wang from Beijing and her fellow travelers exchanged their feelings of pilgrimage to Mount Wutai on the table of Yunfeng Hotel. Mount Wutai, a world heritage site, spent the festive Lantern Festival in the melodious morning bell and evening drum, with tourists and pilgrims praying silently.

In the early morning of the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month, pilgrims spontaneously gathered in the Wuye Temple (Wanfo Pavilion), the most popular incense burning temple in Wutai Mountain, Shanxi Province, to offer incense and pray. Mount Wutai is a famous Buddhist holy place at home and abroad, and is the ashram of Manjusri Bodhisattva. According to folklore, every New Year's Day and the 15th day is the most effective time for people to make wishes, so devout Buddhists will spontaneously go to pray and make wishes.

In Wutai Mountain, this Lantern Festival is special this year. There is no bright smoke and firecrackers in the downtown, and there are only a group of pilgrims' praying voices, The eyes were full of pious faces flushed by candles and curling cigarettes that rose when they worshiped respectfully with their hands burning incense... This was what the reporter saw in the morning of the 15th day of the first lunar month in Wuye Temple, the most incense burning temple in Wutai Mountain.

During the Lantern Festival, it was in the high risk period of continuous drought in the north. In recent days, in order to put an end to the fire caused by fireworks and firecrackers in the scenic area, Wutai Mountain has strictly ordered all forest (temple) fire protection personnel to patrol and monitor around the clock, and check from the source. No one is allowed to sell fireworks and firecrackers in Wutai Mountain. At the three entrances, law enforcement teams composed of public security, traffic police, armed police, fire departments and other departments have investigated all vehicles entering the mountain, All inflammable and explosive materials must be blocked from entering the scenic spot.

Kong Mingdeng is also one of the prohibited combustibles and explosives in Wutai Mountain. A forest ranger in Wutai Mountain told the reporter that Wutai Mountain is densely covered with forests and good vegetation. Kongming Lanterns are even more harmful than fireworks and firecrackers, and they are prohibited. The reporter saw that several fire engines were already in place outside the Wuye Temple, and the firefighters were ready to deal with emergencies. In the temple, there were already several water guns lying beside the two big incense burners, one high and one low, "staring" at the surroundings, and "protecting the law" for the incense burners every once in a while.

"Temple relics are the treasure of Mount Wutai. In order to protect the World Heritage Site, we must do this." In the bustling flow of pilgrims, we met Liu Binglong, the director of Mount Wutai Administration, who was busy with the staff on duty to dredge, and he left this sentence to the recorder.

The measures taken to ban fireworks and firecrackers in the scenic area have been understood and cooperated by the majority of tourists. Zhang Shufen (a dance teacher) from Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province, told the reporter, "This measure is taken by Mount Wutai to ensure the safety of the world heritage site and the people's lives and properties, and to create a safe, peaceful and happy festival atmosphere for tourists and residents."

At the peak of tourism, the most important thing is traffic order. Since 2:00 p.m. on February 16 (the 14th day of the first lunar month), a large number of cars have poured into Wutai Mountain through Wuxin Expressway. The major star hotels in the scenic area are full, and the beds of rural hotels are beginning to be tight. Bai Jie, the director of the Mountain Entrance Management Office, told reporters that in order to let tourists enter the mountain in an orderly manner as soon as possible, they added 10 temporary ticket outlets at the entrance of the south line, and added more than 30 ticket guides to serve tourists.

On the same day, the traffic police department of the scenic spot took precautions against the situation that most tourists would come to Wuye Temple to offer incense and pray for blessings in the early morning of the 15th day of the first month, and launched the emergency plan. In the evening, all vehicles going to the temple were strictly controlled, and large parking lots such as Zhuxiang Temple and Yangbaiyu were opened, from Puhua Temple to Yueliangwan (near Wuye Temple) Dozens of police were added to the main road sections of the traffic, and the traffic facilities of the up and down lines were deployed. More than 30 luxury buses and minibuses are dispatched to the scenic area to transport tourists day and night.

Accommodation problem: The price of 150 at ordinary times is 260 today, but it has not changed much.

At the time of press release, there was no major traffic accident or tourism complaint in Wutai Mountain.

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