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 Four Tour of Longsheng Scenery in Yangshuo, Guilin

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Product No.: 9981

Four Tour of Longsheng Scenery in Yangshuo, Guilin

Landscape price: ¥780 From yuan Starting price description
Date of dispatch: not filled in
Service commitment: None
Package type:
Including the above scenic spots tickets, Lijiang River boat tickets, fares and two star room fees for three nights, three breakfasts and six dinners
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

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  • Last updated: 2008-05-30
The reflection of the mountain is a bit hazy and clear. When are the fishing boats on the river and when are the red sails on the river? They flow through the reflection of the mountains. It really has the artistic conception of "the boat goes up on the top of the green mountain". Every scene of the Lijiang River is a typical Chinese ink painting in the Longsheng Hot Spring Scenic Spot, which is known as a natural oxygen bar because of its green peaks, lush trees, clouds, clear streams, fresh air, and the content of negative ions in the air of more than 9000 units per cubic centimeter.

The hot spring water gushes from the rock stratum 1200 meters deep underground, and is divided into two groups of springs. There are 16 large and small spring holes, and the water temperature is between 54 ℃ and 58 ℃. The hot spring water contains a variety of trace elements, which has the effects of softening blood vessels, anti-aging, and anti-cancer; It has good effects on insomnia, neuralgia, arthritis, rheumatism, diabetes, etc. It is identified as natural drinking mineral water by relevant experts of the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources and the Ministry of Health.

The resort boasts a unique swimming pool at the source of hot springs, a national first-class SPA (spa), VIP functional area, Chinese and Western restaurants, luxury suites, and more than 300 standard rooms, which are suitable for leisure, vacation, conference, etc

Reference travel

Schedule of Day 1     
  •  Four Tour of Longsheng in Yangshuo, Guilin _ Day 1 Schedule
  • visit Guilin City emblem - xiangshan park To see the Lijiang River going east and enjoy the Shuiyue Cave, and marvel at the uncanny workmanship of nature. swim Fubo Mountain Hear a beautiful legend in Huanzhu Cave and enjoy the unique sword stone in the world. Visit Yinlong Jewelry and climb famous mountains Piled Silk Hill Enjoy the scenery map of rivers and mountains, and take a bird's-eye view of the whole urban area.
Schedule of Day 2     
  •  Four Tour of Longsheng Scenery in Yangshuo, Guilin _ Schedule of Day 2
  • Go to Mill Panshan Wharf, (Mopanshan Wharf to Yangshuo Wharf) The 63km waterway of the Dali River in the whole section of the boat tour is beautiful, drunk with mountains and rivers, and happy with nature, nine-horse fresco hill Yellow cloth reflection , Beauty in the mirror.
Schedule of Day 3     
  •  Four Tour of Longsheng Scenery in Yangshuo, Guilin _ Schedule of Day 3
  • Take a bus to Longsheng and visit the famous Longji terrace After lunch, visit Yaozhai or Dongzhai Suspension Bridge to experience the local folk customs. Soak at night hot spring
Schedule of Day 4     
  •  Four Tour of Longsheng Scenery in Yangshuo, Guilin _ Schedule of Day 4
  • Visiting the palace of nature and art Reed Flute Cave Visit the Geology and Mineral Museum. appreciate Guangxi Ethnic minority tea art performances. swim Guilin The largest comprehensive park - Seven Star Park, Camel Hill Huaqiao, Huaxia Light Square


Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    The above quotation is for the average season. In peak season, Spring Festival, National Day and May Day, the fare will rise, and it will be calculated according to the current price.



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    Guilin Mingzhu Kanghui International Travel Agency
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    Tel.: 0773-2979353
    Fax: 0773-2100466
    24-hour hotline 13807739353
    msn1   chen8251118@hotmail.com
    msn   peng9353@hotmail.com

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