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 Sanya Yalong Bay Love Cube boutique outdoor one-day tour - diving+water dragon+lunch+beach development

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Product No.: 888788

Sanya Yalong Bay Love Cube boutique outdoor one-day tour - diving+water dragon+lunch+beach development

Landscape price: ¥368 Market price: ¥398 element Starting price description
Date of group sending: every day, it is recommended that you send the group in advance two Booking for more than days
Service commitment:
Package type:
independent travel
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

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  • Scenic spots passing by
  • Instructions for participation
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  • payment method
  • Last updated: 2024-01-12
Sanya Yalong Bay has a silver white beach with a length of 7 kilometers, and the sand quality is quite fine. The sea here is not polluted. The sea water is clean and transparent, showing several different blues from afar, and there are plenty of corals under the water. Following the inheritance of the main culture and thought of the totem pole, and being able to echo the 24 solar terms and the totem pole, the elements in the totem pole were extracted to expand and deepen as a spatial echo and integration.

Reference travel


At about 07:00, the bus will pick up the relatives at the designated place. Please have a good breakfast to maintain your strength. The journey of the day is very rich!

08:00 Arrive at the beautiful national AAAA level Travel? resort Yalong Bay Love Cube Seaside Park, ready for a happy day's journey.

At 09:00, they began to take turns to take charge of the submachine speedboat for deep sea diving, one-on-one scuba diving, or underwater diving in the sunken ship cave of the oceanarium. There are a lot of super fish and a variety of species, and underwater world Fish dance together and get close to each other!

11: 00 Speed and passion of water motorboat, crazy banana boat, speedboat sightseeing, board surfing

12: 00 Lunch Sanming There are more than 8 kinds of tropical seasonal fruit meals: watermelon, banana, pitaya, papaya, carambola, cherry tomatoes, mango, guava, drinks, etc

13: 30 Beach expansion games, sand sculpture, beach volleyball, beach football, beach crazy hula dance

14: Aquarium snorkeling, kayak, canoe, trampoline, seesaw, slide, etc

16: Around 00, pack up and return happily

The package includes the following items: passionate water dragon, ocean diving or diving at the Aicube base, one out of two, yacht sea sightseeing, fast banana boat or sailboat one out of two, sand sculpture, passionate surfing, skate snorkeling, water kayak, beach development, beach brand tearing, beach volleyball, beach football, lunch: (fruit platter, drinks, on-site sandwich making, unlimited)
Provide ID card number, name and telephone number after successful reservation

Reservation hotline: 0898-6660915/13086092831

Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    Children's play regulations and dining standards: children over 1.2m (including 1.2m) in play items; If children do not play in the program, they will only be charged 30 yuan for Hainan snacks, and they must book meals one day in advance;
    Note: Pregnant women, patients with recent surgery, epilepsy, asthma, heart disease, hypertension and other patients cannot participate in the package. Please inform us in advance of the above information. Please follow the coach's arrangement during the sea activities. If you find any place with poor service, please find a leader in the scenic spot to solve the problem. Do not go ashore or go home and then respond to the situation, otherwise the company will not accept it. Please bring sunshade cap, sunglasses, sunscreen, beach sandals/slippers, swimwear, dry/wet paper towels, towels/bath towels, personal snacks, medicines, etc. before departure. This package already includes accident liability insurance;
    Friendly tip: Therefore, the package is a special package. If some items in the package cannot be played due to weather or other human force majeure factors, as well as personal physical reasons, you cannot refund or replace other items. Play time: about 3.5 hours;



    payment method


    Alipay account: hnyouyou@hnyouyou.com

    Alipay account: w52hainan@qq.com


    Publish Consultation

    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
    • contact information:
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    Service Centre

    Hainan International Travel Agency
    Service hotline
    Company switchboard: 0898-66600915 (Line 20 is at your service)
    Reservation hotline: 13086092831

    Booking process