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 Sanya to Cambodia Tourism _ Sanya Direct Flight to Angkor Wat in Cambodia Five day Tour _ How much is it to Cambodia Tourism

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Product No.: 887244

Sanya to Cambodia Tourism _ Sanya Direct Flight to Angkor Wat in Cambodia Five day Tour _ How much is it to Cambodia Tourism

Landscape price: ¥1880 Market price: ¥2880 element Starting price description
Date of group sending: regular group sending, it is recommended that you send the group in advance six Booking for more than days
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  • Last updated: 2024-01-12
[High quality transportation] Sanya round-trip, direct flight to Phnom Penh, 2-hour direct flight without transfer
[Selected hotels] Phnom Penh local four-star hotel, three night Angkor local five-star hotel
[Colorful Scenic Spots] Angkor and Tomb Raider Shooting Site Tapulun Temple
[Intimate gift] One bottle of mineral water per person every day, and a group photo of Angkor Wat team

Reference travel

Schedule of Day 1      Accommodation: Phnom Penh Four Star Hotel
  •   Sanya - Phnom Penh HU453/21:10/21:45
    Please stay in Sanya at the specified time phoenix Concentrate in the international hall of the international airport and take a chartered flight under the leadership of the leader Cambodia Phnom Penh, the capital of. Phnom Penh is the capital of Cambodia and the largest city in Cambodia. It is also the political, economic, industrial, cultural Travel? The center covers an area of 370 square kilometers and has a population of about 2 million. Located in the Mekong River Tonle Sap Lake Phnom Penh in the delta between the Basha River was once called the "Pearl of Asia" by Westerners“ east Paris ", while the Chinese are accustomed to calling this land" four arm bay ". Check in the hotel upon arrival.  
Schedule of Day 2      Dining: breakfast, lunch, dinner Accommodation: local five-star hotel in Angkor
  • Phnom Penh Angkor
    After breakfast, go to visit [Sihanouk Palace, Jinyin Pavilion Temple] (about 1.5 hours) Grand Palace Let the gentle south wind accompany you to visit and listen to the unique Cambodian architecture and legendary historical stories, so that you can have a deeper and complete understanding of the past glorious history of Khmer. (Warm prompt: The Grand Palace It is the residence and office of Cambodian royal family. It is often temporarily closed due to royal family, politics, religion, memorial ceremonies and other reasons. If the scenic spot is closed, our club has the right to change the itinerary. At that time, we will temporarily change the appearance of the Grand Palace and visit the National Museum or other scenic spots without further notice. Please forgive me if you feel uncomfortable). Then we climbed to the highest point in Phnom Penh -- Tazi Mountain (also known as the bell tower) (about 40 minutes' visit), where there are famous local Chinese temple And enjoy the panoramic view of Phnom Penh. Visit the famous city signs of Phnom Penh【 Independence Monument 】Appearance (visiting time is about 10 minutes). This monument commemorates the establishment of the kingdom from the French colony in 1953. The tower symbolizes the hard process of the Khmer for independence. Take a bus later (about 5.5 hours' drive) Angkor Wat Location Siem Reap Province. Angkor is located in Siem Reap Province, about 314 kilometers away from the capital Phnom Penh. It is a symbol of the Cambodian nation and is known as one of the four wonders of the East. Check in the hotel upon arrival.  
Schedule of Day 3      Dining: breakfast, lunch, dinner Accommodation: local five-star hotel in Angkor
  • Greater Angkor City - Bayon Temple - Tapulun Temple - Angkor Wat - Royal Park
    After breakfast, go to the Great Angkor Imperial City (about 2 hours). First visit the South City Gate and its moat, and then enter the city to visit the Bayon Temple, which is composed of 49 pagodas of all sizes. The most special design is that each pagoda is engraved with the smiling face of Gaya Wallman VII three meters high on all sides, Like a sound and light stage show with novel design, the king's smile is more impressive than the grandeur of the building itself, because of his lofty eyebrows, moderate and stable nose, warm and thick lips, and benevolent temperament. Therefore, it has become the deepest impression of tourists. No wonder that his descendants will respect him as "Khmer's smile". Continue to visit [Bafang Temple], [Ancient Court Sculpture], [Douxiangtai], [Twelve Zodiac Pagodas] and other scenic spots. Later, go to [Tapulun Temple] (visiting time is about 1 hour), which is also called "Mother Temple". It was built in 1186. It is a temple built by King Gaya Walman VII of Angkor Dynasty in ancient Zhenla to commemorate his mother. It is an architectural work in the later Angkor culture. It is also one of the shooting sites of the famous movie Tomb Raider.
    After lunch, the hotel has a rest. Then take a thousand buses to Angkor Wat, one of the seven wonders of the world (about 2.5 hours). Angkor Wat is also known as Angkor Temple and Little Angkor. Located in the northwest of Cambodia, the original name is Vrah Vishnulok, which means "the temple of Vishnu", and the Chinese ancient book is called "Sang Xiang Buddha House". It is the best preserved temple in Angkor's historic sites. It is famous for its magnificent architecture and meticulous reliefs. It is also the largest temple in the world. In the 12th century, the Angkor king Suyebamo II hoped to build a grand grotto temple as the capital and temple of the Angkor dynasty. Therefore, it took the whole country about 35 years to build this historic site. The main scenic spots are the [City Guard Bridge], the [Main Temple], the [Long Corridor], the [Thousand Buddha Hall], the [Echo Hall], and the [Center Tower]. Go to Angkor [Royal Park] (about 30 minutes). It is located in the center of Angkor. What's special in the park is that there are huge flat bats hanging on the tree tops all the year round, as if accompanying sisters are reluctant to leave. Especially in the morning or evening, the scene of thousands of flat bats circling in the air is amazing. There are many large nanmu in Angkor Wat. In this royal park, you can see many giant trees over 100 years old. The air in the park is fresh, bringing bursts of green to the hot Angkor. Visit the Temple of Good Luck (about 30 minutes). It is one of the oldest temples in Siem Reap. It is large in scale, built at the end of the 15th century and the beginning of the 16th century, and has a history of 500 years. The appearance of the temple is exquisite, and the wall decoration at the gate is eye-catching. The temple has a Buddhist lecture hall and monks' squatters. All the paintings in the gallery have their stories, which are very exquisite. For dinner, enjoy Cambodian song and dance+buffet. Then return to the hotel for rest.
    Note: The inside of the scenic spot needs to be replaced by small traffic, because there are few vehicles, you may have to wait for some time, please forgive me!          
Schedule of Day 4      Meal: breakfast Accommodation: local five-star hotel in Angkor
  • Angkor
    After breakfast at the Silk Shop in Khmer Village, visit [Khmer Village] (about 60 minutes) to get close to Cambodian villagers and witness Khmer folk customs; Visit [Silk Store] The diverse patterns, bold conceptual designs, and rich colors and varieties of Cambodian silk are amazing. Cambodian flowers, birds, romantic scenes are exquisitely woven into silk fabrics. The scale of Naga and its intertwined Naga pattern are the most basic. The combination of jasmine flowers, durian spines, shining stars, peacocks, butterflies, rain frogs and other natural scenes and auspicious wishes to pray for harvest is also woven into silk. Cambodia's rural life is sometimes lovely and sometimes solemn. After the guests free activities, all day without meals. You can also take part in the tour guide's recommendation of boutique routes to learn more about Khmer Angkor.
Schedule of Day 5     
  • Angkor - Phnom Penh - Sanya
    After breakfast, deeply experience the local customs and customs, and go to the most popular and effective temple in Siem Reap [Sister Temple] (about 15 minutes' visit), with a pious heart and full of Angkor's blessing. Then visit the appearance of the old King Sihanouk's [King's Palace] (about 10 minutes). Then enjoy [Eastern style shabu shabu], and taste the local food improved into Chinese style shabu shabu. Visit [DFS duty-free shop] or [CDF duty-free shop] (excluding shopping shops) (about 60 minutes' stay), duty-free shopping malls, introduce the world's top brands, and believe that while visiting the ancient culture of Angkor and Khmer, the shopping enthusiasm of duty-free shops will add a lot of fashion elements to this trip! At the end of the trip, you can go to Phnom Penh Airport to check in at the designated time.  


Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    Expenses include
    1. Air ticket: team economy class air ticket and airport tax;
    2. Meals: Meals listed in the itinerary (6 meals in the morning, lunch and dinner in Cambodian style, breakfast is the hotel buffet). All meals are reserved before the tour. If you give up automatically after the tour, the meal fee will not be refunded During free activities, take care of meals by yourself. If you have special requirements for meals, please inform the relevant staff when you register, and we will try our best to arrange for you;
    3. Tourist attractions: the largest ticket for the tourist attractions listed in the itinerary (excluding the second ticket and personal consumption in the scenic spot). All tickets are confirmed before the tour. If you do not participate in the tour due to your own reasons, you will not be refunded. Please forgive me;
    4. Accommodation: hotels listed in the itinerary or equivalent
    Remarks: (1) The couple members can try to arrange the same room without affecting the total number of rooms, but if there is a single man and single woman in the whole group, the tour guide and the leader have the right to allocate rooms, and the guest insists that the guest must pay the increased costs (the costs incurred at that time should be paid to the hotel reception before leaving the hotel);
    5. Car use: tourist air-conditioned car (one seat for each person is guaranteed) (note: cars with less than 25 seats need to be replaced in Angkor's circle);
    6. Guide service: professional tour leaders cooperate to handle entry and exit procedures, and overseas Chinese tour guide services;
    7. Visa: landing visa fee for tourist groups;
    8. Insurance: travel agency liability insurance, personal travel accident insurance;
    The cost does not include
    1. The tip for fast entry customs clearance is 5 dollars per person;
    2. Private consumption (such as local transportation fees, laundry, telephone, drinks, shopping, hotel bed tip, luggage waiter tip, etc.);
    3. Additional expenses caused by all force majeure factors such as strike, typhoon, traffic delay or change;
    4. Take care of meals for transit and waiting;
    5. Temporary price increases of airline tickets and fuel surcharges, as well as temporary price increases and exchange rate increases of hotels caused by overseas conferences or local tourist seasons;
    6. The excess baggage charge charged by the airline;
    7. The difference between a single room and a single room is 1000 yuan only (to be discussed separately on holidays). If there is a single man and a single woman, and the guests are unwilling to make up for the difference, according to the current operating regulations of the tourism industry, the tourism agency has the right to arrange room pooling or add beds among the same batch of registered guests; If a single person signs up, the guest must make up for the difference in the single room if there is no way to pool rooms;
    8. Beverage, laundry, communication and other expenses in the hotel;
    9. All other personal expenses such as tips from local waiters;
    10. Foreigners must add a surcharge of 600 yuan/person;
    11. Hong Kong and Macao residents must add a surcharge of 300 yuan per person;



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    Alipay account: hnyouyou@hnyouyou.com

    Alipay account: w52hainan@qq.com


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    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
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    Hainan International Travel Agency
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    Company switchboard: 0898-66600915 (Line 20 is at your service)
    Reservation hotline: 13086092831

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