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 2019 Group Construction Plan of the Company | one-day tour of Langya Mountain in Yixian County, Hebei Province (red tour+experience glass viewing platform+national AAAA level scenic spot)

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Product No.: 879325

2019 Group Construction Plan of the Company | one-day tour of Langya Mountain in Yixian County, Hebei Province (red tour+experience glass viewing platform+national AAAA level scenic spot)

Landscape price: ¥245 Market price: ¥320 element Starting price description
Date of group sending: every day, it is recommended that you send the group in advance five Booking for more than days
Service commitment:
Package type:
One day tour from Beijing to Langya Mountain
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

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  • Last updated: 2020-02-25
One day tour from Beijing to Langya Mountain in 2019 | One day tour telephone number of Langya Mountain | How much is one day tour of Langya Mountain
Langya Mountain Scenic Area is located at the eastern foot of Taihang Mountain in the west of Yixian County, Baoding City, 45 kilometers away from the county seat. The mountain is steep and steep, so it is named because it looks like sharp wolf teeth. On Langya Mountain, five soldiers of the Eighth Route Army fought with Japanese invaders in bloody battles, and finally sacrificed themselves by jumping off the cliff. Therefore, Langya Mountain is also known to people. Now when you visit Langya Mountain, you can not only see the magnificent and beautiful mountain scenery, but also remember the five heroes who sacrificed themselves to fight against the enemy.
Langya Mountain is high. The main peak, Lianhuapi, is 1105 meters above sea level. There are many peaks in the mountain. It takes about 3 hours for tourists to climb the mountain one way, and about 5 hours for the whole journey. There is also a cableway in the mountain. There are some scenic spots to visit at the foot of Langya Mountain, between the mountains and on the top of the mountain, mainly including the Five Warriors Museum, the Five Warriors Memorial Tower, the Red Agate Cave, the West Tianmen Gate, and Qipantuo. You can visit the deeds of the Five Warriors, commemorate the martyrs, and enjoy the cave scenery and spectacular mountain scenery photographed. The tour content is rich.

Reference travel

2019 Beijing reach Langya Mountain One day tour | One day tour telephone of Langya Mountain | How much is a one-day tour of Langya Mountain

The activities are arranged as follows:

7: zero 0---10: zero zero Depart at the time and place specified by your company, Take Beijing Kunming Expressway, To be called; estimate three hour

10: zero 0--1 two : thirty Visit Langya Mountain Scenic Area, climb Langya Mountain, visit the Five Warriors Memorial Hall, visit the Red Agate Cave, the Five Warriors Monument, chessboard lump, cliff jumping, etc; Listen to the heroic deeds of the Five Warriors and see the relevant exhibits of the Five Warriors, and feel the heroic spirit of the Communists at the most critical moment of the Chinese people.

one two : 30--13 00 Gather in the parking lot, go to the local farmyard for dinner, and taste Angezhuang stewed reservoir fish in iron pot;

13:30--16: zero zero visit (Taihang Water Town) Love Township ·Taihang Water Town is located in the core area of Beijing Tianjin Hebei integration - the first batch of nationwide Travel? Yixian County, Baoding, a demonstration county, is located in the central hub of Baidu Resort in the west of Beijing. It is adjacent to Yishui Lake, a national water conservancy scenic spot, to the north is Qingxi Tomb, a world cultural heritage, to the south is Langya Mountain, a red shrine, and to Baishi Mountain and Yesanpo 5A Grade A tourist attraction is a place where you can really see mountains, water and homesickness

16:30 Gather in the parking lot, return to the unit, and look forward to the next group building activity.

Press twenty More than offer two ninety element / people  30 Quotation for more than people: two hundred and sixty-five element / People forty Quotation for more than people: two hundred and forty-five element / people

Including: transportation: round-trip pickup for one day (including expressway fee)

         admission ticket: Langya Mountain Ticket Tickets for Taihang Water Town

         Lunch: local farmhouse special lunch, table meal ten Every table, no drinks

         Insurance: travel insurance

         Leader: accompanied by staff







Instructions for participation

Professional contracting of red tourism routes around Beijing, independent groups, and free of individual visitors
The above itinerary quotation is for reference only. According to your number of people and requirements, we can calculate the quotation and add the red tourist attractions Langya Mountain, Taihang Water Town, Baishi Mountain Glass Plank Road and Baiyang Lake. We look forward to your call


Friendly tips:
1. Spring travel, the weather is relatively cool, I hope you can properly increase clothing during the travel.
2. When visiting the scenic spots, we hope you should pay attention to safety and not go to dangerous areas
3. It normally takes two and a half hours to drive from Beijing to Yixian County in Hebei Province. I hope you can get ready.
4. For the above lines, we recommend that you travel at ordinary times. We only accept company group travel, individual tourists or individuals do not disturb. Group hotline: 18701130517, 13910128400 WeChat synchronization QQ: 1978621419

payment method

1. Cash;

2. Alipay transfer (timely arrival within 2 hours);

3. Cheque;

4. Company account transfer

Publish Consultation

You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
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Service Centre

Chengzhi Tianhong (Beijing) Business Co., Ltd
Service hotline
Consulting telephone (preferred) 18701130517
Consulting hotline: 13910128400
Tel: 01056217641

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