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 Pure Paradise - 9 days and 8 nights of pilgrimage in Nepal

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Product No.: 872700

Pure Paradise - 9 days and 8 nights of pilgrimage in Nepal

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  • Last updated: 2018-10-23
[Kingdom of Gods, Kingdom of Smiles]
★ Paradise in the Mountains Kathmandu: a solemn and simple history museum
★ Vacation resort - Pokhara: a quiet place with snow mountain scenery
★ Primitive forest Qiewang: an ornamental garden for wild animals
★ Unity of Heaven and Man Nagaguote: pursuit of quiet meditation
★ Buddha's seal Lumbini: a place of piety under the bodhi tree
★ Architectural relics - Badgang: unique living architectural sites

Reference travel

Schedule of Day 1      Accommodation: Kathmandu
  • According to the mission dispatch notice Chongqing Assemble at Jiangbei Airport Kunming Meet at H Island, the international departure hall on the third floor of Kunming Changshui International Airport at 12:00 pm, and fly to Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal by China Eastern Airlines International Flight. Reference flight: Chongqing Kunming MU5449 06:50-08:30 Kunming Kathmandu MU2571 15 : 25 - 16 : 40 [Kathmandu] is the capital and largest city of Nepal, located in Kathmandu Valley, at the junction of Bagmati River and Bixingmati River. The city is surrounded by mountains with an altitude of 1370 meters. Kathmandu, referred to as Katmandu for short, is divided into two parts: the new city and the old city. Kathmandu is an ancient city with a history of more than 1000 years. It was founded in 723. It has become a symbol of Nepal's ancient culture with exquisite architectural art and wood and stone carvings. Nepalese dynasties have built a large number of palaces, temples, pagodas, halls, temples and other buildings here. There are more than 250 pagodas and temples in the city center with an area of less than 7 square kilometers, and the city is large and small temple There are more than 2700, which can really be described as "five steps and one temple, ten steps and one nunnery". Therefore, some people call this city "the city of temples" and "the open-air museum". [Bodahada Pagoda] (sightseeing time is no less than 30 minutes) is the largest round pagoda in the world, with huge white dome and extraordinary momentum, giving people a feeling of generosity. There is a square tower on the huge white covered bowl, with huge Buddha eyes painted on all sides, indicating that Buddhism is boundless and everything is visible. Above the eye of Buddha is a golden steeple. There are 108 relief Buddha statues of Amitabha Buddha carved on the outer edge of the tower base. The small Buddha statues are stained with red paint and wearing yellow flowers. The prayer flags fly in the wind. These are tied when people wish to return their vows. The Tibetan people call the prayer flags Fengma Banner, and the Tibetan people call them Longda. The flag has five colors, representing the five basic elements of the world. Red is fire, blue is sky, white is cloud, green is water, and yellow is the ground. The Buddhist scripture is printed on it to bless all living beings. One horse in the middle rides the wind and goes straight to heaven. There is a Tibetan prayer wheel in the wall jar at the bottom. Pilgrims read scriptures while turning the prayer wheel. It is said that it takes a thousand times to make a merit.  
Schedule of Day 2      Dining: breakfast, lunch, dinner Accommodation: Nagaguote
  •  Pure heaven - Nepal pilgrimage for 9 days and 8 nights _ itinerary of the second day
  • D2: Kathmandu Nagaguot (32km, about 1-2 hours by car) [Swayan Bharat Temple] (sightseeing time is not less than 30 minutes) is one of the world cultural heritage sites in Nepal. It means "self illumination". Because there are hundreds of wild monkeys fed by monks regularly here, commonly known as "Monkey Temple". The tower base is a white hemisphere with a height of 10 meters. The circle on the first floor of the base symbolizes "ground"; The second floor is square, symbolizing "Qi"; The third layer is a triangle, symbolizing "water"; The fourth layer is umbrella shaped, symbolizing "fire"; The spiral image of the fifth layer symbolizes "life". The tower body is a square steeple and resplendent. A pair of Nepalese divine eyes are painted on all sides of the tower. The tower cone is a thirteen layer gold plated ring, representing thirteen levels and knowledge, which is the way to Nirvana. A huge gem is embedded at the tip of the umbrella cover on the top of the tower, representing Nirvana. It is a pleasure to stand on the observation platform of the temple and watch the panoramic view of Kathmandu. When the weather is fine, you can also see the Himalayas. When the sun sets, there is another splendid scene. [Pantanduba Square] (The tour time is no less than 40 minutes) One of the world cultural heritage of mankind in Nepal, the monarchs of all dynasties built their own ideal palaces and temples here. Over time, exquisite palaces and temples have been built around the square, forming an area with unique Nepalese religious and ethnic characteristics. The buildings in Patandauba Square are arranged in order and magnificent. The rectangular square is long from north to south and short from east to west. The palace occupies the whole east of the square. Its museum is also a fascinating place. It is also listed as one of the world cultural heritage. [Badgangduba Square] (sightseeing time is no less than 30 minutes) palace , including many palaces, courtyards, temples, statues, etc. with artistic characteristics, known as "the essence and treasure house of medieval Nepalese art". The Golden Gate and 55 Window Palace are famous for their exquisite copper casting and wood carving arts, which are rare art treasures. The Golden Gate, as its name implies, is a golden and resplendent door, which stands out among many red buildings. 55 Window Palace was built in 1700 AD, with red brick walls decorated with beautiful backgrounds and carved patterns, and a balcony with 55 windows. [Nagaguot] is known as "the viewing platform of Himalayas". Because this is the widest and best view of the Himalayas in Kathmandu Valley. Here, you can enjoy the panoramic view of Himalayan Snow Mountain, which is like a jade belt hanging in the sky. If the visibility is high, you can also see the world's highest peak - Mount Qomolangma. It was once a seclusion of Nepalese rulers, but it began to become the most popular scenic spot to watch sunrise and sunset in the 1970s. There are more than 20 peaks over 6000 meters facing the Himalayas, including Mount Everest, Annapurna, Gangdise Holy Mountain and other world-famous peaks.  
Schedule of Day 3      Dining: breakfast, lunch, dinner Accommodation: Qiewang
  • D3: Nagaguot Qiewang (160 km, about 6 hours' drive) [Qiewang] The south of Nepal is a wide plain, where rivers form alluvial fans, nourishing fertile water and soil, thus generating a large area of wildlife habitat and lush forests. Like its name, Qiewang is full of magical places, where all kinds of wild animals and plants live in harmony and enjoy themselves. Qiewang used to be a royal hunting ground. The establishment of a national park in 1973 saved the lives of these wild animals, continued their heritage, and showed the importance of protecting nature to the world. Here, tourists like to observe wild animals and natural environment and enjoy outdoor activities. [Tanu Village] [Rapti River to watch the sunset on the long river] [Tanu Singing and Dancing Performance] (Tour time is not less than 50 minutes)
Schedule of Day 4      Dining: breakfast, lunch, dinner Accommodation: Qiewang
  •  Pure heaven - Nepal pilgrimage for 9 days and 8 nights _ itinerary of the fourth day
  • D4: Qiewang - Lumbini - Qiewang (about 3 hours' drive) After breakfast, drive to Lumbini Garden. [Lumbini Garden] (The tour time is not less than 50 minutes) Lumbini, the birthplace of Buddha Sakyamuni, Madame Moya Temple, ancient bodhi trees, Buddha's practice platform, Ashoka Stone Pillar and Pukarni Holy Pool, as well as the only Chinese Temple invested by the Chinese government overseas and the magnificent temples donated by surrounding countries. Lumbini is a pilgrimage place that millions of Buddhist believers in the world will never miss. Go there to experience a journey of Buddhist purification of the mind! Enjoy outdoor activities. [Tanu Village] [Rapti River to watch the sunset on the long river] [Tanu Singing and Dancing Performance] (Tour time is not less than 50 minutes)
Schedule of Day 5      Meal: breakfast, lunch Accommodation: Pokhara
  • D5: Chitwan Pokhara (160 km, about 6 hours' drive) [Pokhara], the most famous scenic spot in Nepal. At an altitude of more than 800 meters, the urban population is less than 100000, which is much more peaceful than the bustling Kathmandu. In particular, Pokhara is located in the Himalayan valley, nestled under the Annapurna Peak and Fishtail Peak, which are covered with snow all the year round, and close to the charming Feiwa Lake. The lush vegetation and magnificent snow mountain scenery form a strong contrast, Become the most popular in Nepal Travel? One of the locations. [Fawa Lake] (sightseeing time is no less than 50 minutes) is the second place in Nepal big lake It covers an area of about 6 square kilometers. It is also a royal resort in Nepal, adjacent to Hunan The shore is the palace of the Nepalese king. There are colorful wooden boats and sailboats by the lake for rent to tourists. At any time, you can feel the tranquility of Feiwa Lake from any angle. In the evening, the golden sunset of Annapurna Snow Mountain shines in the lake. You can lie on the bank or sit in a boat and slowly enjoy the beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains. Therefore, boating on Feiwa Lake should be a must for every tourist. Half lying in the boat, the boatman can swing the boat around and enjoy the scenery of the lake and mountains and the tranquility away from the crowd. It's really an immortal day. [Shakti Temple] (no less than 10 minutes) is the most important symbol of Pokhara. Shakti, the goddess of strength, is a female protection god. Here, many female worshippers can often be seen bringing many female animals and poultry across the lake to sacrifice to the gods, and now it has become an indispensable part of the marriage ceremony of local people.  
Schedule of Day 6      Dining: breakfast, lunch, dinner Accommodation: Pokhara
  • D6: Pokhara [Sarancote] (no less than 60 minutes) is the highest peak of Pokhara, and also the closest mountain to the Nepalese landmark Yuwei Peak. It is famous as the best place to watch the snow capped mountains. Standing on the observation platform, you can enjoy the magnificent scenery of the Himalayas, Yuwei Peak and Annapurna mountains. At sunrise, dawn and sunset every day, the changing light and shadow decorate the snow mountain beautifully. From the lakeside area to Sarancote, it is still a classic hiking route. On the way to climb, you can enjoy the cascade of terraces. With the turning of the mountain road, the towering mountain scenery will suddenly appear, bringing you endless joy. Sarancote is also a good place for gliding, with a large number of tourists gliding here every day. [David Falls] Another translation: Davis Falls (the tour time is not less than 10 minutes) is because a couple named Davis from Switzerland bathed here and were washed away by a sudden stream. Their life and death were unknown, so the world found the waterfall and named it after them. The waterfall itself is eroded by the melting snow on the mountain and then flows into a stream, forming a big hole through the soft soil for a long time, finally forming a waterfall and flowing into the ground. The World Peace Pagoda (no less than 150 minutes of sightseeing) is located on the mountain ridge beside Lake Fava. It was built by Buddhists and monks in Nepal, Japan, Thailand and Sri Lanka to pray for world peace. On the four walls of the pagoda are statues of Buddha Sakyamuni in different periods. Here you can not only overlook the breathtaking lake scenery, but also gaze at the endless snow peak. Note: Since the road to the World Peace Tower is difficult, guests are advised to visit it according to their physical conditions.  
Schedule of Day 7      Dining: breakfast, lunch, dinner Accommodation: Kathmandu
  • D7: Pokhara Kathmandu (230 km, about 6 hours' drive) [Tamil Street] (no less than 100 minutes' tour time) is a base camp for tourists from all over the world. It is not only a foreign-related tourist area specially set up by the Nepalese government in Kathmandu, but also a tourist paradise integrating accommodation, food and shopping. It has all the best in Cadu. The nostalgic hippies and South Asian mixed customs are permeated in the wind. Hotels, restaurants with different flavors, bookstores, handicraft stores, Internet cafes travel agency Supermarkets, banks and foreign exchange shops are widely distributed in small areas. You can buy many Nepalese handicrafts you like here, including the famous Nepalese wood carvings and paper lanterns. style="mso-spacerun:'yes'; Font family: Tahoma; color:rgb(0,0,0); font-size:12.0000pt;mso-font-kerning:0.0000pt; ">, Madame Moya Temple, ancient bodhi tree, Buddha's practice platform, Ashoka Stone Column and Pukarni Holy Pool, as well as the only Chinese Temple invested and built by the Chinese government overseas and the magnificent temples donated by surrounding countries. Lumbini is a pilgrimage site that millions of Buddhist believers in the world will never miss. Go there to experience a Buddhist journey to purify the mind! Enjoy outdoor activities. [Tanu Village] [Rapti River to watch the sunset on the long river] [Tanu Singing and Dancing Performance] (Tour time is not less than 50 minutes)
Schedule of Day 8      Meal: breakfast, lunch Accommodation: Kunming
  • D8: Kathmandu Kunming [Paspatina Temple] (the tickets are provided by the tourists themselves, excluding the car guide) (the tour time is not less than 30 minutes), also known as Paspatina Temple, is a Hindu temple located on the bank of Bagmati River in the east of Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. It is one of the four temples dedicated to Shiva in the Indian subcontinent, and its construction date can be traced back to AD 400. For more than 1500 years, an endless stream of pilgrims came to Paspatina Temple to pay homage to the great statue of Shiva in their hearts. Take China Eastern Airlines International Flight to Kunming Reference Flight: Kathmandu Kunming MU2572 17:30-22:45 End the pleasant trip to Nepal. This scenic spot should have its particularity, and some guests can't accept it. The guests decide whether to go or not at their own discretion, and the tickets are at their own expense. Check in after arriving in Kunming
Schedule of Day 9     
  • Arrive at the airport in advance according to the flight, and take the plane back to the beautiful mountain city Chongqing Reference flight: Kunming Chongqing MU2996 07:45-09:20


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    Instructions for participation

    1. Passport handling fees (personal passport shall be prepared by yourself, and the validity period of more than half a year shall be guaranteed when it is submitted to our agency for visa); The last page of an old passport must be signed in person (in block letters).
    2. Outbound travel accident insurance (guests are recommended to purchase it by themselves);
    3. Single room difference (if one person uses one room, it will be paid): 1600 yuan/whole journey.
    4. Personal consumption outside the trip (such as telephone charges, extra tips, hotel dry cleaning fees, excess baggage charges, etc.);
    5. The expenses incurred due to force majeure such as strike, weather, road interruption, flight cancellation, delay or circumstances beyond the control of travel agencies are not included. The travel agency can adjust the itinerary accordingly after obtaining the written consent of the guest. In case of any increase in expenses, the guest shall bear the expenses; Our company will not bear the tariff generated by the articles purchased by the guests themselves



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    Chongqing China Travel Service (Group) Co., Ltd. Shapingba Xiaolongkan Plaza Store (Finance: Wen Zhiqun) - Real time arrival Alipay account: 18983917337 WeChat transfer: 18983917337

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