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Product No.: 870734

What interesting tourist attractions are there in Qinghai | Introduction to tourist attractions in Qinghai | 5-day train tour from Shijiazhuang to Qinghai

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  • Last updated: 2020-01-20
Qinghai Lake, Chaka Salt Lake, Ta'er Temple and Heima River

Reference travel

D1 Shijiazhuang - Xining             Meal : None get accommodation : Train

Shijiazhuang takes the train to Xining, the summer capital known as the pearl of the plateau Reference train number: T175/16:01-10:41 or Z151/18:32-14:17

Warm tip: Before the guests leave, the person sending them off will contact the guests by SMS or phone for the collection and departure time. Please keep your mobile phone open.

D2 Xining/ Chaka Salt Lake /Heima River Meal : Morning and evening get accommodation : Heima River/ Qinghai Lake

arrive Qinghai Xining, the provincial capital, meets the station and then goes to China's "Mirror of the Sky" [Chaka salt lake , (about 90 minutes)] Chaka Salt Lake is located near Chaka Town, Wulan County, Haixi Mongolian and Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province. She has a colorful beauty, and is also known as the sky of Bolivia. Coming here, it is like coming to the world of salt. The road is paved with salt, the railway subgrade is also paved with salt, and even the sculptures in the scenic spot are carved with salt. Walking on the salt lake, one feels more or less like walking into the glacier, as if walking on the water, between heaven and earth, so clean, so ethereal. Pick up a handful of salt that is as white as snow, which makes people love it. It is China's "sky realm". Here is {country Travel? Geography} magazine was rated as "one of the 55 places one must go in one's life". Stay in Heima River or Qinghai Lake and enjoy the sunrise of the most beautiful Qinghai Lake the next day.


1. Xining is 2300 meters above sea level, and most people will not have hyperallergenic reaction. However, please do not exercise hard, pay attention to rest, and do not catch a cold when you first arrive at the plateau;

2. Due to the vast area in northwest China and the long driving distance between scenic spots, tourists should pay attention to rest when traveling in northwest China

3. Allocate time to participate in tourism activities with sufficient physical strength. In addition, wear a pair of shoes with good fit and breathability, which can save unnecessary trouble for your journey.

D3 Heima River/Qinghai Lake/ Ta'er Temple /West Meal : Morning noon get accommodation : Xining

After breakfast, go to [Qinghai Lake Erlang Sword Scenic Spot], a pearl on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau (about 120 minutes). Erlangjian Scenic Area, with its special geographical position of winding deep into Qinghai Lake, ecological natural resources dominated by grasslands, beaches and animals, and folk cultural activities as its content, has become a dazzling pearl of Qinghai Lake tourist area. In the beautiful scenic spot, you can enjoy it on foot, or feel the unique feeling of boating on the plateau.

After that, we will present [Tibetan Folk Village in Kesur] (90 minutes) to appreciate the local customs of Kangba Tibetan, visit the mysterious Tibetan villages, and feel the landscape of the combination of Han and Tibetan. On the way, the Jade Kunlun Service Area Tibetan Jewelry Center (60 minutes) mainly sells Kunlun Tibetan jewelry (the Jade Kunlun Tourist Shopping Shop is the tourist shopping shop designated by Qinghai Provincial Tourism Administration).

In the afternoon, visit the Ta'er Temple, one of the six major monasteries of the Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism (excluding the explanation fee, about 90 minutes of sightseeing). In Tibetan, the Ta'er Temple is called "Gun Ben Xian Bahrain", which means "one hundred thousand lion trunk roaring Buddha statues". It is the birthplace of Tsongkhapa Master. The tenth Panchen Master also held a bed sitting ceremony here to enjoy the three world-famous art wonders - butter, embroidery and murals, Understand the profound and extensive Tibetan Buddhist culture.


1. Ta'er Temple temple It is strictly forbidden to shoot inside, and the consequences of sneak shooting are very serious, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble; Don't buy Tibetan knives or the furs of any wild animals, the horns and skulls of wild Tibetan antelopes in the hands of vendors outside the temple. In fact, if you are found carrying these items when you leave the local area, you may face great trouble.

D4 Xining Shijiazhuang Meal : Morning get accommodation : Train

After breakfast, a 4A level scenic spot [Qinghai Tibetan Medicine Museum Visit] (about 120 minutes) is the only comprehensive professional museum in the world that reflects Tibetan medicine culture, where you can enjoy the ancient charm of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau. At present, there are eight exhibition halls and pharmacists for Tibetan medical history, Man Tang instruments, ancient books and documents, Tibetan medicine specimens, astronomical calendar, color painting grand view, Tibetan folk customs, Tibetan calligraphy Thousand Buddha Hall Tibetan medicine has a history of nearly 4000 years. The 80 Thangkas displayed in the Tang Instrument Exhibition Hall are unique in the history of medicine and are also rare in the history of medicine in the world.

Later presented to the Qinghai Tibet Plateau Museum of Natural History (About 120 minutes), the Qinghai Tibet Plateau Natural Museum is located in the Qinghai Tibet Plateau Natural Museum in Xining, Qinghai Province, with a total investment of 120 million yuan, which took three years to complete. The Qinghai Tibet Plateau Natural History Museum is the largest natural history museum in China at present. The completion of the museum has filled the gap in introducing the natural ecology of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau in an all-round way in China and the world, and has become another golden card of the tourism resources of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau. After the visit, you can freely choose and buy gifts in the museum.

After lunch, arrange a driver or taxi to take the tourists to the railway station (without a guide) and send them to Xining Railway Station to return to Shijiazhuang by hard sleeper. Refer to Z152 14:30-11:43 or T176/12:05-06:39

D5 Arrive at Shijiazhuang (North) Station to end the pleasant journey

Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    Reservation hotline: 0311 - 89852503, 89642870, 13832398212 (the same as WeChat)
    Person in charge: She Yanwei
    Customer service QQ: 2321852306 2235070030 1440529932 2271219040 1648345045
    Address: B806 above Beiguo Supermarket at the intersection of Zhonghua Avenue and Heping Road (you can take No.8, No.108, No.17, No.4, No.5 or No.76 bus in the city)
    More routes can be found at: http://lxs.cncn.com/63098
    Departure date and price: The price is due to the fluctuation of hotel price, ticket price and other factors. Please contact the customer service on our website before registration to confirm the schedule and real-time price.

    Please confirm the real-time price in advance due to hotel, air ticket and other factors


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    Service Centre

    Hebei Overseas International Travel Service Zhonghua Street Business Department
    Service hotline
    Consulting hotline 1 0311-89642870
    Consulting hotline 2 0311-89852503
    Consulting number 3 is the same as WeChat 13832398212

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