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 Returning to Popularity - 8 Days of Taste Bud Tour in Bangkok and Pattaya

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Product No.: 868626

Returning to Popularity - 8 Days of Taste Bud Tour in Bangkok and Pattaya

Landscape price: ¥4380 Market price: ¥4680 element Starting price description
Date of group sending: every day, it is recommended that you send the group in advance seven Booking for more than days
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The price varies greatly with seasons. Please refer to
Departure month:
June July August
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one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

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  • Last updated: 2019-09-02
Accommodation: stay in a unique Thai hotel and stay in Bangkok for two nights with five international stars. Feel the different customs!
Catering: Bawang General Noodle, Pattaya Condom Theme Restaurant, H5 Hotel Buffet, Siamese Impression Buffet, Oriental Princess Boat Meal, Emperor's Night Supper, Pattaya's 56th Floor Buffet, KING POWER International Buffet, which is delicious enough to stop!
Human demon style: explore the Princess, get close to the strange "beauty" that is hard to distinguish between male and female, romantic Siam Bay, gentle sea breeze, and feel the unique beauty that only Thailand has!
Exciting and funny: Adventure boats fight crocodile lake, ride elephants, ride carriages, get a close look at the cuteness of ferocious crocodiles, and watch the cute elephants perform to feed cute baby elephants.
Thai massage: Thailand Shuijingjing's skillful technique allows you to experience the real Thai style horse killing chicken!
Classic scenic spots: Grand Palace, Jade Buddha Temple, touch the dragon vein of Thai culture, explore the details of Thai culture
Ampawa water market: people on the boat can experience the unique Thai style!
Visit the Chao Phraya River: Take a comfortable long tail boat to visit the beautiful mother river of Thailand, enter the river of life in Bangkok, and feel the exotic life!
Thailand Folk Custom Park: experience the traditional water sprinkling festival in Thailand, and experience the unique customs of Thai culture

Reference travel

first day

Urumqi Urumqi- Bangkok  

Please gather at the airport at the designated time. Take the passenger plane to the transfer place, and check in the transfer hotel after arrival.

Breakfast: excluding lunch: excluding dinner: excluding

the second day

Transit place Bangkok

According to the flight time, we will fly to Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, and the tour guide will greet the distinguished guests in the airport lobby to start a wonderful and rich journey in Thailand.

Breakfast: excluding lunch: excluding dinner: depending on the flight

on the third day

Bangkok [Rama Dynasty] The Grand Palace 】-[Boat tour Meinan River 】-[Overlord General's Face] - [Thai Ancient Massage]-【 Amphawa Floating Market

After breakfast in the hotel, visit the Grand Palace, which symbolizes the glory and prosperity of the Rama Dynasty (about 90 minutes), and then visit the Jade Buddha, the first national treasure of Thailand, on the side of the palace【 Wat Haw Pha Kaew 】The Jade Buddha Temple is famous around the world for its three characteristics of spire decoration, architectural decoration and murals in the cloister, reflecting the art treasures of Thai Buddhist architecture, sculpture and painting. Gold plated pagodas, green painted roof tiles and mosaic columns are his representative works. Then go to [boat tour of the Meinan River] (about 30 minutes) to enjoy the scenery on both sides. After that, we will give Thai authentic characteristics [Thai ancient massage] (60 minutes) (warm tip: 50 baht per person is required. Children under the age of 18 will not be arranged for massage) to relieve fatigue and hard work of a day's travel. Then go to [Ampawa Water Market] and experience the unique Thai style. Return to the hotel. Gift of mango glutinous rice

Breakfast: Lunch in the hotel: General Bawang Noodle Dinner: Siam Impression Buffet

The Fifth Day

Pattaya【 coral island 】[Celebrity Island] [Pattaya Sightseeing Tower] Sea View Restaurant Enjoy [Emperor's Night Dinner - Shark's Fin and Bird's Nest (Sea View Restaurant Coconut Bird's Nest+Shark's Fin in Casserole+Crab Winter Noodles)]【 Oriental Princess 】[Fengyue Pedestrian Street]

After breakfast, we remind you that you must not wear trousers and leather shoes to go to sea. Take a speedboat to east Hawaii is known as the "Coral Island" (over 60 years old, you must use a big boat, no speedboat, and sign various safety issues on the island). The island is white and thin, with clear water at the bottom. The group can enjoy the sunshine and sea bathing as well as water projects on the sea. After leaving the island, continue to visit [Celebrity Island]. Thailand【 Ban Phatthaya Sightseeing Tower] As the highest building in Pattaya, it slides down from 240 meters to overlook the coastal scenery of Pattaya and the Pacific Ocean! In the evening, [Oriental Princess] "60m" is a must for foreign tourists. It is not the night view of Siam Bay that is famous, but the beauty of oriental princesses. The exquisite singing and dancing performance of Thai banshees makes it difficult for many people to distinguish the female and male beauties on the stage. We will get close contact with them on the ship. The people who serve dishes for you and dance with you are the beautiful fairy princess in full dress. Here we remind you that if you are "harassed" by a demon, you'd better calm down and take it calmly. Please don't travel agency Complain about their enthusiasm and friendliness! Then go to [Fengyue Pedestrian Street] to experience the exotic nightlife, and return to the hotel after sightseeing.        

Breakfast: hotel buffet lunch: luxury seafood dinner: oriental princess cruise ship flavor meal

Day 6

Pattaya - [Original Stone Museum], [Temple Temple], [Shafari Sihe]

After breakfast in the hotel, go to the Raw Stone Museum to see how Thai gems are made from raw stones into crystal clear gems and processed by Tess, and then go to the Temple to pay homage to four Buddhas, known as the "Buddha who responds to requests". The Buddha has four faces, representing love, career, health and wealth, and is in charge of all affairs in the world, It is very effective in seeking wealth or marriage. It is also the favorite of Hong Kong and Taiwan stars, and is one of the most popular Buddhist statues in Thailand. Then we go to Shafari Four in One [Riding Elephants in the Jungle]: (about 10 minutes) Forest fields, elephants walk leisurely and enjoy the unique atmosphere of Thailand. You can sit on the back chair of the elephant that only the emperor and the general could ride in ancient Siam, bathe in the fragrance of the forest, experience the stimulation, and feel the feeling of being high as an ancient emperor. [Riding a Thai carriage]: (about 10 minutes) Let you enjoy the cool and exotic scenery in the Thai pony car against the gentle breeze. [Monkey School]: (about 20 minutes) Here you can see the training of macaques, and also enjoy the various funny pictures that macaques perform after training. Experience the thrill and excitement of [Crocodile Fishing].

Breakfast: lunch in the hotel: buffet on the 56th floor Dinner: Thai style meal

Day 7

Bangkok/Transit Venom Snake Research Center Latex Tess Center KING POWER duty-free

After breakfast, take the bus back to Bangkok, after lunch, go to the Poison Snake Research Center and the Latex Center, go to [KING POWER duty-free] to buy various favorite duty-free goods, and enjoy [KING POWER Ramayana International Buffet] for dinner. The space is huge and spectacular, and the dishes are all inclusive; You can enjoy all kinds of delicious dishes from cooking, frying, steaming and cold dishes to fresh sago rice, desserts, iced fruit and vegetable salad, rice noodle soup to Thai style Dongyin Gong, Europe, America, Japan, Thailand and China. After dinner, go to Bangkok Airport and take the evening flight back to Urumqi's warm home.

Breakfast: lunch in the hotel: Michelin restaurant dinner: KING POWER international buffet

Day 8 Transfer place/Urumqi

Gather at the specified time and return to the warm home in Urumqi.

Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    Minority+400/person; Children under 18 years old must occupy a bed+1200 yuan/person, children not occupying a bed+600 yuan/person, and children over 12 years old must occupy a bed.


    1. The Thai customs stipulates that every visitor entering Thailand must carry at least 5000 yuan, otherwise the immigration office may mistake him for a migrant worker and refuse to enter Thailand. If he is refused entry for personal reasons, the visitor shall bear all the losses caused.
    2. In addition to the free time arranged in the itinerary, outbound travel is not allowed to leave the group. If you want to have free activities, please choose free travel! If you can't follow the group, each person will pay 1000 yuan of departure fee every day
    3. Pregnant women and seriously ill people are not suitable for this trip. If they conceal all the unexpected consequences caused by their physical conditions, tourists shall bear all the responsibilities.
    4. Our agency presents tourists with "Jiangtai Tourism Accident Insurance Outbound Travel Scheme I", and suggests tourists to purchase higher insurance coverage by themselves.
    5. All the pictures listed in the above itinerary (including hotels, scenic spots, etc.) are for reference only, and the above itinerary schedule is for reference only, which may be adjusted according to the special circumstances during the overseas period, such as (traffic jam, bad weather, scenic spot closure, emergencies, etc.).
    6. Instructions on cancellation fees of tourists (if the cancellation is due to the reasons of the guests themselves): if the tourists voluntarily cancel their participation within 15 days before the departure date, they will be charged 600 yuan/person as a deposit loss fee. A loss fee of 2500 yuan/person will be charged for cancellation of the delegation within 4 days before the departure date. After the ticket is issued, tourists who cancel the delegation will be charged 2500 yuan/person in addition to the cancellation fee+full ticket price. If a tourist is refused a visa by the consulate for personal reasons, all losses incurred shall be borne by the tourist himself.

    payment method

    Reservation method: 1) Telephone reservation: 18099169000 18999996115

                           0991-5293000 5296000

    2) Network reservation function reservation

    3) On site contract signing and reservation

    4) Sign a contract at the office for reservation

    Publish Consultation

    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
    • contact information:
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    Service Centre

    Xinjiang International Travel Agency
    Service hotline
    Individual Passenger Department 0991-5296000 18099169000
    Grounding part 0991-5293000 18999996115
    Team Department 0991-5111588 1899996145
    Domestic 0991-5111988 18999985177
    Vehicle reservation 0991-4596002 18999996047
    Air ticket hotel 0991-4555565 18099168000

    Booking process