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 Red Journey -- One day tour from Nanjing to Sanhe Ancient Town and Memorial Hall of Crossing the River Campaign in Hefei

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Product No.: 859367

Red Journey -- One day tour from Nanjing to Sanhe Ancient Town and Memorial Hall of Crossing the River Campaign in Hefei

Landscape price: ¥265 Market price: ¥320 element Starting price description
Date of sending group: every day
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Group price for 30 people, for reference only
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June July August
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one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
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adult Children

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  • Last updated: 2020-10-28
The Memorial Hall of the Crossing the River Campaign is one of the tourist attractions of the Red Tour in Hefei. The museum is full of bright spots, magnificent, and three-dimensional display of the scene of crossing the river at that time. The Memorial Hall of the Crossing the River Campaign reflects the theme of water and warships. The huge hall body is like two magnificent warships driving side by side on the vast water surface, pointing straight to the Yangtze River in the south. The Exhibition of the Crossing the River Campaign is displayed in the museum, which comprehensively displays the famous crossing the river campaign at home and abroad. At the same time, there are the largest indoor art group sculpture "Victory teacher" in China, more than 1000 precious revolutionary cultural relics, a half scene painting gallery reflecting the breathtaking scene of crossing the river, and a super realistic 4D film, which can let each visitor experience the whole process of the most authentic battle of crossing the river.

Reference travel

7:30 Gather at the designated place and leave for the national 5A scenic spot Sanhe Ancient Town (About 2 hours' drive)

10:30 Sanhe Ancient Town (listed price: 55 yuan/person, tour time: about 2 hours), Three rivers are due to Fengle River, Hangbu River, and Small Nanhe River It is named after three streams flowing through it. The town is surrounded by rivers and five li long streets. The river network outside the town is crisscross and the dikes are crisscrossed. It has a unique landform of "two sides of the outer ring and three states standing in the middle". It has always been famous for its antiquity, beauty and prosperity. It is inlaid in the Chaohu Lake A pearl on the bank. Historically, it was both a place for military strategists and a place for merchants to gather. It has the reputation of "Three Rivers that can't be fully loaded" and "Central Anhui Commodity Corridor". Sanhe is a 2500 year old ancient town in the south of Lujiang River, formerly known as "Quezhu". It is a civilized wine making town, and the sealed rice wine is a major local feature. It was here that Chen Yucheng, the King of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, wiped out Li Xubin, the Hunan Army, and achieved a brilliant "Three Rivers Victory", thus leaving behind the beautiful talk of "smelling the aroma of wine ten miles from Quezhu, and three rivers of wine intoxicated the King of England", which shows the long history of Sanhe Ancient Wine. "Old Wine Workshop" is a representation of the traditional brewing process of rice wine in the form of wax figures. Walking in the exhibition hall is like walking into the wine of a hundred years ago Wine workshop , making people feel immersive. Dafudi is the private residence of civil officials in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The exhibition hall is restored according to the private houses of civil officials and the layout of common people's houses in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, the middle Qing Dynasty, and the late Qing and the Republic of China 300 years ago, so that visitors can feel a sense of returning to the old times in an antique environment. The furniture, plaques, ancestral statues, stone carvings and wood carvings we saw in the exhibition hall are all products of that era. At the end of the tour, you can taste the local dishes of farmers in Sanhe.

11:30 Use Chinese food (arrange the dining place according to the actual situation)

12:30 After lunch tour [Memorial Hall of Crossing the River Campaign] It is located in Hefei Chaohu Lake stands out in a peninsula on the axis of the city of Binhu New Area, like a giant warship riding the wind and waves. The whole memorial hall starts from the group sculptures of leaders in a narrative way, and is paved with the sculpture of the Victory Division, Liberation Square and iron stones Golden Sands Beach Victory Square , 90 meter high pentagram Victory Tower In turn, it is very harmonious with the open Chaohu Lake waterscape and magnificent, which can better reflect the theme of the memorial.

15:30 Gather back to Nanjing and return home by yourself!!!

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    This itinerary is a team itinerary, and the price is discussed one group at a time,


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