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 National Day Travel Strategy from Shijiazhuang to Wudang Mountain/Hubei Three Gorges Shennongjia Wudang Mountain Seven day Double sleeper Tour

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Product No.: 858092

National Day Travel Strategy from Shijiazhuang to Wudang Mountain/Hubei Three Gorges Shennongjia Wudang Mountain Seven day Double sleeper Tour

Landscape price: ¥2460 Market price: ¥2598 element Starting price description
Date of group sending: every day, it is recommended that you send the group in advance five Booking for more than days
Service commitment:
Package type:
Please confirm the real-time price in advance due to hotel, air ticket and other factors
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

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  • Last updated: 2020-01-20
Trip highlights
1. Visit three AAAAA scenic spots to make your sightseeing worthwhile!
2. The beautiful landscape makes you feel like entering a beautiful landscape painting
3. No shopping or self paid attractions (except for small transportation)
4. The journey is comfortable for all ages.
5. Wudang Immortal Mountain, self-cultivation.

Reference travel

D1: Hebei Wudang Mountain Reference train number (K261)

Lunch: self-care Dinner: self-care Accommodation: train

Beijing West 17:16, Baoding 19:30 Shijiazhuang 21:02, Xingtai 22:13, Handan 22:55 Take K261 train to Wudang Mountain,

D2: Wudang Mountain

Lunch: self-care Dinner: self-care Accommodation: Wudang Mountain

12: 17 Mount Wudang meets the delegation【 Wudang Mountain Scenic Area 】Visit the beautiful scenery of Wudang Mountain and the most beautiful scenery among the 36 rocks of Wudang Mountain【 Nanyan Palace 】Here are the unique dragon head incense preserved in the Yuan Dynasty and the largest existing stone hall in China - the natural Xuanwu God; Take bus to the location of Taoist Association -【 Zixiao Palace 】; Check in hotel later

D3: Wudang Mountain Yichang  

Lunch: self-care Dinner: self-care Accommodation: Yichang

After getting up, you can walk (about 2.5 hours or take the cableway at your own expense to go up 90 yuan/person and down 80 yuan/person) [Jinding], climb the Tianzhu Peak, the first peak of Wudang Mountain, turn to the first ancient copper hall in China - Transfer Hall, tour the peak building - Taihe Palace, world wonders - Jindian, face to face with Wudang Taoists, the ancient Shintoid, the trees shade the sun, birds sing and flowers smell, stone stairs rush to face, and the scenery is amazing, Worship the founder of Wudang Boxing, Zhang Sanfeng... After going down the mountain, take a bus to Wudang Mountain Railway Station by yourself. At 16:20, take the K626 hard seat to Yichang at Wudang Mountain Railway Station, and at 21:20, arrive in Yichang for hotel accommodation.

D4: Yichang - two dams and one gorge - Yichang

Breakfast: including lunch: including dinner: self-care accommodation: Yichang

In the morning, go to Jiu Pier Three Gorges Tourist Center. At 08:00, take the boutique river cruise ship "Yangtze Three Gorges 6/7" in Yichang Port, and set sail at 8:30

Yiling Yangtze River Bridge, Binjiang Park and Zhenjiang Pavilion. At 09:00, you can enter the Gezhouba Shiplock to experience the unique feeling of rising ships and watch the magnificent Gezhouba Dam; The boat passed through Nanjin Pass, Sanyou Cave, Zhang Fei's drum arena, Chen Yi's inscription, etc; 11: 16 View the bust of Mao Gongshan (introduction to the Three Gorges Dam), view the Xiling Yangtze River Bridge, Letianxi Bridge, Mao Gongshan full body portrait, view the Huangling Temple by boat, 11:49 view the Three Gorges Dam body by boat, 11:52 dock, see off the boat; Then take the air conditioning bus to visit [Three Gorges Dam] (about 2 hours): the commanding point of the Three Gorges Project, the national 5A level scenic spot Tanziling Scenic Spot, battery car 20/person, 185 platform, closure memorial park, etc;

15: At about 30, take the air conditioning BUS to Yichang City and check in via the special highway for the Three Gorges Project known as the China Highway Tunnel and Bridge Museum (1 hour drive).

D5: Yichang -- Shennongjia

Lunch: self-care Dinner: self-care Accommodation: wooden fish

Take a bus in Yichang in the morning, enjoy the scenery of Xiaofeng, sleep in Foshan and Xiangxi River along the way, enjoy the scenery of Xiangxi River, listen to the legend of Zhaojun, and visit [Guanmen Mountain Scenic Spot] on the way (about 1 hour and 30 minutes): when we enter Guanmen Mountain, we can trace our steps back to the Cambrian. The riverbed of Shicao River washed out by the years, and cross the severe cold of the five mass extinctions of species on the earth, The stromatolites of Cambrian period solidify the blue-green algae and green algae in the era of life explosion on earth. The ancient amphibian Chinese giant salamander, which was born in the late Devonian period 350 million years ago, lurks in the flowing water all year round; 4D movies interpret the changes of the earth; Arrive at Muyu Town of Shennongjia at noon. Visit [Shennongjia Nature Reserve] (about 4 hours): Animal Rescue Center of Xiaolongtan Savage Investigation Station, Jinhou Ridge Primitive Forest, the first scene of Shennong - Shennong Valley, Lookout Tower, Savage haunt - Banbi Rock and other primitive forests, and then arrive at the hotel for accommodation

D6: Shennongjia Yichang Hebei

Lunch: self-care Dinner: self-care Accommodation: train

After breakfast, visit [Shennong Altar] (about 60 minutes): the whole scenic area is surrounded by green mountains, beautiful and quiet. The scenic spot is divided into three major parts: the main sacrifice area, the ancient botanical garden, and the millennium ancient cedar. The main building is the Shennong giant cow head human figure, which is 21 meters high, 35 meters wide, and 56 meters in total, to show the close unity of the 56 ethnic groups of China. The statue stands between green mountains, with the earth as the driving force, and its eyes are slightly closed, as if thinking about the mysteries of the universe. In the sacrificial area, there are round and square patterns representing heaven and earth standing under the feet. In the square pattern of the representative place, the five colored stones are respectively gold, wood, water, fire and earth in the Five Elements Theory. Later visit [Tianshengqiao Scenic Area] (about 1 hour): Tianshengshi Bridge, Yintan, Laojun listening to the waves, clear mountain streams, Ba people's huts, enjoy the ancient theater, taste Shennong Yunwu tea, drink authentic Baogu wine, taste Shennong happy cakes, and together form a picture of a paradise where people and nature are in harmony; On the way back, you can [visit the Three Gorges Great Falls Scenic Area at your own expense] (127 people take care of themselves, 20 yuan for the battery car): enjoy the deep canyon, green mountains, gurgling water, and waterfalls. The Baiguoshu Waterfall is 102 meters high and nearly 80 meters wide, and it flies down like a rainbow. It is spectacular. Along the way, you can see dozens of natural landscapes, such as Paper Paste Cave, Sutra Cave, Long Bridge Ferry, Sixiang, Savage Valley, Macaque Paradise, Fairy Waterfall, Pearl Waterfall, Xiaofeng Giant Buddha, etc. Let you relax, enjoy yourself and return to Yichang to end the happy Shennong trip!

Take the train back to Yichang East Station and take the train back to Hebei for reference (19:24 T50, 20:49 Z4, 20:59Z96,)

D7: Hebei (reference train number, T50Z4Z96)

Arrive in Anyang at 08:34, Xingtai at 09:42, Shijiazhuang at 10:48, Baoding at 12:11, Beijing at 14:00, and end the happy journey!!!

Instructions for participation

Reservation hotline: 0311 - 89852503, 89642870, 13832398212 (the same as WeChat)
Person in charge: She Yanwei
Customer service QQ: 2321852306 2235070030 1440529932 2271219040 1648345045
Address: B806 above Beiguo Supermarket at the intersection of Zhonghua Avenue and Heping Road (you can take No.8, No.108, No.17, No.4, No.5 or No.76 bus in the city)
More routes can be found at: http://lxs.cncn.com/63098
Departure date and price: The price is due to the fluctuation of hotel price, ticket price and other factors. Please contact the customer service on our website before registration to confirm the schedule and real-time price.


Service standards
Transportation standard: shuttle train from Wudang Mountain to Yichang hard seat
Accommodation standard: business hotel standard room including breakfast
Dining standard: including 4 breakfast and 1 dinner, and other meals are at your own expense.
Admission to tourist attractions: The admission to tourist attractions (areas) included in the itinerary is the largest.
Tour guide arrangement: excellent free play tour guide service
The cost does not include: Wudang Mountain up cableway: 90 yuan/person, Wudang Mountain down cableway: 80 yuan/person
Three Gorges Falls: 127 yuan/person; Three Gorges Falls: 20 yuan/person; Three Gorges Dam: 20 yuan/person
Note 1. If there are areas in Shennongjia and Wudang Mountains that need climbing, please wear shoes and clothes suitable for sports climbing.
2. Please take your valuables with you when you leave your seat!
3. The staple food in Hubei is rice. Please prepare in advance. The food tastes close to Chongqing
4. Please take your ID card with you. Some scenic spots need to scan your ID card to get tickets.
5. Transportation of two dams and one gorge cruise ships, minimum consumption in the card seat area or in the box, which belongs to personal consumption and has nothing to do with tourism costs.
6. The local temperature difference between morning and night in Hubei is large
7. Car sick friends please prepare car sick medicine in advance. It is not a long drive from Yichang downtown to each scenic spot, but there are mountain roads in some areas.
8. Pay attention to safety during the tour, do not crowd, do not walk to see the scenery, do not walk to see the scenery.
9. There is no heating in Hubei, and the heating is mainly air conditioning.

payment method

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Publish Consultation

You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
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Service Centre

Hebei Overseas International Travel Service Zhonghua Street Business Department
Service hotline
Consulting hotline 1 0311-89642870
Consulting hotline 2 0311-89852503
Consulting number 3 is the same as WeChat 13832398212

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