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 Tianmu Lake Field Military Summer Camp 5 days and 4 nights

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Product No.: 856482

Tianmu Lake Field Military Summer Camp 5 days and 4 nights

Landscape price: ¥1980 Market price: ¥2120 element Starting price description
Date of dispatch: July 17, 24, 31, August 7
Service commitment:
Package type:
A discount of 100 per person for two or more peers
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

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  • Last updated: 2018-10-16
To become a qualified hunter, fear, retreat and escape are all difficulties that must be overcome. In addition, courage, wisdom and good teamwork spirit are also required. We will wait for you in the Hunter Training Camp this summer. Here, we will hold our heads high with our comrades in arms to conquer every peak, realize a military dream, and realize a heroic dream buried deep in our hearts!

Reference travel

-------Hunter Training Camp-------

The Hunter Special Training Program is designed based on the principle of "minimum physical adventure and maximum psychological transcendence", so the participants need not have super physical strength, just try to relax psychologically and actively participate in various activities during training, and try their best to complete various training programs.

Our philosophy: Guide with "wisdom"; Influence with "behavior"; Care with "love"; Build children's "self-confidence" with an attitude of "respect".

Our purpose: Education must use "heart"; "Mind" should be "thin"; "Quantity" should be "width"; "Qi" should be "soft"; The body should be soft.

Our Code of Conduct: Obedience, diligence, hard work, teamwork, gratitude, responsibility, passion and dream.

Our slogan: No excuse, act immediately, result oriented, precise refinement.

We will monitor the children's psychological process and personality changes in a multi-dimensional way, follow up and record the growth of each young hunter, and give each parent a detailed report on the completion of the camp.

Cultivate Will Hunter

② Know yourself Challenge yourself

③ Field survival integration team

④ Individual Tactics Three Three Tactics

⑤ Target shooting Battlefield shooting

⑥ Map oriented jungle march

⑦ Strategic thinking fosters the ultimate confrontation of hunters

⑧ In camp psychological report records the growth process

⑨ Witness the growth and transformation of parents and children

Part 1: Hunter Collection

◆ ◆ ◆ When the young hunters first entered the military camp, they got to know their comrades in arms under the guidance of the instructor, and started the camp for reorganization. This was the beginning of the hot blooded hunter training.

Part 2: Hunter physical training

◆ ◆ ◆ Today we want to improve the individual and team combat literacy. A day full of tears and self breakthroughs is more a struggle between willpower and inertia. Growth begins at this moment.

Part 3: Hunter individual tactical training

◆ ◆ ◆ Under the guidance of the instructor, we learned individual tactics, crawling high, crawling low, and drilling individual search tactics, sweat witnessed our efforts.

Part 4: March in Dense Forest

◆ ◆ ◆ Tracking the enemy in the dense forest and arriving at the designated place to complete the military mission, in addition to relying on team cooperation, learn to identify the map and find the supply point according to the compass, which is an extreme test of field viability.

Part N: Wait for you to continue writing



10: 00 Camp assembly

10: 30-11:30 Opening Ceremony Ice breaking Room Distribution

Arrive at the hunter training camp, change into military uniform, get your own unique hunter number, and set up the hunter declaration of the small hunters under the hunter training banner for shift division.

12: 00-14:00 Lunch break      

14: 00-17:00 Basic military training

The young hunters began to look like hunters after military posture training and formation training.

17: 00-18:00 Enjoy dinner to replenish strength

18: 00-20:00 Learn the internal affairs and check the forbidden articles

Carry out daytime training summary, housekeeping standard training, check and collect contraband, and return after camp closure.

20: 00-21:00 Exchange experience Parent child connection

Video call with parents to report the first day's experience between camps.

21:00-21:30 Wash, wash, wash and sleep


06:30-08:00 Get up for exercise and enjoy breakfast

08:00-11:30 Individual tactical training

Today, we will carry out individual tactical training subjects, creeping training, individual obstacle subjects, search and advance using terrain and surface features, and individual sign language subjects.

11: 30-14:00 Enjoy lunch and prepare for lunch break

14: 00-15:00 Enter the war zone to learn about guns

In the afternoon, it is our subject of gun handling and holding. Under the guidance of instructors, we will learn the correct firearms techniques.

15: 00-17:00 Detailed explanation of shooting tactics

Under the guidance of the instructor, learn the shooting posture, get familiar with the barrel of the gun, and make sufficient preparations for the ultimate confrontation of the final hunter.

17: 00-18:00 Washing clothes and cleaning camp

After a day of training, clean your camp clothes and keep them fresh.

18: 00-18:30 Dinner to replenish energy

18: 30-20:30 Exchange of experience The military song is clear

Under the guidance of instructors, we will make a day's summary and learn to sing military songs.

20: 30-21:00 Wash, wash, wash and sleep


06:30-08:00 Get up for exercise and enjoy breakfast

08:00-11:30 individual group tactical training   

Today we are going to learn how to change the team's tactical formation and disable the tactical sign language.

11: 30-13:00 Lunch break in the field                 

13: 00-17:00 Directional march in the wild jungle

We are going to enter the battlefield of the ultimate hunter confrontation. Under the guidance of the instructor, we will read the battle map, march in the dense forest with the compass, quickly find war readiness materials, and learn the field survival subject. In the ultimate hunter confrontation, the instructor will bury strategic materials at the material point, These strategic materials will help the final victory.

17: 00-18:00 Housekeeping and cleaning

18: 00-19:00 Dinner with loud military songs

19: 00-20:30 Exchange experience Parent child connection

20: 30-21:00 Wash, bathe, turn off the lights and rest


06:30-08:00 Get up for exercise and enjoy breakfast

08:00-11:30 Learn battlefield medical aid

Today we will learn about battlefield rescue. How do you deal with the sudden injury of a comrade in arms in the fight against the ultimate hunter? How to bandage? How to build a stretcher?

11: 30-14:00 Lunch break in the field

13: 00-17:00 Go deep into the enemy's rear to rescue hostages

In the afternoon, we will conduct a drill training before the final confrontation to conduct confrontation.

17: 00-18:00 Clean up the internal affairs independently

19: 00-20:00 Free Carnival at Bonfire Party

A relaxation before the confrontation, the talent display time of the small hunters.


06:30-08:00 Get up for exercise and enjoy breakfast

08:00-12:00 Hunter training final confrontation

Today we are going to use the skills we have learned to conduct the ultimate confrontation. The final test of the hunter officially begins. Can you use the map in your hand to quickly find the combat readiness material point? Can you guard the key points during the air drop mission? In the case of sudden injury of a comrade in arms, can we properly arrange the comrade in arms? A confrontation of military strategic thinking, a confrontation of never giving up and never abandoning, and a battle of honor for hunters.

12: 00-14:30 Closing ceremony of hunter training camp

14: 00 Parents get on the bus at the designated boarding place to attend the closing ceremony of the children, witness the growth of the children, wait for the children's triumphant return in the base, and personally wear the hunter training camp medal for the children.

14: 30 Start the way back

Pack up your personal belongings and go back with your parents to share everything.  



Breakfast: Self-service breakfast

Lunch/Dinner: Healthy and nutritious food standard, each meal guarantees 4 meat, 4 vegetable and 1 soup.

get accommodation: Well equipped, independent economic villa or hotel.

Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    Expenses include
    1. Accommodation: 4 nights during camp;
    2. Meals: all breakfast, lunch and dinner during the trip;
    3. Transportation: self owned vehicle
    4. Professional team leader: including 6 staff members per period;
    5. Insurance: 30W regular travel agency liability insurance and Ping An accidental injury insurance.
    6. Two sets of camp clothes, one hat and one belt.

    Instructions for Registration
    ★ Recruitment target: children aged 6-14
    ★ Group requirements: 40 persons per phase
    ★ Deadline for registration: automatic deadline when the quota is full
    ★ Age and physical condition:
    (1) Must meet age requirements
    (2) People with serious heart disease, hypertension, epilepsy and other sudden diseases
    (3) People suffering from acute infectious diseases and other diseases not suitable for public activities
    (4) Had surgery recently
    The above conditions will not be accepted for training application, and the consequences of accidents due to personal concealment of health conditions shall be borne by oneself; If you have lumbar, spinal diseases and other diseases, you need to communicate with the instructor before the project operation, and the instructor will make adjustments as appropriate
    ★ Discipline requirements:
    (1) All participants must obey the arrangement and command of the leader and instructor, and shall not leave the team for other activities unrelated to training without the permission of the leader and instructor
    (2) Trainees who leave the team without permission, operate in violation of regulations, and refuse to cooperate with the instructor shall bear the consequences of the accident, and the instructor may also order them to quit the training activities
    ★ Gathering time and place: notice in the group before departure

    Cancellation clause
    Cancellation 30 days before departure, full refund;
    50% refund for cancellation within 30 to 15 days after departure;
    30% refund for cancellation within 15 to 7 days after departure;
    No refund if cancelled within 7 days before the event.
    A full refund will be given if the event is cancelled due to the weather or not in a group.


    1. In order to ensure the safety of the activity, the five-day interaction is conducted in a closed camp.
    2. It is suitable for students aged 6-14 who are healthy, have no heart disease, infectious disease, or fracture in a short time, and are suitable for outdoor expansion. The independent camp of scouts is not accompanied by their parents. The instructor will allocate rooms according to the age of children in each period.
    3. The parents who participate in the summer camp will establish a WeChat group in a unified way every time, and the teachers of logistics life will broadcast pictures on the parents' WeChat group from time to time.
    4. The hospital is 15 minutes away from the camp by car, and the doctors in the team can deal with almost all common diseases. Please rest assured. We will also provide common medicine.
    5. Every night, children will be arranged to make video calls with their parents. Parents are requested to keep their mobile phones open.
    6. Campers are not allowed to bring valuables and electronic products, and snacks are not allowed to affect their normal eating habits.
    7. The ratio of teachers and students is about (1:6 or 7), and male and female teachers are allocated reasonably according to the ratio of male and female team members.
    8. We will provide children with necessary safety protection, sunstroke protection, sun protection and mosquito prevention measures.

    Service guarantee
    1. Environmental protection: the training venue is equipped with full-time safety supervision inspectors, and instructors are on duty 24 hours a day for patrol protection.
    2. Management guarantee: strictly implement the one-day living system for military personnel, and implement the 24 hour attendant system for instructors and instructors in the totally closed military management.
    3. Course guarantee: military special training+expansion project fun combined with instructor team: special soldiers over five years have love, patience and responsibility
    4. Life security: pay attention to scientific diet, nutrition and balanced tableware, boil water and sterilize each meal. The hospital strictly controls and supervises health.
    5. Logistical support: one bedroom for 6 people is equipped with military quilts and bedding, and the bedroom is air-conditioned
    6. Medical security: The hospital is 15 minutes away from the camp by car. If the campers feel unwell, they can be treated immediately

    payment method

    ——Payment method is not filled——

    Publish Consultation

    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
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    Nanjing Jinqiu Travel Agency Co., Ltd
    Service hotline
    Consultation 025-83617985
    East China Tourism 025-83213292
    Custom depth 025-83378344

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