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 Jinggangshan Red Training: Li Chunxiang - Chinese Contemporary Historian, former research director of Jinggangshan Revolutionary Museum
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Product No.: 850678

Jinggangshan Red Training: Li Chunxiang - Chinese Contemporary Historian, former research director of Jinggangshan Revolutionary Museum

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  • Last updated: 2019-07-08
Professor Li Chunxiang: former research director of Jinggangshan Revolutionary Museum. Consultant and associate researcher of Jinggangshan Revolutionary Museum; Part time professor of China Jinggangshan Cadre College; He has successively explained the history of revolutionary struggle in Jinggangshan to Hu Jintao, Jiang Zemin, Wen Jiabao, Zeng Qinghong, Song Renqiong, Ni Zhifu and other party and Chinese leaders. The publishing house has published many books, such as General Wang Zuo's Biography, Jinggang Romance, and Jinggang Mountain, the cradle of revolution, a series of 100 patriotic education bases in China.
He was born in Jinggangshan, Jiangxi Province in March 1943. Member of the Communist Party of China, cultural museum librarian. He graduated from Ji'an Normal School in 1965. He is now the director of the research office of Jinggangshan Revolutionary Museum. Director of Jiangxi History Society. Member of China Numismatic Society. Member of Jiangxi Writers Association, Party History Society and Museum Society. Off campus political instructor of Nanchang Lu College and Changsha Political College of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. He has been teaching in Jiangxi Cadre College for a long time (a section of Zeng Zhi in the Red Story Conference), and collected and sorted out nearly 2 million words of Jinggangshan struggle history; Collect more than 50 Jinggangshan revolutionary cultural relics below Grade I; Write the investigation report of 17 municipal cultural relics protection units in Jinggangshan; Complete the scope measurement project of 10 cultural relics protection units; Participated in the renovation project of the museum for many times; Participated in the compilation of Jinggangshan Revolutionary Base, a series of CPC history materials; Collect and research Jinggangshan Red Army Mint and its I-shaped silver dollar; Develop a training program for museum lecturers, and give lectures to lecturers for many times; Every year, more than 10000 people teach and preach Jinggangshan Spirit to Hong Kong compatriots and domestic audiences in 80 batches; 18 provincial, local and municipal awards; Personal directory has been included in the Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese Historians

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    Jinggangshan Excellent Cadre Training Center
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    Jinggangshan Training Department II 0796-8291643 13367069824
    Jinggangshan Training Department I 0796-8291642 13970679833

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