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 Where will Wuhan's surrounding areas expand in two days? Macheng Ancient Xiaogan Township Development Base is the first choice!

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Product No.: 845457

Where will Wuhan's surrounding areas expand in two days? Macheng Ancient Xiaogan Township Development Base is the first choice!

Landscape price: ¥488 Market price: ¥588 element Starting price description
Date of sending group: every day
Service commitment:
Package type:
This quotation base has a team size of 30 people, excluding the invoice price!
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

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  • Last updated: 2019-07-31
Eat Macheng Hanging Pot, drink authentic rural rice wine, and enjoy simple folk performances

Reference travel

[Introduction to Training Base]

Machenggu Xiaogan Xiangdu Ecology Travel? Resort, located in Macheng drum-tower Shen Family Village. It is invested and built by Macheng Huazhidu International Hotel and its supporting facilities are well managed. She's more than 600000 Sichuan The holy land of hometown in people's hearts is the birthplace of Macheng Huguang culture. Sichuan Chongqing There is an endless stream of people. The whole resort is an antique building group designed and built according to the international five-star leisure resort hotel standards.  

24-hour travel hotline: eighteen billion six hundred and seven million one hundred and sixty-eight thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight Please call me: Cheetah

The resort has a planned area of more than 100 mu, and its main business projects include catering, accommodation, villas, conferences, leisure, water entertainment cruise ships, air slides, rainbow suspension bridges, outdoor barbecues, campfire squares, ecological planting and picking, ecological breeding, Awa Mountain Stronghold, grass skiing, Mongolian style grassland pasture, luxury horse turning, charming town food corridor, etc, The theme building of the resort's banquet hall has three floors, with luxurious rooms of different standards and traditional antique banquet halls, which can accommodate more than 400 people at the same time. At the top of the building, there is a multi-functional conference hall with a construction area of more than 3000 square meters. It is equipped with the unique multi-functional academic conference hall in Macheng, an advanced electronic classroom, which can accommodate nearly 300 people at the same time to hold high-end and high standard academic conferences and training. It is equipped with a multi-functional corridor and a small conference room, which can accommodate 80 people to host round table conferences. Along both sides of the hotel are east west apartment buildings, which are more than 100 meters long from west to east. Between the two floors is the charming rural food corridor designed in the classical style of the Ming and Qing dynasties, which operates hanging pots with Macheng characteristics, rustic Xiaogan local dishes and Xiangxi Featured local cooking stoves and other delicacies. The left corner is a five storey hotel style senior apartment building, covering an area of 10000 square meters, with a building area of 6000 square meters. There are 120 rooms of all kinds, and 15 villas are arranged along the east-west direction on the right. The villa area has different design styles, with exquisite design, luxurious decoration, high-end configuration, and super luxury configuration such as multi-function rooms, mahjong rooms, kitchens, and special garages.

The purpose of Guxiaogan Xiangdu Eco tourism Resort is to repay the society and customers, and provide you with "honorable and exclusive" services and enjoyment, so that you can always experience the feeling of being at home, feel the value-added service, and feel the value-added hometown


[Activity itinerary of the case]

Day 1
08:30 Gather and depart at the designated place
11: 30 Arrive at Macheng Guxiaogan Xiangdu Eco tourism Resort
12: 00 Chinese food
13: 30 1. Jianghu situation: choose "Leader", "Left and Right Dharma Protector"... order the world... three unique moves... wonderful moves

14: 30 Group photo
14: 40 Carry out interesting sports events:

2. Caterpillars 3. Tram 4. Inspiring 5. Pearl River Walk for Thousands of Miles 6. Pinch the ball and move forward

18: 00 Dinner, Macheng Special Hanging Pot
19: 30 7. Bonfire party: poem chanting, prize winning contest, and more fun, interesting and creative team games

Barbecue: homemade delicious food and clothing

Bonfire Party (Time: 19:30-21:00)

Opening: Rabbit Dance, Circle of Excellence

Warm up: pole dance

Performance: personal talent display

Game: Fruit Squatting

Performance: personal talent display

Performance: team talent show

Game: Super fashion show

21:00 Hotel accommodation
Day Two
07:30 Get up and exercise in the morning
08:00 Breakfast
09:00 Visit the Macheng Ancient Xiaogan Xiangdu Eco tourism Resort, and feel the tranquility of the resort in the morning. After a rich breakfast, you can play in the resort by yourself, including cruise ships, cableways, suspension bridge fishing, merry go round, pirate boats... Everything!  

12: 00 Chinese food
13: 00 Summarize, select "Happy Baby", "Challenge Limit", etc., and award certificates and prizes
13: 30 Return by bus, looking forward to more exciting expansion activities next time
16: Back at 30 Wuhan

Activity Cost

1. Training cost of this activity:

488 yuan/person (300 yuan/table for lunch and 300 yuan/table for dinner)

508 yuan/person (300 yuan/table for lunch, 500 yuan/table for dinner)

2. Quotation description: the price of this quotation is based on the team size of no less than 30 people, including training fees, base use fees, catering, transportation, equipment depreciation fees, accommodation, bonfire party, insurance fees (insurance amount: RMB191000/person), coaching fees, props use fees, comprehensive management fees, etc.

[Personal Requirements]

In good health, no history of heart disease, hypertension, osteoporosis, habitual fracture, etc., no discomfort, and no symptoms of intense and high-altitude exercise.



1. There is certain danger in field exploration, and self-protection must be strengthened;
2 Wear wear and tear resistant sports clothes (women must wear pants in summer), soft soled sneakers or travel shoes (spare shoes), personal toiletries and corresponding personalized medicine for internal use;
3 Clearly inform the body of special conditions;
4 In the wild, please follow the outdoor expansion rules of "take nothing but photos; leave nothing but footprints";
5 Observe the team discipline, obey the coach's instructions, and do not leave the team's march route, activities and camping camp without authorization to ensure personal safety.
6. Happy investment.


1. The above training schedule and project list cannot be absolutely accurate in time due to objective reasons, that is, some projects may exceed the time limit and some projects may be advanced (but will not affect the integrity of the training effect). Therefore, the customer cannot take the accuracy of the project completion time as the evaluation standard of training quality, At the same time, the training party has the right to adjust the project sequence and decide whether to accept or reject the project according to the actual situation;

2. The customer's personnel responsible for organizing activities should not spread the training content among the trainees in advance, so as not to affect the training effect;

3. If the training plan (schedule and quotation) is confirmed, it will become an annex to the contract between both parties and have the same legal effect as the contract, and both parties are bound by it.

Instructions for participation

For more information, please call: 18607168858


As the expansion activities are customized activities, the above program itinerary is only for reference, please call for more details!

payment method

Bank name: Xudong Branch of Bank of China

Line No.: 846698

Account name: Wuhan Besant Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd

Account No.: 5560 5783 1676


Bank name: China Construction Bank

Account name: Li Yong

Card No.: 6227 0028 7360 0072 046


Bank name: Bank of China

Account name: Li Yong

Card No.: 4563 5130 0030 6033 971


Bank name: Agricultural Bank of China

Account name: Li Yong

Account No.: 6228 4800 5133 8929 212


Alipay : Li Yong

account number: thirteen billion two hundred and seventy-seven million eighty-eight thousand eight hundred and forty-four

Publish Consultation

You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
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Service Centre

Wuhan Besant Development Training Management Consulting Co., Ltd
Service hotline
National toll free hotline: 400-0808-279
24-hour hotline 18607168858
Secondary cities in Hubei: special line 13277088844
Fixed telephone: 027-51871258, 86705402
Customer service specialist: Gangzi 15527020288
Customer service specialist: Cheetah 18607168858

Booking process