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 Thailand Free Travel - Free Flying Experience Tour (Bangkok+Pattaya, 6 days and 5 nights)

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Product No.: 842633

Thailand Free Travel - Free Flying Experience Tour (Bangkok+Pattaya, 6 days and 5 nights)

Landscape price: ¥3550 From yuan Starting price description
Date of sending group: every day
Service commitment:
Package type:
Four people form a group, if less or more, discuss separately
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

  • Line features
  • Reference travel
  • Scenic spots passing by
  • Instructions for participation
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  • payment method
  • Last updated: 2017-08-02
Experience the small plane for two people, fly in the sky, and make exquisite free travel arrangements!

Reference travel

first day

Take an international flight to the Thai capital Bangkok , which has both ancient flavor and modern style east The big city is a place full of admiration and beauty. Bangkok was built by the Chakri emperor in 1782. It is now the capital and the political, commercial and cultural center. It not only occupies the convergence point in geography, but also Travel? An important place for sightseeing. Bangkok currently has a population of about 7 million, Meinan River Throughout Bangkok, it has brought prosperity and business opportunities to Bangkok, which has earned Bangkok the reputation of "Venice of the East". Upon arrival, go to the hotel to check in and rest.


the second day

Reclining Buddhist Temple - The Grand Palace – Ananda – luxury cruise ship Meinan River (including dinner)

After breakfast, visit the Reclining Buddha Temple, Emperor Zheng Temple, and then visit the Rama Grand Palace (about 1.5 hours). Although it is not as grand as the Forbidden City of China, it is also unique. In the magnificent palace, Thailand's national treasure [Jade Buddha] is enshrined. Let the most professional palace guide guide you to appreciate the history and architectural beauty of Thailand's imperial palace. The palace displays the gold, silver, jewelry, antiques, and priceless treasures of the ancient royal family, which will open your eyes.

After lunch, visit [Ananda Royal Guild Hall], a new Renaissance building, which is a combination of neoclassicism Dali The stone decorated throne is mainly an arched roof with Roman classical flavor. The dome is a throne with seven domes around six small domes, 112.50 meters long, 49.50 meters high and 49.50 meters high.

In the evening, take the [Luxury Cruise on the Meinan River] for two hours, and enjoy delicious wine and food while enjoying the beautiful scenery on both sides of the river with the help of passionate live performances.

Breakfast: lunch in the hotel: dinner: night tour of the Meinan River VIP luxury boat

Day 3 Floating market- Ban Phatthaya  

Starting at 7:30 after breakfast, it takes about 2 hours to drive to Thailand's historic [Floating Market Water Market]. This is a must for tourists from all over the world. It is Thailand's earliest trade mode. There are a variety of boats, goods and fruits. You can taste all kinds of local snacks in Thailand according to your preferences, then go to Pattaya, and on the way to Thailand's newly opened new Program [Self Flying] , and then visit the Four Seasons Village in Dulala, which is the most similar to the traditional life style of Thai people on water; Along the way, you can eat, drink, buy and play all the way. There are more than 100 stores around. You can see if there are any desirable and inexpensive treasures.

In the evening, watch the VIP seat of the international monster show

Breakfast: lunch in the hotel: dinner:

Day 4 Khao Chee-Chan -Dongba Paradise - Golden House of Wealth Big world -Thai massage

Come to Qizhen first when you wake up naturally Foshan , and then go to [Dongba Paradise] to watch custom performance+elephant performance; Later visit [Luxury Gold House]

[Big World], where you can feast your eyes on the rich decoration of Thailand's richest man and the famous classic scenic spots of Thailand and the world

Afternoon: Return to Pattaya for a Thai massage. Thai massage is one of the ancient medical cultures of Thailand, with a history of more than 4000 years and a long history. The ancient Thai royal family used it as one of the methods to strengthen the body and treat physical strain. Massage each other's acupoints with fingers, arms, knees and legs, and press and stretch on muscles and joints to restore balance of body, spirit and mind, promote normal operation of blood circulation, respiratory system, nervous system and digestive system, and metabolism of muscles and skin, giving you the most authentic and intimate enjoyment

Choose your evening activities freely     

Breakfast: lunch in the hotel: dinner:

The Fifth Day  

Wake up naturally after sleeping, return to Bangkok, visit the most famous Four sided Buddha, and buy your favorite letter.

Breakfast: lunch in the hotel: dinner:

Day 6 Shopping and seeing off

Wake up naturally after sleeping.

Breakfast: in the hotel No accommodation

Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    The fees include: local air-conditioned tour buses, tickets to the scenic spots listed in the itinerary, Chinese tour guides, and travel accident insurance;
    The fees do not include: hotel fees, meals, passport fees, personal consumption, domestic ground service fees, temporary adjustment of airline ticket fuel tax, and additional costs caused by force majeure factors.


    ★★ Special tips ★★:
    1. This itinerary does not constitute a contract offer, and the latest tour date, specific itinerary and accurate quotation; Please ask our staff to make reservation via WeChat: parade may, QQ: 1261915529; Thank you for your understanding and support, thank you!

    payment method

    1. Transfer through bank

    ICBC Haikou Meishe Sub branch

    Account No.: 621 723 220 100 011 1193

    Account Name : Chen Li

    Publish Consultation

    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
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    Service Centre

    Thailand Shangtai Travel Trade Co., Ltd
    Service hotline
    Shangtai momoga 0066-994948338
    Shangtai Xiaoyi 0066-949284896
    Shangtai Little Horse 0066-988489128

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