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 Seven day Red Leisure Tour from Dongguan to Russia Jiuzhou

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Product No.: 842548

Seven day Red Leisure Tour from Dongguan to Russia Jiuzhou

Landscape price: ¥5599 Market price: ¥6080 element Starting price description
Date of group sending: every day, it is recommended that you send the group in advance fifteen Booking for more than days
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Discount 100
Departure month:
June July August
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one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

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  • Last updated: 2017-06-26
Take the China Southern Airlines Airbus 332 to give you a comfortable, stable and safe journey
☆ Arrange professional Russian outbound leaders throughout the journey;
☆ On the solemn, dignified, grand, open, romantic red square with a strong political color, enjoy the world-famous Vasili Church, review the Kremlin Palace where the classics of the czar's history and real politics blend, walk through the classic city Gum Department Store, and shopping in historical buildings is also a pleasant experience
☆ Visit the Winter Palace, one of the four major museums in the world, and the classic Baroque architecture, to take you into the ocean of art and history, feel the magnificence of the czar, and see the painstaking efforts of every master of art
☆ Fountains, waterfalls, golden statues, walk into "Versailles in Russia" - Summer Palace Garden, walk through elegant royal gardens, and overlook the beautiful Gulf of Finland
Experience the boundless scenery of Tsarizino Royal Manor in Moscow

Reference travel

Russian Red Classic Seven Day Tour

(Moscow, Charizin Royal Manor , St. Petersburg)

Departure Date: January 28th CZ     Price ninety-two ninety-nine element element / people

Departure Date: February 11, 18, 25        Price fifty-five ninety-nine element / people

The schedule is as follows:

first day

Guangzhou CZ 655(1415 /1915)   Moscow Flight time is about 11 hours  

10:30am Guangzhou Baiyun International Departure Hall of International Airport 6 number Inside the door Concentrate and take a ride in South China aviation Reference flight from Guangzhou to Moscow CZ 655(1415 /1915) , upon arrival Travel? Pick up the plane by bus, arrange a dumpling banquet for dinner, and check in the hotel for a rest.

(Warm tip: Russia is better than China Beijing 5 hours later, the airline will arrange a simple meal on the plane, and dinner will be arranged on the night of arrival;)

Meal: Evening Hotel: Moscow boutique four-star

the second day

Moscow - St. Petersburg   Reference luxury bullet train: 778A 1930/2330 (about four hours)

After buffet breakfast in the hotel, visit the revolutionary resort in the city Red Square (1 hour), National History Museum (Appearance), Zhukov Statue Vassili Church (Appearance), Gum Department Store (Appearance) Lenin's Tomb (closed on Monday and Friday as appropriate), Manish Square Alexander Garden , and will never extinguish the flame Tomb of Unknown Martyrs Then go to the highest observation platform of the Sparrow Mountain in Moscow, overlooking the urban area of Moscow (about 10 minutes), and then the appearance Moss University of Science (About 20 minutes). After lunch, arrange free activities (about 2-3 hours). After dinner, take the high-speed train (about 4 hours) to the tourist resort - St. Petersburg. Check in the hotel upon arrival.

Introduction to tourist attractions:  
Red Square It is the heart of Moscow, called Troitz Square in ancient times, seventeen In the 20th century, the name was changed to the present one, which means "beautiful square; It used to be the place where mass gatherings and military parades were held on important festivals in the former Soviet Union. To the west is the Kremlin, to the north is National Museum of History To the east is the department store, and to the south is Saint Vassily Cathedral. Lenin's tomb is located in the middle of the side close to the palace wall. On the tomb is the reviewing platform, and on both sides are the viewing platforms.

At his own expense Introduction to tourist attractions:
Kremlin 】Located in the center of Moscow, the capital of Russia, the tall and solid wall and bell tower, golden church, old pavilions and palaces stand on the Bolowitsky Hill beside the Moscow River, forming a group of extremely beautiful and magnificent art buildings. It has been listed as a world cultural and natural heritage by UNESCO.

¨ Featured self funded project recommendation: Kremlin (about 1.5 hours, 350 yuan/person)

reminder: The Kremlin closed on Thursday; Red Square Kremlin In case of political activities or special events, it will be closed, and only appearance is allowed;

Meals: breakfast, lunch and evening Hotel: St. Petersburg Four star boutique

on the third day


After breakfast, visit the city's appearance and one of the world's four major museums National Hermitage Museum - Winter Palace (About 1 hour), the central square of St. Petersburg - Palace square (10 minutes) and Alexander Memorial Column (10 minutes) After lunch, visit Sphinx (5 minutes) Ancient Port Lighthouse of Vassili Island (5 minutes), appearance Repin Academy of Fine Arts, former Russian Royal Academy of Fine Arts , as famous as the Florence Academy of Fine Arts, the Paris Academy of Fine Arts, and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in London, UK, it is one of the four famous fine arts colleges in the world. After dinner, stay in the hotel for a rest.

view Spot introduction Shao

winter The Palace museum Located at St.Petersburg Palace Square Up, formerly Russian tsar The palace of, October Revolution It later became part of the National Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. It is an outstanding example of Russian Baroque architecture in the middle of the 18th century. The museum has a very rich collection of exhibits, up to 2.5 million pieces, including famous paintings, statues, precious antiques, and rare carriages used by the Tsar Hermitash and London Of British Museum Paris Of Louvre , New York Metropolitan Museum of Art Together, called world Four museums.

¨ Recommended evening featured self funded project: Russian ballet (about 2 hours, 1200 yuan/person)

Warm tip: The Winter Palace is closed on Monday; In case of closing, the stroke will be adjusted back and forth according to the actual situation.

Meals: breakfast, lunch and evening Hotel: St. Petersburg Four star boutique

the forth day


After buffet breakfast in the hotel, visit--- Summer Palace Garden (Tour time is about one Hours, visit the upper and lower gardens, do not enter the palace) , After lunch, visit the birthplace of St. Petersburg - Peterborough Fortress (It takes about 30 minutes to visit without going to church or prison.). Bronze Knight Statue, Navy Headquarters Building (exterior) In December, Dangren Square St. Isajiev Cathedral (Appearance 30 minutes in total) After dinner, stay in the hotel for a rest.

Introduction to tourist attractions:

Summer Palace Garden 】It faces Gulf of Finland , composed of beautiful fountains, parks and palaces . It is known as the "Fountain City" and "Fountain Kingdom". It has more than 100 statues, 150 fountains, more than 2000 spray pillars and two trapezoidal waterfalls. The famous ones are Pyramid Fountain, Sun Fountain, Oak Fountain, Adam Fountain, Eve Fountain, etc. Each fountain has its own style, including people and animals. Each fountain is lifelike, vivid and charming.

Peterborough Fortress 】Located on the right bank of Neva River in the center of St. Petersburg, it is a famous ancient building in St. Petersburg. The fortress On May 16, 1703, Peter the Great laid the foundation stone on Rabbit Island, which is the same age as Petersburg. Petersburg was born and developed under the protection of the fortress. Peter Paul fortress was created as an outpost for Russia and Sweden in the Northern War.

¨ Featured self funded project recommendation: Summer Palace (about 1 hour, 400 yuan/person)

¨ Featured self funded project recommendation: Neva River Cruise (about 1 hour, 500 yuan/person)

Tips: The fountain in Summer Palace Garden is closed due to the weather in the middle and late October of each year - the middle of April of the next year. Please forgive me

Meals: breakfast, lunch and evening Hotel: St. Petersburg Four star boutique

The Fifth Day

St. Petersburg Moscow        Reference luxury bullet train: 763A 1925/2324 (about four hours)

After buffet breakfast in the hotel, visit Bloody Cathedral (Appearance, sightseeing time is about 15 minutes), visit along Neva Avenue Kazan Cathedral (10 minutes) After dinner, return by high-speed train Moscow. Check in the hotel upon arrival.

At his own expense Introduction to tourist attractions:

Yekaterina Garden+Amber Palace 】Also known as the Imperial Village, it was built by Empress Catherine II. The layout of the palace is exquisite and lustful, with fresh and soft colors, filled with feminine beauty and charming charm. It can be said that there are poems and paintings everywhere in the garden, which are full of enchanting melody and the fragrance of flowers everywhere .

¨ Featured self funded project recommendation: Yekaterina Garden+Amber Palace (about 2 hours, 600 yuan/person)

Meals: breakfast, lunch and evening                       hotel: Moscow boutique four-star

Day 6

Moscow Guangzhou CZ656( 2125/11140+1

Hotel self-service After breakfast, visit【 World War II Park 】(about 20 minutes), appearance【 Arc de Triomphe 】(about 10 minutes), visit【 Moscow Metro Station 】(about 15 minutes), after Go to visit【 Charizin Royal Manor 】(Tour time is about 1 hour) After that, I will take you to the airport Reference flight of China Southern Airlines from Moscow to Guangzhou CZ656( 2125/11140+1 return Guangzhou

Introduction to tourist attractions:

[Metro Moscow] It has always been recognized as the most beautiful subway in the world. The buildings of subway stations are various, gorgeous and elegant. Each station is designed by famous domestic architects, each with its own unique style and different architectural patterns. Colorful marble, granite, ceramics and colorful glass are used to inlay all kinds of reliefs, carvings and murals. The lighting lamps are very unique, like a magnificent palace, enjoying the reputation of "underground art palace".

Charizin Royal Manor 】The famous palace building park in Moscow covers an area of 116 hectares. In 1776, in memory of Russia In the victory of the first Russo Turkish War, the Russian Queen Catherine II ordered the construction of this royal complex

Meals: breakfast and lunch Hotel: overnight stay on the flight

Day 7


Arrive at Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport and go through entry formalities , End the pleasant journey Please fill in the travel opinion form carefully, and we will continue to improve according to your opinion. If there is any complaint or opinion against us, we will take the opinion form as the standard. Thank you for your trust and support, and wish you a happy life!

Meal: None Hotel: None

The above travel schedule is for reference only and may be adjusted back and forth due to special circumstances during overseas travel. For example: traffic jam, bad weather, closing of scenic spots, emergencies, etc

Moscow Four Star Hotel Reference

Four star reference hotel in St. Petersburg










Information about Russia:

Russian Tourism Administration           http://www.russia-travel.com/

Russian Embassy in China       http://www.russia.org.cn/chn/2878/

weather forecast               http://www.worldweather.cn/

January to February

March to April

May June

July August

September October

November December

-20 ℃ or so






(The weather is the annual average temperature, for reference only, please check the weather forecast before going out)

Information required for visa exemption in Russia:

Material Science

Passport Description

Copy of the first page of passport

1.  Private passport valid for more than 6 months in mainland China

2.  Passport has at least three blank visa pages

3.  7 working days before the mission

4.  Please provide the contact information of the guest together with the passport information

5.  Visa free travel to Russia for passport holders of Hong Kong Macao Permanent Residents Special Administrative Region

6.  For other passports to travel to Russia, you need to apply for Russian individual tourist visa at the consulate

Travel standard:

1. Air tickets: air tickets and taxes listed in the itinerary; No refund, change or signing of team tickets
2. Hotel: Russian boutique four-star hotel double standard room.
3. Car use: 25-52 air-conditioned tour buses and foreign drivers shall be arranged according to the number of team members to ensure that each person has one seat;
4. Guide clothing: professional Chinese leader and guide
5. Meals: Chinese lunch and dinner (eight dishes for the main meal), 10 people for a table, 10 days and 5 mornings (local Chinese restaurants); Standard: Dinner: 8 dollars; Airplane meal is not considered as dinner
6. Admission: Moscow Metro, Winter Palace, Summer Palace Garden, Peter Paul Fortress
7. Train: luxury express train;
8. List: visa free list (only for mainland Chinese residents with private passports, foreigners must apply for tourist visas to join the delegation at their own expense)
9. Insurance: travel agency liability insurance; Treatment insurance outside Russia;

Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    1. Single room difference: 1800 yuan/person
    2. Service fee: 490 yuan/person
    3. Passport fee
    4. In case of price increase of fuel tax of airlines, the difference will be made up
    5. Personal expenses such as laundry, hair cutting, telephone, drinks, tobacco and alcohol, pay TV, customs duties, baggage handling, storage fees, and excess baggage consignment fees in the hotel are limited to one piece of baggage per person, free of charge for less than 20 kg;
    6. The travel expenses do not include the personal and property losses caused by the tourists' breach of contract, their own fault, behavior during the free activity period or their own diseases;
    7. Excluding overseas accident insurance, it is recommended to purchase it. Elderly people over 70 years old (including 70 years old) need to sign a health commitment letter to register);
    8. Tickets for other paid attractions not marked in the itinerary


    1. The above itinerary Moscow St. Petersburg round-trip night train/bullet train is finally subject to the actual time arranged by the team. If the train time is adjusted at night, the quality of the itinerary remains unchanged. Please rest assured that the detailed Russian tourist precautions and the confirmation of the meeting place of the tour leader's contact number will be notified to all tourists in the form of a tour notice before the tour!
    2. Please abide by local laws and regulations and pay attention to your personal safety during your stay abroad;
    3. When you travel in Russia, in addition to preparing VISA, MasterCard and other international credit cards, please try to prepare some rouble cash, because some stores can not only accept cash payment by card. You can exchange RMB for rubles with the tour leader. If you have rubles that have not been used up after the trip, you can exchange them back at the original exchange rate;
    4. If there is a single man or single woman in the hotel accommodation, the travel society will coordinate to arrange same-sex guests to live together. The free group group does not guarantee that couples can live in the same room.

    payment method

    Publish Consultation

    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
    • contact information:
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    Service Centre

    Guangdong CTS (Dongguan) Travel Agency Co., Ltd
    Service hotline
    Mr. Chen 18681093171
    Wen Wen 18566163977
    Miss Yang 13729906756

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