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 From Dalian to Jiuhua Mountain in Nanjing, the 99 meter open-air holy statue of the Tibetan Bodhisattva will fly 2 and 3 days

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Product No.: 836189

From Dalian to Jiuhua Mountain in Nanjing, the 99 meter open-air holy statue of the Tibetan Bodhisattva will fly 2 and 3 days

Landscape price: ¥2780 Market price: ¥4580 Yuan online payment: deposit required ¥300 element Starting price description
Date of sending group: August 30, we suggest you send group in advance one Booking for more than days
Additional items: Tourist security
Package type:
Adult price Children's price
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children Support online payment

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

  • Line features
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  • Instructions for participation
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  • Last updated: 2020-01-23
Scenic spots included: Huacheng Temple Centenary Palace, Five Hundred Arhats Hall Tiantai Scenic Spot Bodywork Hall, Dizang Temple, Ancient Sutra Worship Platform, Tiantai Temple, Phoenix Ancient Pine
Gift attractions: the open-air holy statue of Tibetan Bodhisattva
Accommodation: quasi three standard room
Meals: 2 breakfast, 4 dinner, 25 yuan/meal
Tel: 0411-84908947 WeChat: 15524835727

Reference travel

Schedule of Day 1      Dining: dinner Accommodation: at the foot of Jiuhua Mountain
  •  Dalian to Nanjing Jiuhua Mountain 99 meters underground Tibetan Bodhisattva outdoor holy image praying 2 flights 3 days _ Day 1 schedule
  • Dalian Nanjing Jiuhua Mountain Aircraft and automobile

    The group gathered at the second floor of Zhoushuizi Airport, took a plane to Nanjing to meet the group, and then drove to【 Jiuhua Mountain Tibetan Holy Image Scenic Spot 】, visit Wutong Bridge, Hongyuan Hall, Lotus Pure Land Hongqiao Feitian, Dayuan Square, Dixin Lotus Pond, etc., watch the Feitian performance, climb the 99 level pilgrimage path to the Buddha Worship Platform, salute the 99 meter open-air large bronze statue of the world's highest underground Bodhisattva, feel the spirit of the underground great wish, and make incense and vows. At the foot of Jiuhua Mountain in the evening

Schedule of Day 2      Dining: breakfast, lunch, dinner Accommodation: on the mountain of Jiuhua Street
  •  Dalian to Nanjing Jiuhua Mountain 99 meters underground Tibetan Bodhisattva outdoor holy image praying 2 fly 3 days _ Day 2 schedule
  • Earth King Bodhisattva Christmas 9 Huashan Mountain automobile

    After breakfast, visit Jiuhua Mountain Scenic Area, one of the national 5A level and four famous Buddhist mountains, walk to the Jingjiao Station, take the Jingjiao bus up the mountain, and visit Kaishanzu Temple- Huacheng Temple (Jiuhua Mountain Historical Relics Museum), cable car or walking (about 5 minutes on cable car, about 40 minutes on foot), visit the body of 126 year old flawless monk- Centenary Palace Five Hundred Arhats Hall Look into the distance at the natural sleeping Buddha (the shape of the mountain is similar to the late Master Ren De, the head of Jiuhua Mountain Buddhist Association), get off the cable car or walk, and transfer the scenery after lunch to the cableway in Tiantai Scenic Area or walk on it (the cableway takes 12 minutes and about 2 hours to walk) for worship The ancient worship by the Taiwan , Stepping on the ground to hide big footprints (increase happiness and wisdom), the highest temple in Jiuhua - Tiantai Temple, watching rocs and listening to scriptures, golden tortoises facing the Big Dipper Candle Peak , Immortals playing drums and stones, cableway or walking down (the whole journey is about 3 hours), Jingjiaotou back to Jiuhua Street, the evening temple free Buddhist activities; Morning, noon and evening on the mountain of Jiuhua Street

Schedule of Day 3      Meal: breakfast, lunch
  •  Dalian to Nanjing Jiuhua Mountain 99 meters underground Tibetan Bodhisattva outdoor holy image praying 2 flights 3 days _ Day 3 schedule
  • Jiuhuashan Nanjing Dalian Automobile Aircraft

    Early in the morning, on the south gate, you can swim to the Zen Hall, Dishui Guanyin, and visit the Dizang Bodhisattva Pagoda - Bodhisattva Hall, Dizang Zen Temple (dedicated to the body of Monk Ciming and the 9.9 meter bronze statue of the Dizang King Bodhisattva), and the three major halls of Zhantanlin (Great Compassion, Great Wish, and Huayan). After lunch, take the bus to Nanjing Airport and return to Dalian Morning Middle School


Instructions for participation

The quotation has included fees and service standards
1. "Accommodation": stay in the standard room of the designated hotel; Single men and single women need to make up the room difference or arrange for three extra beds,
2. "Dining standard": 4 a.m. (ten people for one table, eight dishes for one soup, less than ten people, the amount of food will be reduced accordingly); Dinner: 25 yuan/person (excluding drinks),
3. "Interval car": air-conditioned tour bus; The air-conditioned tour bus shall be allocated according to the number of team members to ensure that each person has one seat;
4. "Ticket": the first ticket for the scenic spot except the self funded scenic spot; Cableway is not included;
5. Tour guide: local tour guide service;
6. "Round trip transportation": airplane economy class includes airport construction cost and fuel cost;


3、 Special instructions
1. All expenses and personal consumption expenses other than the above expenses shall be borne by themselves.
Cableway: 55 yuan for the upper and lower parts of the Centenary Palace (100 yuan for round-trip);
85 yuan for the upper and lower parts of the roof section (160 yuan for round-trip);
2. All expenses other than various expenses and personal consumption expenses shall be borne by themselves.
3. Our agency purchases travel agency liability insurance for tourists, and the claim settlement standard is subject to the provisions of the insurance company.
4. Party A must carefully read the Travel Instructions and sign for confirmation.
5. The itinerary and various descriptions are one of the annexes to the domestic tourism contract.
4、 Reception agreement
A: Due to flight changes and adjustments, the departure notice shall prevail, and the airline has the final right of interpretation; B: The travel agency must provide true personal information of passengers (accurate name and ID card number, passengers aged 16 and above must hold ID cards or passports, if no ID card is available at the age of 16, please bring your account book). Guests are requested to gather at the airport 1 hour and 30 minutes before the flight takes off. Our agency will not be responsible for any subsequent disputes caused by your mistakes and losses; C: When enjoying the preferential policies of the scenic spot, the guests with the preferential exemption certificate will be subject to the specific requirements of the scenic spot. The tickets of the scenic spot that have not occurred will be returned at the agreed price between the travel agency and the scenic spot. D: Our tour guide will strictly follow the itinerary arrangement, and we will not be responsible for any complaints caused by the inconsistency between the itinerary held by the guests and the itinerary in the contract. E: In case of force majeure, such as natural disasters and government regulations, which endanger the safety of tourists' personal and property, or accidents not caused by the travel agency's responsibility, and the travel agency has to adjust or change the travel schedule of the travel contract, it shall make an explanation to the tourists in advance; If it is really impossible to explain the situation in advance due to objective circumstances, the situation shall be explained afterwards. Solution: The tickets for the scenic spots that have not occurred will be returned at the agreed price between the travel agency and the scenic spot; Guests are not allowed to leave the group without permission. If a guest leaves the group, it will be deemed as voluntary termination of the contract and voluntary waiver of reception matters and expenses not incurred in the contract. Our society will not accept any subsequent disputes arising therefrom. F: Attention to rights protection: Guests must fill in the Tourist Feedback Form. Complaints are valid within 7 days after their return. The handling results are subject to the Tourist Feedback Form filled in locally. Overdue complaints will not be accepted. If the guest writes "poor" on the comment sheet, it can be regarded as the complaint category, and fill in the reason for the complaint on the comment sheet; We will not accept any subsequent disputes caused by the guests' false filling or failure to fill in the opinion form. Please organize the travel agency to tell the tourists that they must carefully fill in the form when receiving the guests, and all losses caused thereby shall be borne by the guests themselves; G: Our agency does not assume custody of minors under 18 years old and tourists over 60 years old. Tourists must keep their valuables by themselves. If they lose something due to their own reasons, the guests are responsible for it. Travel agencies and tour guides are obliged to assist in finding or reporting the case, but are not responsible for all compensation and related complaints caused thereby; H: Tourists who travel after dinner every day or give up participating in the planned tourism project agreed in the itinerary or do not participate in the tourism project that requires tourists to pay additional fees are regarded as free time for tourists. Please pay attention to property and personal safety. All safety problems arising during free activities shall be borne by tourists themselves.

payment method

——Payment method is not filled——

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You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
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Dalian Shihai International Travel Agency Co., Ltd
Service hotline
Tel: 0411-84908947

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