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 I went to Beijing to go to university - eight days of potential awakening

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Product No.: 830405

I went to Beijing to go to university - eight days of potential awakening

Landscape price: ¥3100 Market price: ¥3180 Yuan online payment: deposit required ¥1000 element Starting price description
Date of sending delegation: July 11, July 16, July. It is recommended that you advance three Booking for more than days
Additional items: Tourist security
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This price is a reference price. Please call for details
Departure month:
June July August
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Number of tourists:
adult Children Support online payment

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

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  • Last updated: 2018-05-07
Highlight 1: Wake up potential
Highlight 2: Clear objectives
Highlight 3: military expansion
Highlight 4: cultivate habits
Highlight 5: Dream of sailing
Highlight 6: Bonfire Feast
Highlight 7: Sino Western Cultural Exchange
Highlight 8: CCTV program recording

Reference travel

Schedule of Day 1     
  •     On the first day, dream set sail, carry your luggage, and take your goals and dreams with you Take the designated train k180 (22:12-06:15)( Xinxiang Hebi Anyang You can get on the train along the way) or at a similar time point, and leave for Beijing! On the train, counselors and teachers guide small campers to carry out interactive games - great interpersonal challenges, meet in laughter, run for leadership, and learn self-management!

    Today's harvest: 1. Through mutual understanding through games, establish a team concept, improve the social skills of campers, exercise their courage, eloquence and self-confidence, and cultivate children's sense of competition; 2. A camper's manual carefully compiled for each camper, with daily insights and travel diaries recorded.       
Schedule of Day 2     
  •     The next day, move into the military camp to realize the military dream 07:00 Enter the camp, check in, get familiar with the environment, distribute dormitory, and receive equipment! 10:00 [Military expansion] Escape expansion training for fire and earthquake natural disasters, sharing solidarity and cooperation, making full use of terrain and surface features and other escape groups and personal skills! 12: 00 for Chinese food. 16: 00 Military expansion Flood and debris flow natural disaster escape expansion training, sharing solidarity and cooperation, making full use of terrain and surface features and other escape groups and personal skills! Sharing: a good habit of being active and responsible for yourself and others. 18: 30 Dinner. 19:30 [Team building] The integration of each group requires iron discipline. The campers from all over the world learn the demeanor of soldiers and sing military songs together Interactive games to remove interpersonal ice, awaken and stimulate potential expansion activities. 21:00 Record what you saw and learned in the camper's manual! Wash, listen to the bugle, turn off the light and go to bed.

    Today's harvest: 1. Enter the camp and open the collective life mode; 2. Improve the ability of self-care through learning to organize the internal affairs; 3. Learn escape skills through drills, and at the same time learn the good habit of being active and responsible for yourself and others. 5. Record the next day's observations and gains in the Camp Manual, and record the journey diary.       
Schedule of Day 3     
  •     Day 3: Explore the new play method of the Forbidden City and strive to become the champion 6: 00 get up, wash and tidy up, Go out [Military Exercise] 7: 00 breakfast; 08:00 Come to the world's largest urban central square【 Tiananmen Square] often seen on TV Monument to the People's Heros the Great Hall of the People National Museum Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall The National Grand Theater ...... At this moment, you can see it. 09:30 Walk across the Jinshui Bridge, through the Tiananmen Gate Tower to the mysterious [Palace Museum], through the Ming and Qing Dynasties, explore the Palace Museum, see the essence of ancient Chinese art in the red walls and yellow tiles, and slowly appreciate the level differences of Forbidden Palace, and understand the rise and fall of dynasties from history. Back to reality, we have gained a lot. Task 1: Do something you think is related to the rise and fall of the country; Task 2: Find foreign tourists to communicate with and take group photos with them; Task 3: Look at the picture and look for treasure (get a picture from the instructor and find out where the treasure in the picture is in the Forbidden City). After lunch at 13:30, Enter【 Confucian Temple 】、【 Imperial College 】They are the highest educational institution and educational administration institution set up by the state in the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, and also the place where the emperor gave lectures. Our campers here put on Han costumes, pay homage to Confucius Saint, and strive to become the number one scholar. 19: 00 Enter the camp for dinner. 20: 00 Share Cultivate good habits: Cultivate children's good learning habits from an early age. Habits can determine a person's fate. For students, developing good learning habits will benefit them a lot. At 21:00, record what they saw and learned in the camper's manual! Wash, listen to the bugle, turn off the light and go to bed.

    Today's harvest: 1. Explore the Forbidden City, deeply interpret China's long history, and assign a task book to achieve the task and challenge yourself through your own efforts; 2. [Confucius Temple] and [Imperial College] have realized the ancient famous schools, put on Han clothes, pay homage to saints, and strive to become the champion; 3. Learn to share every day and cultivate good habits; 4. Record the next day's experiences and gains in the Camp Manual, and record the journey diary.
Schedule of Day 4     
  •     Day 4 Live CS, Bonfire Party 6: 00 get up, wash and tidy up, Go out [Military Exercise]; 8: After breakfast, climb the Great Wall at Juyongguan Pass. Under the guidance of the instructor and the leader, divide the children into groups to see which group members can reach the designated place at 12:30 after lunch, Enter [Horse riding on the grassland] and get close to large animals on the vast grassland. On the prairie with mountains, water, grass and trees, we took up guns and rushed to the battle. Who is the hero and who is in charge of ups and downs? It is still up to us to count the celebrities, Open [Real CS] 18:00 After BBQ dinner, hold a grand bonfire party Campers, teachers, instructors, etc. sing and dance to release, experience, and show their talents. 21:00 Today we had a wonderful and full play. Under the guidance of the instructor, we wrote a travel diary. Wash and rest early, and we will have a more wonderful journey tomorrow!  

    Today's harvest: 1. Climb the Great Wall, feel the strong and unyielding spirit of the Chinese nation, exercise children's perseverance through group competitions, and let children feel that the journey of life is like climbing the Great Wall. One step, one progress, and perseverance is victory; 2. Feel the vastness of the grassland, experience the joy of horseback riding, open the real CS, and be a hero; 3. Play bonfire, eat barbecue on the grassland, show talent at the party, let children challenge themselves and release heartily; 4. Record the next day's observations and gains in the Camp Manual, and record the journey diary.   
Schedule of Day 5     
  •     Day Five My College Dream 6: 00 Get up and wash, tidy up the internal affairs, go out for military exercises; 7: 00 After breakfast, walk into the [China Space City], the location of the Chinese Astronaut Research and Training Center, one of the three largest astronaut centers in the world. The space city has space flight control center hall, astronaut physical training hall and other facilities. Share: Good habit of persistence! 13: 00 After lunch, we went to China's famous universities, [Tsinghua University] or [Peking University] visit China's top universities , feel the Chinese university culture, experience a different learning atmosphere, and set a lofty goal for future studies. 15:00 Visit [CCTV Program Recording] or enjoy [Acrobatics] wonderful performances. Uncover the process of modern TV movie recording. Experience the hard journey of one minute on stage and ten years off stage. Success is persistence, success is tempering, success is a wonderful demonstration of hard study. How can you see a rainbow without experiencing the wind and rain. At 21: 00, record what you saw and learned in the camper's manual! Wash, listen to the bugle, turn off the light and go to bed.  

    Today's harvest: 1. Tsinghua or Peking University's top students in the college entrance examination teach learning secrets, and cultivate children's correct and efficient learning methods; 2. Come to [CCTV program recording] or enjoy [acrobatics] wonderful performances or experience the hardships of ten years of hard work on and off the stage for one minute, and experience the hard work and persistence behind success; 3. Record the next day's experiences and gains in the Camp Manual, and record the journey diary.   
Schedule of Day 6     
  •     6: 00 Get up, wash, tidy up, and go out [military exercises] 7: After breakfast, Enter the [China Science and Technology Museum] , assign tasks to children and let them experience the charm of technology. Task 1: The campers found out two of their favorite scientific and technological inventions and came back to write travel notes Task 2: I participated in a small experiment to approach the host site of the Chinese Olympic Games at 10:00, Appearance [Bird's Nest], [Water Cube] To appreciate the grand occasion of the 2008 Olympic Games and feel the passion of the Olympic Games. 12: 00 After lunch [Gratitude class] Walk into the famous teacher's lecture hall, Professional teachers will explain and enlighten the campers. If the heart changes, the attitude will change; If your attitude changes, your habits will change, and your life will change. Learn to be grateful and let your heart be filled with love; Learn to be grateful and lighten up the intelligent life. At 21:00, record the information and harvest of the day in the Camp Manual! Wash, listen to the bugle, turn off the light and go to bed.

    Today's harvest: 1. Understand the latest development of China's science and technology, stimulate interest in science and enthusiasm for learning, and enhance the ability to use hands and brains; 2. [Bird's Nest], [Water Cube] Enjoy the grand occasion of the 2008 Olympic Games and feel the passion of the Olympic Games. 3. Enter the famous teacher's lecture hall, learn to be grateful, and let your heart be filled with love! 4. Record the next day's experiences and gains in the Camp Manual, and record the journey diary.   
Schedule of Day 7     
  • Day 7 Tank Museum

    six : 00 Get up, wash, tidy up, go out【 Military exercises 】;

    8: Walk in after breakfast【 China Tank Museum 】The only tank museum in China and even in Asia. The museum has a history of the people's armored forces Tank armored vehicle , Tank training simulator, weapon simulation modeling four major parts, a total of 11 exhibition halls. The museum also exhibited 915 pictures and 420 documents. It reflects the growth process of our armored forces from scratch and from weak to strong.

    12: 00 Held after lunch【 Closing ceremony , wave goodbye to your friends who have been with you for many days, leave contact information with each other, believe that your friendship has taken root and sprouted, and look forward to the next reunion! (Leave the names of the partners)

    twenty : 30 Gather and take the train k179 (22:32-06:45) designated by the reception unit (you can get off along the way in Handan, Anyang, Hebi and Xinxiang) or leave Beijing at a similar time. Summarize what you have seen and learned during the trip, and friends say goodbye to each other.

    If the heart changes, the attitude will change; If your attitude changes, your habits will change, and your life will change. Learn to be grateful and let your heart be filled with love; Learn to be grateful, and light up the intelligent life.

    At 21:00, record the information and harvest of the day in the Camp Manual! Wash, listen to the bugle, turn off the light and go to bed.

    Today's harvest:

    1、 The Tank Museum explores dreams and experiences!

    2、 I'm glad to meet you, but also sad to leave you. I'm going to leave you temporarily. In order to get together better next time, don't forget to set up a friend file

    3、 Under the guidance of the tutors, summarize the harvest of this summer camp (environmental protection, financial management, friendship, team, art, quality

    Ge training, gratitude, etc.), record the details here.

Schedule of Day 8     
  • On the eighth day, I returned home with a full load Arrive in Zhengzhou and share your achievements with your parents! A short journey, this light stroke in your life path brings you lasting memories, more touching and passionate dreams and hopes, so take this dream to a better tomorrow!

    Registration hotline: 15838870240=WeChat


Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    Guarantee service:
    [Safety Assurance] 1. All security services in the product are under controlled supervision and have special management for safety prevention and control,
    There is a complete safety prevention and control team system, with dedicated safety officers, and strict
    Standards and specifications to be adopted.
    2. There are strict special safety prevention and control management for automobile traffic and water related projects in reception
    3. Pacific Insurance Company underwrites 200000 personal accident insurance and 600000 liability insurance for each person.
    4. Every 15 campers are equipped with a professional counselor, a military instructor is equipped on the Beijing train to guard the safety, a professional lecturer, and a graduate student counselor from Beijing universities to accompany the whole process and take photos with the group.
    [Traffic arrangement] Air conditioned train hard sleeper for return trip, local air conditioned tourist bus
    [Catering arrangement] 1. All ground catering stores are qualified restaurants
    2. A total of meals are served at 11:00 a.m. every day. Self service students are served with nutrition packages or table meals. The table meals are one table for ten people, eight dishes and one soup, one of which is the old Beijing special meal - fried sauce noodles.
    3. Drinking water for campers in the camp
    [Accommodation arrangement] All campsites are determined after investigation, assessment and acceptance in advance: Peking University campsite, totally enclosed management, 4-8 rooms, equipped with air conditioning and independent sanitation. The military camp has a clinic to ensure the health and safety of the campers.
    [Equipment distribution] The enrolled students are equipped with a T-shirt, camouflage summer suit, hat, backpack, camper album, and student cup! Equipment is distributed locally in Beijing.


    ★ Our center has the right to adjust the tour sequence without reducing the number of scenic spots.
    1. Knowledge preparation:
    (1) Please help the campers understand travel knowledge and teach them safety precautions during travel.
    (2) Parents are requested to guide campers to collect information about the geographical location, climate conditions, dietary characteristics, customs and habits of the summer camp destination in combination with the campers' manual.
    (3) Parents are requested to help campers review the texts they have learned related to the destination, read the books in the "Recommended Books", and suggest that students and parents exchange reading experience.

    payment method

    For your direct and friendly cooperation with us, we have joined the Honest Travel Convention of Shanshui Tourism Online Shop, so please contact us before booking the travel products, and after confirmation, you can pay the deposit through online payment or payment.

    We solemnly promise you that Luoyang Tiantian Travel Agency is an independent legal entity, not a contract store or business department. Please rest assured that you can choose our products.

    Corporate bank account number:

    Bank of deposit: Bank of China Luoyang Luonan New Area Sub branch Business Department

    Company name: Luoyang Tiantian Travel Agency Co., Ltd

    Bank account: 262 416 571 258  

    Alipay account: id782@163.com

    Personal bank account:

    ICBC: 6222 0217 0500 2209 222 Wang Ideal

    China Construction Bank: 6227 0024 5802 0107 646 Wang Ideal

    Bank of China: 4563 5180 0201 3830 280 Wang Ideal

    Bank of Communications: 6222 6008 3000 1023 538 Wang Ideal

    Postal Bank: 6221 8849 3002 1938 118 Wang Ideal

    Rural credit cooperatives: 6229 9116 7002 2839 83 Wang Ideal

    Bank of Communications: 5218 9908 3063 8432 Wang Ideal (free of service charge)

    Everbright Bank: 6226 5800 1465 9011 Wang Ideal (free of service charge)


    Publish Consultation

    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
    • contact information:
    • Consultation content:

    Service Centre

    Luoyang Tiantian Travel Agency Co., Ltd
    Service hotline
    Individual tourists/family groups 0379-64859200
    Team/Small Baotuan 0379-64859400
    Ticketing/Free Bank 0379-64859500
    Car rental/self driving tour 0379-64859100
    Individual guest consultation 13613880240
    Grounding customer service 13613880240

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    Booking process