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 The Three Kingdoms Red Cliff Ancient Battlefield in Hubei Expands Tourism in Two Days

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Product No.: 812729

The Three Kingdoms Red Cliff Ancient Battlefield in Hubei Expands Tourism in Two Days

Landscape price: ¥468 Market price: ¥560 element Starting price description
Date of group sending: every day, it is recommended that you send the group in advance three Booking for more than days
Additional items:
Package type:
Including tickets, catering, accommodation, round-trip transportation, insurance, etc
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

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  • Last updated: 2019-07-31
Chibi Ancient Battlefield of the Three Kingdoms is a national 4A tourist scenic spot and a national key cultural relics protection unit. It is located on the south bank of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, adjacent to Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province, in the north and Yueyang, a famous cultural city in the south. Beijing Hong Kong Macao Expressway, Beijing Guangzhou Railway and Beijing Guangzhou High speed Railway run through the north and south, and the golden waterway of the Yangtze River runs through the mirror.
The Red Cliff Ancient Battlefield of the Three Kingdoms is based on the tourism resources of the Red Cliff Ancient Battlefield site and guided by the market demand. The whole scenic spot is divided into two parts: the ancient Red Cliff site area and the second phase project of the new scenic spot. The main scenic spots of the old scenic spot include: the "Red Cliff" cliff stone inscription after thousands of years of wind and frost, the magnificent statue of Zhou Yu, the "Wind Worship Platform" where Zhuge Liang set up an altar to worship the wind, the "Phoenix Chui" at Pang Tong's military parade, and dozens of cultural landscapes, such as the Yijiang Pavilion, Wangjiang Pavilion, the exhibition hall of the Red Cliff War, the Red Cliff Stele Gallery, and the Millennium Ginkgo Tree.
Three Kingdoms Chibi Tourism Development Co., Ltd. started construction of a new scenic spot with an area of nearly 300000 square meters in January 2008. The main body of construction is "Chibi represents the Three Kingdoms, and tourists experience the war". The goal is "Chibi tourism goes with China to the world, and world tourists come to Chibi to interpret China". After three years of development and construction, The second phase of the new Three Kingdoms Red Cliff Ancient Battlefield, which cost more than RMB 6 billion, was officially opened on September 6, 2011.
The second phase project of the Three Kingdoms Chibi Ancient War scene area mainly includes four major parts: tourism reception service office (Jixian Hall, Chibi Posthouse, Royal Restaurant, large ecological parking lot, tourist reception office), Three Kingdoms cultural and entertainment area (Chengyiguan, Shushutang, Chime Hall, Straw Boat Borrowing Arrow, Horse Racing Field, Battery, Three Kingdoms Hell City, etc.) Scene live performance area (opening city to welcome guests, Zhou Yu's military training, Liu Bei's marriage and other programs), Three Kingdoms Ancient Business District (Han Dynasty Folk Street, Jincheng, Tucheng).
The Red Cliff Ancient Battlefield of the Three Kingdoms invested heavily to build the sacred fire culture party. With a strong fire culture as the theme, and a strong cast of actors and choreography effect as the expression method, in the final "Carnival" link of the holy fire carnival, dancing with the bonfire allows tourists to participate in the red Cliff sacred fire to add a fire of happiness and health to themselves, their families, and their careers Set up a lucky firewood to let tourists experience the "Tour of Chibi • Fire Life"!

Reference travel

                     Day 1

08 :30

Gather and set out at the designated place, explain the activity process on the vehicle, and carry out ice breaking activities in groups.

eleven :10

arrive Xianning Red Cliff Ancient battlefield Expansion base

eleven :20

Room card and gift

eleven :40

Enjoy the Three Kingdoms Feast

thirteen :30

one . Breaking the ice and sailing: Divide the team into Wei, Shu, Wu, and elect officials like monarchs and ministers

National flag design and totem construction, style display

fourteen :20

two , 60 seconds at top speed: Team members need to collect 30 cards representing 1-30 numbers in the rope loop from small to large within 60 seconds.

Activity significance: test the effective communication ability, divergent thinking ability and association ability of team members


fifteen :20

three Rock climbing: It is a project derived from mountaineering. It uses human primitive climbing instinct and various equipment for safety protection to climb cliffs, cracks, boulders and artificial rock walls made of some rocks. It can fully meet people's desire to return to nature, seek stimulation, and challenge nature and self. It is a very beautiful and ornamental sport, praised by many people as Rock ballet



four Blind people touch number : Communication is everywhere, and the world is within reach. "All team members form a circle, cover their eyes, and do not speak. Everyone has a message, and use this information to arrange in order.


one Cultivate team members' awareness of active communication and experience effective communication channels and methods;

two Emphasize the information and resource sharing of the team, and improve the overall value by strengthening the rational allocation of resources;

three Understand the importance of strengthening cooperation between teams.

eighteen :00


nineteen :00

Posthouse (4-star hotel) rest

                         Day Two

08 :00


08 :30

Visit the Three Kingdoms Chibi Ancient Battlefield Scenic Spot:

three countries Chibi Ancient Battlefield Scenic area Red Cliff Great War Ancient Site Travel? Based on resources and guided by market demand, the whole landscape is divided into ancient Red Cliff Site area( Cliff inscriptions , Baifeng Terrace Fengchu Temple Etc.); Sculpture Park( peach orchard Jieyi, Xiao Qiao's first marriage, Diao Chan and Lv Bu, etc.); Tourist reception service area (Jixian Hall Red Cliff Posthouse, Royal Restaurant, large ecological parking lot, tourist reception);

Three Kingdoms Culture and Entertainment Area( Red Cliff War Exhibition Hall, Chengyiguan, Storytelling Hall, Chime Hall, Grass Boat Borrowing Arrow, Horse Racing Ground battery , the Three Kingdoms Hell City, etc.); Red Cliff Live performance area of battle scene( Kaicheng Welcome, Zhou Yu's military training, Liu Bei's marriage ceremony and other programs);

Six major parts of the Three Kingdoms Ancient Business District (Han Dynasty Folk Street, Jincheng, Tucheng)

eleven :30

Chinese food

thirteen :00

Guided by the coach, continue to visit the ancient battlefield of the Three Kingdoms

Interactive games available:( Self funded project

Battery firing : You are an ancient gunner. If you hit, the fountain will gush out. This is the best praise for you

The Three Kingdoms Hell City : Explore the situation of "gods and ghosts", feel the breath of terror, and challenge the psychological endurance

Zhuge Crossbow : With crossbows and arrows, you can feel the cheerfulness and heroism of shooting!

riding : Horse riding is a gentleman and healthy sport. You can ride horses and feel the heroism on horseback

fifteen :00

Review and summarize, select "Happy Baby", "Devotion", "Dragon Hero", etc., and award certificates and prizes

fifteen :30

Finish the pleasant development course, get on the bus and return to the city with satisfaction, looking forward to the next development.

eighteen :00

Arrive at a warm home

Details: Zhang Jiang 18086113686

Instructions for participation

1. There is certain danger in field exploration, and self-protection must be strengthened;
2 Wear wear and tear resistant sports clothes (women must wear pants in summer), soft soled sneakers or travel shoes (spare shoes), personal toiletries and corresponding personalized medicine for internal use;
3 Clearly inform the body of special conditions;
4 In the wild, please follow the outdoor expansion rules of "take nothing but photos; leave nothing but footprints";
5 Observe the team discipline, obey the coach's instructions, and do not leave the team's march route, activities and camping camp without authorization to ensure personal safety.
6. Happy investment.


1. Training cost of this activity: 468 yuan/person
2. Quotation description: the price of this quotation is based on the team size of more than 30 people. Including transportation costs, equipment depreciation costs, lunch, ticket fees, insurance premiums (insurance amount: RMB191000/person), team flags, banners, professional coaches, general management fees, etc.
Special note: You can also choose to expand bases such as Caidian Jiuzhen Mountain, Huangpi Mulan Ancient Gate, etc
Details: Zhang Jiang 18086113686

payment method

Bank name: Xudong Branch of Bank of China

Line No.: 846698

Account name: Wuhan Besant Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd

Account No.: 5560 5783 1676


Bank name: China Construction Bank

Account name: Li Yong

Card No.: 6227 0028 7360 0072 046


Bank name: Bank of China

Account name: Li Yong

Card No.: 4563 5130 0030 6033 971


Bank name: Agricultural Bank of China

Account name: Li Yong

Account No.: 6228 4800 5133 8929 212


Alipay : Li Yong

account number: thirteen billion two hundred and seventy-seven million eighty-eight thousand eight hundred and forty-four

Publish Consultation

You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
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Service Centre

Wuhan Besant Development Training Management Consulting Co., Ltd
Service hotline
National toll free hotline: 400-0808-279
24-hour hotline 18607168858
Secondary cities in Hubei: special line 13277088844
Fixed telephone: 027-51871258, 86705402
Customer service specialist: Gangzi 15527020288
Customer service specialist: Cheetah 18607168858

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