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 Six day automobile tour in Suqian, Qingdao, Rizhao, Weihai, Yantai, Penglai, Lianyungang

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Product No.: 779147

Six day automobile tour in Suqian, Qingdao, Rizhao, Weihai, Yantai, Penglai, Lianyungang

Landscape price: ¥199 From yuan Starting price description
Date of departure: April 1, we recommend you to advance one Booking for more than days
Additional items:
Package type:
Only one on April 1
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

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  • Scenic spots passing by
  • Instructions for participation
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  • Last updated: 2016-04-28
Six day automobile tour in Suqian, Qingdao, Rizhao, Weihai, Yantai, Penglai, Lianyungang
Duration: April 1 Price: 199 yuan/person
Tour features:
Value added service:
★ Exclusive market: [Xiang Wang's hometown] panoramic view of Suqian and Jiaodong Peninsula, without regret;
★ Upgrade the itinerary and upgrade the four-star standard hotel accommodation for one night;
★ The whole journey is high-speed, comfortable and fast;
★ One stop tour guide service from the beginning to the end of Wuhan to ensure the service quality to the greatest extent;
★ Do not compete with the group and do not resell, and form an independent group in Hubei;
★ 5 breakfast and 5 dinner for the whole journey;

Reference travel

  D1: Wuhan - Suqian Meal: No accommodation: Suqian

Gather and set out at the designated place early, and then go straight to Suqian by highway (about 6.5H). Visit the national AAAA level after arrival Travel? Scenic Area [Western Chu Ancient City - Xiang Wang's Hometown 】(120 yuan is included, and the journey is about 2h). The first Xiang Family Ancestral Temple in China with the theme of Xiang Yu and Xiang Family culture is Jiangsu Provincial key cultural relics protection unit, Jiangsu Provincial Tourism Administration designated as the main scenic spot in Jiangsu Province, visiting the only Western Chu architectural complex in China The ancient city gate , Xiang Yu Statue, General's Office, Xiang Yu's Former Residence, Xiang Fu, Workshop Street, Bawang Ancient and Modern Museum, Yu Family's Old House, etc. Search for delicious food by yourself after checking in the hotel.   


D2: Suqian- sunshine Meals: Morning, noon and evening accommodation: after breakfast in Rizhao, visit the [Santai Mountain Forest Park] (tickets included, about 2h) planned and constructed according to the national AAAAA tourist attraction standard, and enjoy“ big lake The landscape effect of "Forest Sea" is to experience "the most beautiful forest, the most beautiful red leaves, the most beautiful patchwork field, the most beautiful brook, the most beautiful road, the most beautiful bridge, the most beautiful building, the most beautiful purple stone". Then take the bus to the beautiful coastal city Rizhao (about 2.5h drive), visit [Lighthouse Scenic Area] after lunch (about 1.5h travel time), view Rizhao Port, the second largest coal export port in China, the largest reef group in the north of the Yangtze River, and view the sea near Jieshi. Then visit the World Sailing Championships Base [Water Sports City Scenic Area] (about 1H, the first national water sports games competition base), and check in the hotel after dinner.                                      


D3: Sunshine- Qingdao - Weihai Meals: morning, noon and evening Accommodation: Weihai

After breakfast, take the bus to Qingdao (about 2H), and pass the Jiaozhou Bay Submarine Tunnel, also known as "Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay Tunnel". After arriving in Qingdao, visit the "Eight Gorge Temple of Heaven on the Sea" (tickets included, about 0.5H). The center of the altar has a magical echo reverberation effect. Standing on the top of the Temple of Heaven, you can enjoy the romantic scenes of different coastal cities, watch the Qingdao Bay, coastal scenic spots and the pride of Qingdao people【 Trestle 】Experience the unique urban landscape of "red tiles, green trees, blue sea and blue sky" through the Badaguan Scenic Area, the World Architecture Expo Group. [May Fourth Square] (about 0.5H) Main sculpture of the square《 May wind 》Fully reflects the May 4th Movement The patriotic tone of anti imperialism and anti feudalism and the publicity of the rising national strength, Chelan Donghai Road [Sculpture Street]. The car goes to Weihai to check in the hotel.


D4: Weihai Penglai Meals: breakfast, lunch and accommodation: Penglai

After breakfast, we passed the "Weihai Seaside Park", which won the Luban Prize for Architecture, and the "Happiness Gate", the highest point of watching Weihai Seaside. Go to the place in Weihai where you can most feel the Korean characteristics [Korean Commodity City] (about 1H), and you will be nostalgic for the colorful Korean boutiques. Entering here is like going to a Korean department store. You can choose to buy some small gifts and family use small items as gifts for friends and relatives, which is a worthwhile trip! Then visit [Shengzhiyuan Specialty Supermarket] (about 45 minutes) to purchase Shandong specialty. 【 Korea Free Trade Commodity Center 】 (about 45 minutes).  


D5: Penglai Rizhao Meal: Morning accommodation: Rizhao

After breakfast, stroll along the Binhai Avenue to watch the [Eight Immortals Square]: The large sculpture of the Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea is opposite the Peace Square and close to the sea, which is the symbol of Penglai. The large sculpture of the Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea faces the sea. Penglai has a long history and splendid culture of more than 2100 years, known as the "fairyland on earth", and is the birthplace of oriental fairy tales. [International Peace Square] Free activities (about 20 minutes), visit [Baihekang Oceanographic Research Institute] (about 45 minutes), go to Rizhao, visit [Golden Beach Bathing Beach] (about 1H).     


D6: Rizhao Lianyungang Wuhan Dinner: Morning

After breakfast, take the bus to the magical and romantic "Crystal City" - Lianyungang, [in Haiyifang Seaside Park] (about 0.5 hours), and visit [Lianyungang Yangzi Crystal Factory] (about 0.5 hours). After dinner, return to Wuhan and return to the boarding place.   

Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    ▲ Transportation: One air-conditioned tourist bus for one person, regardless of seat number, respects the fine tradition of respecting the old and caring for the young of the Chinese nation, and tries to let the elderly, children or carsick tourists sit in the front seat;
    ▲ Tickets: large tickets for the scenic spots listed in the itinerary. (Because of the special price products, there is no refund if you don't go to the scenic spot. If you buy tickets by yourself, there is no refund)
    ▲ Accommodation.
    ▲ Meals: including 5 breakfast meals, one table for ten people, eight dishes and one soup. When the number of people increases or decreases, the amount of food will increase or decrease accordingly, but the food standard will remain unchanged, without alcohol. Because of the special price products, the group meal is not returned without charge.
    ▲ Tour guide: one-stop tour guide service.
    ▲ Children: 499 yuan/person for children under 1.4m, including parking fees and meal fees only, and other expenses shall be borne by themselves.


    Registration address and telephone:
    National tourism chain Baozhonglv Jiefang Road Sales Department:
    website: http://lxs.cncn.com/57316
    Customer service 1 (Xiao Wang): 027-512376831537663216 QQ: 847462853
    Customer service 2 (Xiao Liu): 027-5123768313469980056 (the same as WeChat) QQ: 260095710
    Contract signing: signing in person in the company, signing in the city free of charge
    Address: No. 540 Jiefang Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan City (50 meters ahead of Simenkou Human Resources Bureau)
    Note: The above lines and prices are for reference only, please consult our agency for details!!

    payment method

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    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
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    Service Centre

    Wuhan Baozhong Journey International Travel Agency Co., Ltd. Jiefang Road Sales Department
    Service hotline
    Manager Liu 13469980056
    Manager Wang 15377663216
    Customer service Xiaoyu 17762552892
    Customer service Xiao Peng 18986274150

    Booking process