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 Xi'an to Beijing - Moscow - St. Petersburg - Golden Ring 9 Day Tour

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Product No.: 76863

Xi'an to Beijing - Moscow - St. Petersburg - Golden Ring 9 Day Tour

Landscape price: ¥9500 Market price: ¥9800 element Starting price description
Date of sending group: every day
Additional items:
Package type:
Default type_1
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

  • Line features
  • Reference travel
  • Scenic spots passing by
  • Instructions for participation
  • reminder
  • payment method
  • Last updated: 2016-08-14
——Sorry, there is no line feature——

Reference travel

Schedule of Day 1     
  •  Xi'an to Beijing - Moscow - St. Petersburg - Golden Ring 9 Day Tour _ Day 1 Schedule
  • The first day of plane bus Beijing /Moscow HU7985 (14:40-18:35)
    After picking up the plane, the hotel has a rest. X Moscow
Schedule of Day 2     
  •  Xi'an to Beijing - Moscow - St. Petersburg - Golden Ring 9-day Tour _ Day 2 Schedule
  • The next day bus Moscow
    Visit the spiritual center of Russia---- Red Square Covering an area of 91000 square meters, the ground is unique and all paved with stones, which looks ancient and sacred. On the west side of Red Square is Lenin's mausoleum (about one hour's tour time), which was built in 1930 with red granite and Hela feldspar. Visit Lenin's Tomb - pay homage to Lenin, the world's great revolutionary mentor, Wasili Cathedral, the exterior of the Kremlin) (The Kremlin, a world-famous building complex, enjoys the reputation of "the eighth wonder in the world"). Visit the Tomb of the Unknown Martyrs, Alexander Garden, and Gum, Russia's largest department store. Morning
    Late Moscow
Schedule of Day 3     
  •  Xi'an to Beijing - Moscow - St. Petersburg - Golden Ring 9-day Tour _ Day 3 Schedule
  • Day 3 Bus Moscow/Jinhuan
    Go to the small town outside Moscow - Sergeyev Town, and visit the Three Holy Churches *. After lunch, go to Vladimir, visit the famous Golden Gate, Uspersky Church, Dmitri Church, the ancient water tower, Notre Dame Abbey, and stay in the hotel. Good morning!
    Late Vladimir
Schedule of Day 4     
  •  Xi'an to Beijing - Moscow - St. Petersburg - Golden Ring 9-day Tour _ Day 4 Schedule
  • Day 4 Bus
    Train Moscow/St. Petersburg
    After breakfast, take the bus to Susdari, visit the Little Kremlin, visit the beautiful wooden house museum in the 18th and 19th centuries *, the business square, Notre Dame Abbey, and return to Moscow after lunch. Then watch the Russian circus (at your own expense). Take the train in the evening to St. Petersburg, known as "Venice in the North". Good morning!
    On the late train
Schedule of Day 5     
  •  Xi'an to Beijing - Moscow - St. Petersburg - Golden Ring 9-day Tour _ Day 5 Schedule
  • Day 5 Bus St. Petersburg
    After breakfast, the city appearance sightseeing, Sphinx, the ancient port lighthouse of Vassili Island, and one of the four museums in the world - * Winter Palace Hermitage Museum (about 1-1.5 hours). The Winter Palace is the palace and residence of the czar, and the Winter Palace is part of the Hermitage Museum. Hermitage and the British Museum in London, the Louvre in Paris, the Metropolis in New York Art Museum Together, it is called the world's four major museums. The appearance of the naval headquarters building and the bronze knight statue named after Pushkin's lyrics, the party square in December, and the ballet performance after dinner (at your own expense). Good morning!
    Late Saint Peter
Schedule of Day 6     
  •  Xi'an to Beijing - Moscow - St. Petersburg - Golden Ring 9-day Tour _ Schedule of Day 6
  • Day 6 Bus
    Aircraft St. Petersburg/Moscow
    After breakfast, go to Peter the Great * Summer Palace Garden outside the city (about 1.5 hours), which was built in the era of Peter the Great. Located on the south bank of the Gulf of Finland, 29 kilometers away from the urban area, it covers an area of 1000 hectares and is divided into "upper garden" and "lower garden". In the middle of the 18th century, to commemorate Russia's victory in the Northern War, a cascade waterfall consisting of 64 fountains and more than 250 gold and bronze statues was built. The statue "Samson with the lion's beak broken" in the center is 3 meters high, weighs 5 tons, and the spout of water is 22 meters high. After lunch, visit Kazan Cathedral, take pictures along the canal, and visit Neva Avenue, which integrates culture, commerce, trade and entertainment (tour time: about 1 hour, fly back by plane Beijing Good morning!
    On the late train
Schedule of Day 7     
  •  Xi'an to Beijing - Moscow - St. Petersburg - Golden Ring 9 Day Tour _ Day 7 Schedule
  • Day 7 Bus
    Train Moscow
    After breakfast, visit the cruiser Aphoral, the birthplace of St. Petersburg - Petersburg Fortress, Smorney Palace (appearance), two bronze horse riding statues of Tsar Nikolai I, and the Issachiyev Church. Visit the Neva River by boat (at your own expense), and then go to Moscow by train after dinner. Good morning!
    On the late train
Schedule of Day 8     
  •  Xi'an to Beijing - Moscow - St. Petersburg - Golden Ring 9-day Tour _ Schedule of Day 8
  • Day 8 Bus Moscow/ Beijing HU7986(20:40-07:40)
    Visit the underground palace - * subway (about 20 minutes). Visit the Arc de Triomphe built to commemorate the victory over Napoleon. Then go to Arbat Street, which is permeated with Russian national humanistic spirit and full of strong cultural atmosphere (sightseeing time: about 1 hour). It is a famous pedestrian street in the center of Moscow, close to the Moscow River, and is one of the symbols of Moscow. Return to Beijing by HNA flight in the evening
    Good morning!
    On X aircraft
Schedule of Day 9     
  •  Xi'an to Beijing - Moscow - St. Petersburg - Golden Ring 9 Day Tour _ Day 9 Schedule
  • The ninth day is the end of the pleasant journey in Beijing.


Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    Service Items:
    1. Round trip international air ticket to Beijing/Russia, team economy class, including airport construction tax;
    2. Local three-star hotel in Russia (double room);
    3. Overseas tourist buses and foreign drivers; (Based on the number of team members)
    4. Professional Chinese tour leader and guide;
    5. Chinese lunch and dinner (eight dishes for dinner); A table for 10 people;
    6. Moscow/St. Petersburg train ticket;
    7. The first ticket of the scenic spots * listed in the itinerary;
    8. Gift: Personal travel accident insurance. (The maximum compensation is 300000 yuan, and China Life Insurance Company reserves the right of final interpretation);
    9. Tips for drivers and tour guides: 450 yuan/person (50 yuan/person/day * 9 days);

    2、 Excluding items:
    1. Passport fee;
    2. Private expenses such as telephone, fax, washing and ironing, haircut, pay TV, drinks, alcohol and tobacco, luggage handling, etc. in the hotel;
    3. All other fees not mentioned in the service items, such as special tickets (nightclubs, fairs, cable cars, etc.);
    4. Travel expenses do not include personal and property losses caused by tourists' breach of contract, their own fault, behavior during free activities or their own diseases;


    5、 Information required for visa
    Copy of passport (copy on A4 paper clearly and completely)

    6、 Special tips (please read the following carefully)
    1) Nature of the team: the group is a group of individual tourists in the local area. After forming a group, the group will leave the country collectively at the designated port, and the leader will be appointed by the local reception agency.
    2) This itinerary is only for reference. Due to flight visa and other factors, the itinerary may be adjusted accordingly, so the final itinerary is subject to the departure notice.
    3) At the time of registration, tourists should provide valid passports of more than eight months. In case of failure to travel normally or refusal of visa due to less than eight months of validity of tourist certificates, tourists should bear the losses.
    4) If you cancel after sending and signing out for your own reasons, our agency will charge you not only the visa fee, but also the ticket loss fee, overseas ground handling fee and other actual expenses
    The cost of. Please be prepared and hope you can understand and cooperate with us. Thank you!
    5) The following self funded activities are voluntary. Tourists should choose activities that they can control according to their physical conditions. The travel agency will not be responsible for accidents caused by their own reasons.
    6) The flight and time can only be determined when the travel agency team tickets and the distributed connecting tickets are issued. Once the tickets are issued, they cannot be signed, changed or refunded; All losses caused by the inability to travel due to the guest's own reasons shall be borne by the guest.
    7) As the overseas team restaurants are small in size and the number of restaurants for the reception team is limited, the dining places listed in the itinerary are only for reference. The leader has the right to adjust the dining places in various places according to the actual itinerary. The names of overseas restaurants and hotels cannot be determined on the reference itinerary. Please forgive me!
    8) During the travel period, tourists are not allowed to leave the group without permission. Personal accidents and property losses caused by leaving the group without permission for personal reasons shall be borne by the guests themselves.
    9) If the elderly are over 70 years old, they should undergo physical examination according to the relevant requirements of the embassies. The hospital designated by the embassy should issue relevant certificates before they can register. If tourists have special medical history, they should inform our company in advance.
    10) Force majeure (including natural and social reasons, such as natural disasters, wars, strikes, major infectious diseases, government actions, etc.) or
    Extraordinary circumstances (refer to events and special circumstances caused by accidental factors other than intentional or negligent factors, such as traffic jam and train navigation caused by major protocol activities
    The travel agency can make an explanation and obtain the opinions of most members of the tourism team if the contract cannot be performed or cannot be continued to be performed due to late work)
    The corresponding contents shall be adjusted or changed. If it is impossible to ask for opinions due to objective reasons, it shall be explained afterwards.
    11) In case of force majeure or accidents before and during the trip, the travel agency can cancel the trip or postpone the trip through negotiation with the tourists. If the trip is cancelled, the travel agency will deduct the incurred expenses (such as transportation, accommodation, etc.) and return the remaining travel expenses. Our company will not bear any cost and legal liability for all losses and consequences caused by the inability to arrange the trip as planned.
    12) Tourists should cooperate with the tour leader to complete the tour. If a dispute occurs during the tour or our company breaches the contract, the travel agency should immediately take appropriate remedial measures to prevent the loss from expanding; They have the right to ask tourists to cooperate with them. Tourists shall not delay their travel and expand their influence by refusing to stay in the hotel or boarding (cars, boats, etc.), and shall not claim compensation for the expanded losses. We should cooperate with travel agencies to minimize losses.
    13) If a tourist is a group or organization, the signatory of the contract is obliged to inform its fellow participants of the contract and travel schedule, standards and requirements in advance. The signed contract and its annexes are applicable to all travelers of the group.
    14) During the travel, safety first (personal and property safety), and tourists should take good care of their valid documents, tickets, valuables, etc.
    15) Please listen carefully to the tour guide's explanation and schedule, and cooperate with the team leader and driver. The group members take care of each other, and try to take care of the elderly and children on the tour bus.
    16) Tourists should prepare corresponding travel articles according to the travel notice and instructions provided by the travel agency, check the overseas temperature in advance, prepare clothes according to their physical conditions, and carry regular medicines (carsickness medicine, cold medicine, band aid, anti-inflammatory medicine, antidiarrheal and personal commonly used medicines, etc.).
    17) Tourists shall abide by the laws, regulations and relevant provisions of foreign countries, and abide by the guide for civilized behavior of Chinese citizens in outbound tourism. To improve the civilized quality of Chinese citizens in tourism and correct their bad habits in tourism, we should pay attention to hygiene, etiquette, order, laws and regulations, care for the environment and public facilities, and do not make any noise.
    Overseas self paid quotation standard:
    Price of self financed projects in cities
    Moscow Kremlin (about 1.5 hours) 350 yuan
    Russian Circus (about 2 hours) RMB 450
    New Virgin Cemetery (about 30 minutes) RMB 150
    St. Petersburg Neva River Cruise (about 1.5 hours) 450 yuan/yuan
    Yekaterina Garden (about 1 hour) 200 yuan/yuan
    Yekaterina Palace (about 1 hour) 400 yuan/yuan
    Summer Palace (about 1 hour) 400 yuan/yuan
    Russian ballet (about 2 hours) 1100 yuan/yuan
    Folk song and dance (about 1.5 hours) 450 yuan/yuan
    Russian style dinner (about 1.5 hours) 400-600 yuan/yuan
    2. At your own expense:
    (1) The self funded project costs include tickets, tour guide and driver service fees, booking fees and other comprehensive costs.
    (2) Please consider carefully before choosing. Once you confirm your participation and pay, there will be no refund; Please sign your name and hand it over to the tour guide to ensure your rights and interests;
    (3) If tourists want to participate in self funded projects not listed in the itinerary, they must sign the self funded consent form for confirmation; In case of any dispute, we will take the document signed and confirmed by you as the basis for handling to ensure your rights and interests;
    (4) The idea that tourists should tip when enjoying services has become a part of their culture. Please respect the services of tour guides, local escorts and drivers and pay tips as usual. Thank you for your understanding and support;

    Shopping introduction and description:
    National store name Main commodity time
    About 1 hour for purple gold products in Russian Zijin Store
    Amber products in the amber store for about 1 hour
    Tourist souvenir shops (3) Russian dolls, chocolate, binoculars
    Sabre waiting for about 30 minutes
    (5) No mandatory shopping throughout the whole process;
    (6) No additional shopping shops will be added to the itinerary (they can only be added after all the members of the team sign and agree);
    (7) Tourists will not return the goods they buy if they do not have quality problems in the designated shopping shop for voluntary shopping;
    (8) The tourist attractions, restaurants, long-distance rest stations and other shopping shops specified in the itinerary are not designated tourist shops, and the travel agency will not bear any responsibility for the quality problems of the goods;
    (9) The travel agency will not bear any responsibility for the quality problem of the goods purchased by the shopping shop that tourists go to by themselves;

    payment method

    ——Payment method is not filled——

    Publish Consultation

    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
    • contact information:
    • Consultation content:

    Service Centre

    Shaanxi China Travel Service Group Co., Ltd
    Service hotline
    Domestic travel consultation 029-87260971
    Outbound travel consultation 029-87620852
    Individual reservation 13309269971
    Team meeting consultation 13359247276
    Grounding comprehensive consultation 13309269973

    Booking process