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 Luoyang to Thailand Tourism Bangkok Pattaya Luoyang charter non-stop flight for 6 days

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Product No.: 743852

Luoyang to Thailand Tourism Bangkok Pattaya Luoyang charter non-stop flight for 6 days

Landscape price: ¥2480 Market price: ¥2850 element Starting price description
Date of group sending: every day, it is recommended that you send the group in advance seven Booking for more than days
Additional items:
Package type:
Luoyang to Thailand Tourism Luoyang Travel Agency Thailand Tourism
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

  • Line features
  • Reference travel
  • Scenic spots passing by
  • Instructions for participation
  • reminder
  • payment method
  • Last updated: 2017-04-28
Special free items:
Featured human demon show: worth 1500 baht
Dulala Water Market: 1500 baht
Authentic Thai massage: 1500 baht
Dongba Buffet worth 1500 baht

Reference travel

Schedule of Day 1      Accommodation: Comfortable five-star hotel in Bangkok
  •  Luoyang to Thailand Tourism Bangkok Pattaya Luoyang charter non-stop flight for 6 days _ Day 1 itinerary
  • Luoyang - Bangkok Reference flight time: 9C8767 22:00-01:40
    Gather at Luoyang Airport at the specified time. Our professional team leader will lead you to check in and fly to Bangkok. Bangkok is the capital of Thailand and the largest city in Thailand. It is a central area that gathers all aspects. It is known as the "City of Buddhism" and "City of Angels". As one of the international activity centers, Bangkok is the largest city in Thailand's transportation center“ east "Venice", Bangkok has established friendly relations with many cities in China. When we arrive in Bangkok, which is known as a bustling city, the team leader will lead you to go through the customs formalities at the airport and walk out of the airport. There will be a warm and hospitable Thai guide leading Thai beauties to present you with Thai flowers of welcome. This shows that the Thai people are very hospitable, Take the special bus arranged for you by the company to the beautiful hotel to rest, and get ready for the next day's fantastic trip to Thailand! The hotel you stayed in this night is a famous five-star hotel that we arranged for you!   
Schedule of Day 2      Dining: breakfast, lunch, dinner Accommodation: Comfortable five-star hotel in Bangkok
  •  Luoyang to Thailand Tourism Bangkok Pattaya Luoyang charter non-stop flight for 6 days _ itinerary of the second day
  • Bangkok The Grand Palace Wat Haw Pha Kaew -Royal Royal Guild Hall - Three headed Gods - Long Tail Boat Day Tour in Mei Nanhe River  
    In the morning, enjoy a delicious breakfast in the hotel. First, we will visit the landmark of Thailand, the Grand Palace, which is located in the center of the capital Bangkok Meinan River It is composed of a group of buildings with scattered layout. It is Siamese style, which gathers the essence of Thai painting, sculpture and decorative arts. The palace buildings are mainly white. The Grand Palace and the Jade Buddha Temple are collectively called the symbols of Bangkok Travel? A must see place in Thailand. After Rama IX moved to the east to build Jilada Palace, it has become a famous tourist place in Thailand. After that, we will visit the Royal Royal Guild Hall in Thailand, now known as Old Capitol , built in 1907, old Houses of Parliament Seen from the outside, there is a dome modeled after the Western Parliament Building. The whole building is based on the cross shape of a Gothic church, with solemn benches. The roof is full of decorative paintings, which depict the Indian style Buddhist stories believed by the Thai people. After lunch, go to the [Three headed Goddess] and go to the museum in the belly of the elephant through the elevator in its leg to discover the mystery of Thailand's elephant god culture, which also contains a thousand year old Avalokitesvara. Then take a Thai style long tail rudder boat [Roaming the Chao Phraya River]. The day and night of the Chao Phraya River always have a different feeling. Boating on the water, you can experience the life of people living on the Chao Phraya River, and know Bangkok, known as the Oriental Venice, During the day, you can pass by and overlook the Temple of King Zheng (built to commemorate the great achievements of Chinese Zheng Xin who helped the Thai people expel invaders, recover Thailand, and ascend the throne), and you can also experience the fun of [feeding divine fish], and then return to the hotel to rest. The hotel you stayed in this night is also the famous five-star hotel we arranged for you!   
Schedule of Day 3      Dining: breakfast, lunch, dinner Accommodation: comfortable five-star hotel in Pattaya
  •  Luoyang to Thailand Tourism Bangkok Pattaya Luoyang charter non-stop flight for 6 days _ itinerary of the third day
  • Bangkok - Pattaya Bangkok - Royal Jewelry Center - Royal Leather Exhibition Center- Dongba Paradise
    After having a delicious breakfast in the hotel in the morning, drive to the Royal Jewelry Exhibition Center (about 1.5 hours) to visit various jewelry and rock grinding processes, and then visit the Thai Leather Center (about 1 hour). Go to Pattaya for lunch, and then go to Thailand's most distinctive [Dongba Paradise] (about two hours). This is a beautiful rural resort. There is a large performance field in the park, where you can see Thailand's traditional folk song and dance performances, unique Thai boxing performances and wonderful and interesting elephant performances (dancing, painting, playing football). Then stay in the hotel for a rest!!!  
Schedule of Day 4      Dining: breakfast, lunch, dinner Accommodation: comfortable five-star hotel in Pattaya
  •  Luoyang to Thailand Tourism Bangkok Pattaya Luoyang charter non-stop flight for 6 days _ itinerary of the fourth day
  • Pattaya - Dream Island - Sands Island - Authentic Thai Massage - Siam Princess Cruise
    In the morning, after breakfast in the hotel, you can take the speedboat [Grand Twin Islands] to the sea. (The elderly over 60 years old have participated in the island according to their own conditions) The blue sky and green sea make you intoxicated with the embrace of nature. After you go to the island, you can enjoy sunbathing on the beach or changing into a bathing suit and swimming in the blue water. Embrace the charm of the sea and sky in Siam Bay. After that, you can enjoy a rich seafood meal (special gift), which is known as the Siamese Wonderland. The beautiful bay and clear sea water make you marvel at walking in the quiet Siamese Bay. Have a seafood lunch on the island. After that, enjoy the famous Thai [authentic Thai massage] for 60 minutes. In the evening, board the [Siam Princess cruise ship] (about 1 hour) to enjoy (beer, coke unlimited), and dance with the most beautiful people in Thailand. You can enjoy the charming night scene of Siam Bay while dancing crazily in the dance pool on the ship and then return to the hotel for rest.  
Schedule of Day 5      Dining: breakfast, lunch, dinner Accommodation: comfortable five-star hotel in Pattaya
  •  Luoyang to Thailand Tourism Bangkok Pattaya Luoyang charter non-stop flight for 6 days _ itinerary of the fifth day
  • Pattaya Temple - Original Stone Museum - Qizhen Foshan - Ninth Emperor Temple/Wax Museum - Riding Elephants - Dulala Water Market
    After breakfast, go to the Royal Temple [Temple Temple], the most prosperous incense burning temple in the eastern coastal area of Thailand, to experience the Mahayana Buddhist culture, and worship the most prosperous incense burning Buddha in Southeast Asia (about an hour). Visit the [Original Stone Museum] to learn about the mining and grinding process of ores. The cafe in the museum also provides you with free drinks. [Seven Treasures Foshan] is like a big wall Buddha with gold powder and gold foil inlaid in the middle of the mountain. The [Ninth Emperor Temple] is the king's favorite temple today. There are relics of eminent monks in the temple. Take a break and then go to the lifelike [Wax Museum] to visit. The wax figure is carefully carved by the famous master in Thailand, making you feel like a real person. We have arranged a very interesting [riding an elephant] for you, and then go to the [Dulala Water Market]. In the film "Dulala's Promotion", when Dulala and Wang Wei accidentally smashed the shop's vase, the scene of being chased by the shop keeper was filmed here. All kinds of Thai water buildings were built on the circuitous river, and hand sampans were shuttling around on the water for a variety of commercial goods Fruit miscellaneous stores. During this period, there may be folk traditional dances, music and percussion sounds of wood carving art, presenting so many charming Thai traditional cultures.   
Schedule of Day 6      Meal: breakfast, lunch
  •  Luoyang to Thailand Tourism Bangkok Pattaya Luoyang charter non-stop flight for 6 days _ Day 6 itinerary
  • Bangkok Native Bird's Nest - Royal Poisonous Snake Research Center - King Power - Featured Banshee Show - Luoyang
    Reference flight time: 9C8768 0 5: 4 5-11:10
    After having breakfast in the hotel in the morning, we went to Bangkok, visited [bird's nest shop] and [local specialty shop] on the way, and then went to [Royal Poisonous Snake Research Center] to watch the wonderful performance of various venomous snake experts demonstrating catching snakes empty handed, and then we went to【 King Power 】 , After dinner, we will arrange a wonderful performance [Featured Banshee Show], a large stage, gorgeous costumes, beautiful scenery, and wild beautiful women. After the performance, you can take photos with these beautiful women freely, and then go to the airport to have our special staff check you in. Take an international flight back to Luoyang and end your pleasant trip.   


Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    The price includes: round-trip air tickets and taxes, Thai visa fees, local travel vehicles and round-trip island water transportation, standard room accommodation for two people in local star rated hotels, standard meals and specialty meals for local teams listed above, tickets for the first tour of the scenic spots listed, Chinese tour guide services, tour leader services, and travel agency liability insurance.
    The price does not include: passport fees for individuals, personal accident insurance for tourists of RMB30 per person, and other expenses not listed above paid by tourists themselves.


    Visa materials need to be prepared: original passport (with validity of more than half a year and enough blank pages), two recent 2-inch color photos within half a year (white background).

    Precautions for Thailand tourism:
    1、 Before going abroad, it is recommended to prepare:
    Luggage: In principle, one is large and the other is small. The smaller one is shoulder strap type, and the larger one is firm with lock head
    Clothing: Prepare enough clothes to replace, and it is more comfortable to wear casual clothes
    Shoes: ladies should not wear high-heeled shoes. It is better to wear flat casual shoes instead of new ones.
    Drugs: gastrointestinal medicine, cold medicine, carsickness medicine, anti Chinese medicine, wind oil and personal habitual medicine.
    Self provided items: toothbrushes, slippers, beach pants, umbrellas, shavers, calculators, alarm clocks, plastic bags (for changing wet clothes), sufficient film and batteries and other personal items.
    Flight: If the baggage is not delivered or lost during check-in, our society will cooperate with the search, but will not give any compensation. After returning home, passengers can directly consult the airline to claim compensation.
    2、 Precautions for arrival:
    1. Catering:
    Most breakfasts arranged by our club are Chinese and Western buffet breakfasts. Lunch is a team meal. When using buffet, please select a proper amount. Do not leave too much food in the dinner plate or pack and take it away. Due to religious and religious taboos on certain foods, please inform the leader before going out for proper arrangements
    2. Accommodation:
    ① Drinks and drinks in the refrigerator in the hotel room are expensive. If you need to drink, please check the price first (some hotel rooms have pay TV, which also needs to be paid extra) to avoid embarrassing situations when checking out.
    ② Generally, there is no thermos and boiled water in the room. Some hotels can provide boiled water for guests after charging fees. The tap water in the hotel is not drinkable. Some hotels provide automatic hot water cups for guests to use. Please pay attention to the safety of electricity.
    ③ When leaving the hotel at night, please inform the team leader that it is better to travel together to ensure safety and avoid going to a quiet place alone. Please take the hotel card for use in case of getting lost.
    3. Safety:
    ① When going out, try to take as few valuables, passports and money as possible and leave them in the hotel safe or carry them with you. Do not leave them in the room or on the travel bus.
    ② The travel group is a collective activity. It should observe the assembly time, cooperate with the work of the leader and tour guide, and should not leave the group without permission. The individual leaving the group should greet, and if you leave the group without permission, you should bear the responsibility.
    ③ The whole journey ticket leader shall keep the tickets in a unified way, and the passports shall be kept by the guests themselves throughout the journey. The consequences of loss or theft shall be borne by the guests themselves.
    ④ It is recommended that you buy personal travel accident insurance before leaving for your own safety. In case of personal accident overseas, please treat immediately, and keep the hospital diagnosis certificate, various medical expense invoices, personal condition reports, etc. After returning home, the insurance company will determine the loss and claim.
    ⑤ During the free activity period, when guests participate in swimming, diving and other sea activities, they must do what they can. In case of any accident, the guests will bear all the consequences, which has nothing to do with our club. Thank you for your cooperation!
    4. When in Rome, do as the Romans do:
    ① It is forbidden to use feet instead of fingers or people.
    ② It is regarded as insulting to touch the other person's head or wave his hand over his head.
    ③ If a woman wants to give something to a monk, she should ask a man to give it to her, because monks are not allowed to touch women.
    ④ The temple and the Grand Palace are recognized as sacred places. People who enter the temple and the Grand Palace must dress modestly and neatly. They are not allowed to wear shorts, miniskirts, bare chests, sleeveless tops or other unsuitable clothes. When entering the temple, they must take off their shoes and pay attention not to step on the threshold.
    5. Climate
    City month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
    Average maximum temperature in Bangkok (℃) 34 36 38 39 38 36 35 35 34 33
    Average minimum temperature (℃) 20 21 24 28 29 29 29 29 28 26 22

    payment method

    Luoyang China Youth Travel Agency (L-HEN-CJ00005)

    Consulting telephone: 0379-69896322  69866322   18539587768  15136307825

    Address: Room 1806, Building 2, Area A, Maihong Oriental Plaza, Wangcheng Avenue, Jiudu Road, Xigong District, Luoyang City

    Publish Consultation

    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
    • contact information:
    • Consultation content:

    Service Centre

    Luoyang China Youth Travel Agency Co., Ltd. Xigong Branch
    Service hotline
    Individual travel consultation 0379-69866322
    Group Tourism Consultation 0379-69896322
    Domestic tourism consultation 15136307825
    Outbound travel consultation 18539587768

    Booking process