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 Dalian handles Luxembourg visa on behalf _ how to handle visa for visiting friends in Luxembourg _ Dalian handles Luxembourg visa

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Product No.: 740362

Dalian handles Luxembourg visa on behalf _ how to handle visa for visiting friends in Luxembourg _ Dalian handles Luxembourg visa

Landscape price: ¥1800 Market price: ¥2000 element Starting price description
Date of group sending: every day, it is recommended that you send the group in advance one Booking for more than days
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Reference price
Departure month:
June July August
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one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

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  • Last updated: 2017-04-27
Dalian handles Luxembourg visa on behalf _ how to handle the visa to visit friends in Luxembourg _ Dalian handles Luxembourg visa _ Dalian handles Luxembourg visa materials _ how much is Dalian's Luxembourg visa _ Dalian's visa process to Luxembourg _ Liaoning Northern International Travel Service 0411-82811125, 13904119921

Reference travel

Dalian Acting Luxembourg visa _How to apply for a visitor visa to Luxembourg _ Dalian Luxembourg Visa _Dalian handles Luxembourg visa materials _ Dalian Luxembourg visa amount _ Dalian Luxembourg visa process_ Liaoning CITS North 0411-82811125, 13904119921

Materials required for Dalian's agent visa for Luxembourg family and friends:

Materials to be submitted by Chinese applicants:

1、 Passport

Specific requirements:

1. Original passport valid for private affairs for more than 6 months

2. For holders of new passports, please provide all original old passports

2、 Photos

Specific requirements:

1. Four recent two inch white background color photos taken in recent six months

2. Photo size 35 × 45mm (passport photo size)

3、 Visa Application Form

Specific requirements:

Be sure to fill in completely

4、 ID card

Specific requirements:

1. Copy of front and back of ID card

5、 Business license

Specific requirements:

1. The original and duplicate copies of the business license of the Chinese company (must be stamped with the company's official seal)

6、 Leave Approval Letter

Specific requirements:

1. The leave application letter shall be printed on the official head paper of the applicant's unit, stamped with the official seal of the unit, and signed by the person in charge.

Materials to be submitted by Luxembourg inviter:

Specific requirements:

1. Invitation letter. The invitation letter shall indicate the expected duration, purpose and schedule of stay

2. Proof of travel expenses or economic guarantee of the inviter

3. Copy of the inviter's passport and residence permit (if the inviter is a Luxembourg person)

Procedures for visa application for family and friends visit in Luxembourg on behalf of Dalian:

1. Apply for a valid passport for going abroad;

2. Fill in the qualified visa application form;

3. Appoint visa interview time, and sort out and review visa materials;

4. Go to the embassy or visa center to sign in person at the time agreed with the embassy;

5. Sign out: the embassy decides whether to sign out;

6. Get a visa.

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    Instructions for participation

    Dalian handles Luxembourg visa on behalf _ how to handle the visa to visit friends in Luxembourg _ Dalian handles Luxembourg visa _ Dalian handles Luxembourg visa materials _ how much is Dalian's Luxembourg visa _ Dalian's visa process to Luxembourg _ Liaoning Northern International Travel Service 0411-82811125, 13904119921


    Dalian handles Luxembourg visa on behalf _ how to handle the visa to visit friends in Luxembourg _ Dalian handles Luxembourg visa _ Dalian handles Luxembourg visa materials _ how much is Dalian's Luxembourg visa _ Dalian's visa process to Luxembourg _ Liaoning Northern International Travel Service 0411-82811125, 13904119921

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