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 <Six day Tour of Pure Hainan>Sanya, Hainan, free of charge, send the Maritime Silk Road

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Product No.: 709194

<Six day Tour of Pure Hainan>Sanya, Hainan, free of charge, send the Maritime Silk Road

Landscape price: ¥2390 Market price: ¥2390 element Starting price description
Date of sending group: every day
Service commitment:
Package type:
Six days and five nights
Departure month:
July August September
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty thirty-one
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

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  • Last updated: 2019-10-02
Pure Hainan - zero expense, ultimate sea play, classic masterpiece
● Product features of pure six day tour in Hainan
□ Tour features: free free "self funded project", rich itinerary, freezing point price, exploring Hainan's pure and beautiful twin islands, and ultimate sea play.
□ Selected hotels: stay in the designated officially certified four-star hotel for the whole journey, and upgrade to the seascape room of the characteristic hotel (not listed on the star) for one night to enjoy the distinguished hospitality and physical and mental pleasure
□ Classic combination: Nanshan Cultural Tourism Area 5A, Tianya Haijiao 4A, Nanwan Monkey Island (excluding cableway), Fenjiezhou Island or West Island, Rose Valley, Li Miao style village, beautiful mall, Dadonghai
Wanjiaguo Tropical Botanical Garden, Wenbi Peak, a top entertainment project with a gift value of 345 yuan "Night Tour of Sanya Bay, Maritime Silk Road Performance"
□ Delicate meals: rich meals, 3 special buffets for upgrade (including one Nanshan Health Vegetarian Buffet)
□ Intimate gift: maritime silk road performance and night tour in Sanya Bay, travel agency liability insurance worth 345 yuan (the insurance amount is 200000 yuan/person)
□ Quality assurance: select professional excellent tour guides, patiently explain, and provide considerate and meticulous services. Hainan connects to the designated high-level GPS safety monitoring system air-conditioned tour bus
□ Reception commitment:
① Self funded attractions and projects are not recommended during the day and night (except seafood flavor meals, scenic spot battery cars, cable cars, diving and other island entertainment projects);
② Do not add shopping stores outside the trip (default will be compensated by ¥ 2000/person on site);
③ No change of scenic spots or reduction of travel time.

Reference travel

Schedule of Day 1      Accommodation: Haikou
  •  <Six day tour of pure Hainan>Sanya, Hainan, free of charge, send the Maritime Silk Road _ itinerary of the first day
  • Yichang Three Gorges Airport—— Haikou Meilan Airport
    Arrive at "International" by plane Travel? Island ", the airport attendant has waited for you here in advance, and then went to the hotel where you stayed. You can enjoy the beautiful scenery of Yecheng Haikou along the way.
Schedule of Day 2      Dining: breakfast, lunch, dinner Accommodation: Sanya
  •  <Six day tour of pure Hainan>Sanya, Hainan, free of charge, send the Maritime Silk Road _ itinerary of the second day
  • Haikou—— Sanya
    After breakfast, go to the "Sea World peach orchard ”National Island Scenic Spot【 Boundary Island Or West Island/no less than 120 minutes] (excluding diving and other water activities), enjoy the beautiful scenery in the blue sea, and enjoy the infinite fun at sea and under the sea. The water here is clear and crystal clear, and it is one of the best world-class diving bases. You can experience the excitement and splendor of sea recreation; Then go to visit the national 4A scenic spots【 monkey island Ecotourism area/no less than 90 minutes] (excluding cableway), take the longest cross sea cableway in Asia to see the national coast Clear Water Bay Look at the blue sky and sea, taste the customs of the Dans, watch the monkey show that makes people laugh, and play happily with this group of smart, cute and cute "little friends"; After dinner, give a gift [Night Tour The Gulf of Sanya /No less than 90 minutes], you can quietly look at the starry night sky, watch Sanya's urban area decorated with colorful neon lights, or set off fireworks, drink beer, party at sea, talk loudly, and feel Sanya's unique romance in the gentle evening wind; After the trip, you can move freely and feel the charm of Sanya.
Schedule of Day 3      Meal: breakfast, lunch Accommodation: Sanya
  •  <Six day tour of pure Hainan>Sanya, Hainan, free of charge, send the Maritime Silk Road _ itinerary of the third day
  • Sanya, one place
    After breakfast, visit Asia's largest【 Yalong Bay International Rose Valley /No less than 60 minutes] Wander in the sea of roses, and go to an extremely romantic meeting of roses; Then go to the national 5A scenic spot -【 Nanshan Buddhist Culture Garden/no less than 120 minutes] Visit Nanshan's two gardens, one temple and one valley, and the world's first statue of Guanyin in the South China Sea, and find a personal feeling of returning to nature in this Buddhist holy land and Brahma Pure Land; Then visit the 4A level scenic spot [Tianya Haijiao/no less than 120 minutes]. Walking along the coastline is like entering a natural time-space tunnel, wandering in the giant cliff stone carvings such as "South Sky One Pillar", "The Sea Judges the South Sky", "Tianya Haijiao", to follow the footsteps of the ancients and experience the vicissitudes of life; After dinner, you can enjoy the [Maritime Silk Road Performance/no less than 60 minutes], and enjoy the use of fireworks, lights, sound and electricity and other high-tech, dedicated to the global tourists, a beautiful and historical large-scale water singing and dancing drama; After the trip, you can move freely and feel the charm of Sanya.
Schedule of Day 4      Dining: breakfast, lunch, dinner Accommodation: Sanya
  •  <Six day trip to pure Hainan>Sanya, Hainan, free of charge, send the Maritime Silk Road _ itinerary of the fourth day
  • Sanya, one place
    After breakfast, go to visit Sanya Binhai Holiday Commercial and Entertainment Theme Block [Beautiful Mall/no less than 120 minutes]; Go to visit [Dadonghai Scenic Area/no less than 30 minutes], where "water is warm, sand is white, and the beach is flat". The crescent shaped bay coconut forest is reflected, and the vast sea is as clear as a mirror, which is elegant, bright, and pure. Then walk into [Li and Miao style village/no less than 60 minutes] to experience the original beauty culture of Li and Miao songs and dances, silverware clothing, Chiyou in the south, etc; After the trip, you can move freely and feel the charm of Sanya.
Schedule of Day 5      Meal: breakfast, lunch Accommodation: Haikou
  •  <Six day tour of pure Hainan>Sanya, Hainan, free of charge, send the Maritime Silk Road _ itinerary of the fifth day
  • Sanya Haikou
    After breakfast, go to a diversified sightseeing base [Nongken Wanjiaguo Tropical Botanical Garden/no less than 60 minutes] integrating planting, breeding, hotels, accommodation, etc. The park has flowers and fruits all the year round, and has a complete range of tropical fruits and cash crops; Next, we will visit the 4A level scenic spot of the combination of heaven and man and the artistic conception of mountains and waters - [Wenbi Peak Pangu Cultural Tourism Area/no less than 50 minutes]; After finishing, return to Haikou and enjoy the charming coconut city at the beginning of the lights.
Schedule of Day 6      Meal: breakfast
  •  <Six day tour of pure Hainan>Sanya, Hainan, free of charge, send the Maritime Silk Road _ itinerary of the sixth day
  • Sanya Haikou Yichang
    After the departure breakfast, the group gathered and went to Haikou Meilan Airport to end this pleasant trip to the "International Tourism Island"; If you have free time, you can visit the first duty-free shop in China's airport outlying islands after passing the security check and enjoy the duty-free shopping policy of "Buy Now, Pick Up Now" in the outlying islands of international tourism islands.


Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    ● Service standard of pure six day tour in Hainan:
    Tourist transportation: Hainan local air-conditioned VIP tour buses ensure that everyone has a seat (no luggage compartment is available for vehicles with less than 26 seats in Hainan).
    Accommodation standard: stay in the designated officially certified four-star hotel for the whole journey, and upgrade to the seascape room of the characteristic hotel for one night (not listed).
    Scenic spot tickets: The quotation includes the first ticket of the scenic spot (excluding the self paid items in the scenic spot, unless otherwise agreed).
    Insurance service: travel agency liability insurance (the insured amount is 200000 yuan/person).
    Dining standard: 6-in-5 breakfast (no refund if no meal); Dinner: round table or buffet, 25 yuan/meal, breakfast buffet or round table, 10 dishes and one soup, one table for 10 people;
    Special arrangement: 3 buffet meals (one of them is Health Preserving Vegetarian Buffet)
    Tourism shopping: shopping is optional (some scenic spots or hotels have shopping places, which belongs to their own business activities).
    Tour guide service: certified professional excellent tour guide explanation service;
    Children's fees: The children's quotation only includes meals (excluding breakfast), cars, tickets and beds. If the children are super tall, additional ticket fees are required.

    [Product recommendation]: Zero shopping, delivery of the Maritime Silk Road
    [Schedule]: Six days and five nights
    [Tourist attractions]: Fenjiezhou or West Island/Monkey Island/Rose Valley/Nanshan/Tianya Haijiao/Dadonghai/Li Miao Style Village/Wanjiaguo (6 days)/Wenbi Peak (6 days)
    [Gift items]: Night tour of Sanya Bay/live performance of the Maritime Silk Road
    [Hainan Dining]: 4 a.m. 5 dinner (round the table)
    [Accommodation in Hainan]: 3-night four-star hotel, 1-night sea view room
    ● Hotel description (the following hotels are not in the order of check-in/hotel ranking)
    Haikou Taihua Hotel/Haikou Hotel/Xianjufu Junhong Hotel/Kaiwei Hotel/Hunan Hotel/Xinyuan Hot Spring/Sailunjidi/Baoju/Sun City (Note: in case of room tension, it will be upgraded to Tianyi Riverside Hotel and Asia International Hotel)
    Sanya Guasi Hotel: Xinxing Garden Hotel/Oriental Seaview Hotel
    Seaview Room: Guanhailou/Spring Holiday/Zhenlan/Yongcheng/Yongmao Seaview/Bayi Hotel/Happy World/Shuiye Seaview/Jiulixiang/Hailan Bay/Huabaoshi/Sanya Resort/Bay Seaview/Huikai/Mango Seaview Hanging Four Hotels: Howei Qilin Hotel/Howei Seaview Hotel/Haiyue Bay Resort Hotel/Linda Hotel/Guoxi Hotel (Note: In case of room tension, it will be upgraded to Suhai Hot Spring Hotel)
    Seaview room: Jinhao/Constellation/kiss seascape/Jindu/Sanxin/Huarong/Sanya Bay Silver Garden/February Sea/Jiayue Laideng/Blue Sea Silver Beach/Sohai/Kaifeng/Baosheng/Shenlong seascape/Platinum seascape/Guoxi/Haowei seascape
    ● Restaurant description
    Sanya Houmeisheng Restaurant, Love Beauty Restaurant, Fuyun Nongjiale, Jinhong Restaurant Restaurant (inside Jinluan Hotel), Yelang Restaurant, Shangyi Restaurant, Haihong Hotel Restaurant on the second floor, Xiangshui People
    Home Restaurant, Shuiye Restaurant, Aiwanting Restaurant, Haihai Central Restaurant, Hongxin Oriental Restaurant, Haihai Mingyue Restaurant, Sanya Bay Yinyuan Restaurant, Jinhaiyi Restaurant, Jinglilai Restaurant
    Gengpenglong Food City, Heliyuan Restaurant, Jiulixiang Restaurant
    Wanning Jiajinlou Restaurant, Xinfeng Restaurant, Leyou Restaurant, Riyuewan Bamboo Sea Restaurant, Fenjiezhou Restaurant (Tiantianhai Island), Xincun Wangwang Restaurant, Yingzhou Ding'an Dagu Soup Restaurant, restaurants in the hotel, etc
    Reference menu for buffet: cold dishes: hot and sour shredded tripe, thousand pieces of cold sauce, delicious tripe slices, refreshing jelly, cold cucumber, hot and sour shredded jellyfish; Hot dishes: vegetable stewed four treasures, sauce kidney flower, braised bean curd, winter melon sausage, radish sausage, mustard tuber, shredded kelp meat, seasonal green leaves; Snacks: sesame cake, tiger skin cake, white steamed bread, longevity noodles, fried spring rolls; Soup porridge: laver egg soup, mung bean soup, lees dumplings, white rice, sweet corn; Beverages: orange juice, ice water; Seasonal fruit.


    Precautions for Yichang Sanya Pure Hainan Six day Tour:
    1. Hainan has a hot climate, strong ultraviolet radiation and abundant rain. Please take necessary sunscreen, sunglasses, sun hat and umbrella. At the same time, it is equipped with antipyretic and antidote drugs or granules. Hainan is a famous seaside resort. Please bring your own slippers, swimsuit, swimsuit, etc. Hainan's food is light, and passengers with heavier tastes can bring their own pickles.
    2. At night or during free activities, it is advisable to go together with the tour guide and inform the tour guide. Remember the tour guide's telephone number for future use. Pay attention to safety and keep your personal belongings. Please put your valuables in the hotel safe or check them at the front desk for free;
    3. Civilized travel, consciously care for the flowers, trees, cultural relics and historic sites in the scenic spot, and do not arbitrarily carve or scribble on the scenic spot and historic sites. If you do not intend to buy, please do not bargain with the vendors. Once you have negotiated the price, it is easy to cause conflicts if you do not buy; Please keep a normal attitude when traveling. Don't be impatient when things happen. Everyone should be considerate and help each other.
    4. Price for special groups: children over 1.4m and under 18 years old will be charged at adult operating price+200 per person; The elderly over 60 years old (including 60 years old) shall be charged an additional 100 yuan per person.
    5. An additional 100 yuan/person will be charged for 8-10 people, and an additional 200 yuan/person will be charged for 11-14 people. More than 15 people must form an independent group (except for some products).
    6. If the hotels listed in the itinerary can not be received due to exhibition, hotel full quota and other factors, Hainan will arrange hotels with local social services that are not lower than or higher than the original standard, and give a notice at least 48 hours in advance.
    7. In case of weather and other force majeure factors (including some scenic spots' celebration activities, maintenance and other objective factors), which make it impossible to visit the items included in the itinerary, Hainan Local Service will replace the scenic spots at the same cost or refund the fees at the actual cost with the consent of tourists. (except for free items).
    8. This product is quoted at a comprehensive preferential price, and the ticket fee cannot be reduced or exempted for holding the officer certificate, tour guide certificate, press card, teacher certificate and other certificates.
    9. If the gift item is cancelled for special reasons, the fee will not be refunded and no equivalent exchange will be made.
    10. During the free time on the travel itinerary, tourists should choose the activities that they can control risks, and activities within the scope of risk control. Except for special teams, the travel agency does not arrange high-risk activities such as rock climbing, adventure rafting, swimming in the sea, surfing, parachute jumping and so on. Tourists are also invited to try not to participate in these activities during free activities in tourism. If tourists insist on participating, please bear the risk.
    11. The shopping shops in some scenic spots belong to the scenic spot's own commercial activities, not the shopping shops arranged by travel agencies. The travel agencies do not bear the relevant responsibilities, and tourists can choose their own.
    12. Elderly people over 70 years old must sign a Health Certificate with the travel agency and be accompanied by family members or friends before booking a trip. Due to limited service capacity, tourists over 80 years old cannot be accepted to sign up for a trip. Please understand.
    13. Wuzhizhou Island does not accept people over 60 years old (including 60 years old). People over 60 years old (including 60 years old) need to sign an exemption agreement when they go to the island. Booking tips for underage tourists: If guests under 18 years old (including 18 years old) are not accompanied by their parents, they need to sign a contract with their guardians at the time of signing, and pregnant women cannot go to Wuzhizhou Island.

    payment method

    1. Company account: 563857911925,

    Full name of the company: Yichang Jingxiu Holiday International Travel Agency Co., Ltd,

    Bank of deposit: Yichang Dongxing Branch of Bank of China Limited

    2. Bank of deposit: China Construction Bank Card No.: 6210 8128 3100 4926 478, Account name: Zou Weiguo

    3. Alipay payment: 13972005977 (the same as WeChat), account name: Zou Weiguo

    Publish Consultation

    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
    • contact information:
    • Consultation content:

    Service Centre

    Yichang Jingxiu Holiday Travel Agency Co., Ltd
    Service hotline
    Domestic 0717-6223386

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