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 Are there any tourist routes to Yunnan and Thailand in Beijing? Kundali+Mamba regular 11 day departure from Beijing

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Product No.: 685081

Are there any tourist routes to Yunnan and Thailand in Beijing? Kundali+Mamba regular 11 day departure from Beijing

Landscape price: ¥1600 Market price: ¥1800 element Starting price description
Date of group sending: every day, it is recommended that you send the group in advance fifteen Booking for more than days
Additional items:
Package type:
Kundali+Mamba regular 11 days
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

  • Line features
  • Reference travel
  • Scenic spots passing by
  • Instructions for participation
  • reminder
  • payment method
  • Last updated: 2019-11-17
Kundali+Mamba regular 11 days
The standard of receiving passengers in Yunnan section is 28-54 54 and above, plus 400 surcharge, two with one
Reception standard of Thailand section
A surcharge of 400 will be added for people over 60 years old
Children under 18 years old are counted as children, occupying+900 beds, not occupying+600 beds
The proportion of the whole group of children and the elderly shall not exceed 30%

Kundali+Thailand, do landing visa, do not need to receive two 2-inch white background photos

Thailand has 800 self expenses+200 tips, which should be paid before the tour

Reference travel




get accommodation



All over the country Kunming

We fly to Kunming by plane High end professional pick-up and drop off personnel greet guests with a "warm and sunny trip" at the exit 4 of the airport and present flowers; The business car is delivered to the hotel to show the difference; Professional hotel check-in procedures are closely connected; Our staff will not leave the hotel until 10 minutes after the guest has checked in to provide considerate service;, Stay in a hotel in Kunming, a plateau city like spring all the year round, and enjoy the blue sky, white clouds and leisure of life.


1、   Pick up phone: 1369879212013698732775 As this trip is a national high-end individual tour group, the tour guide needs to connect the distinguished guests from all over the country on different flights to the hotel at Kunming Airport on the first day. When you check in the hotel, you should pay attention to rest, and make physical reserves. Especially for the distinguished guests who are new to the plateau, please pay attention not to strenuous exercise and excessive drinking, There is no group meal arranged today. All distinguished guests can go to Jinma Square or Nanping Pedestrian Street Food City to taste Yunnan special snacks.

      Please leave your Travel? The mobile phone number used during the period is convenient for the tour guide to contact you by SMS and strive to receive you at the airport exit as soon as possible.


Kunming Business Hotel


After breakfast, take the bus to the romantic country - Dali visit Dali Old City Foreigner's Street After lunch, take the bus to Yunnan Provincial Historic and Cultural Town and the "First Town with Canghai Scenery"--- Double gallery , visit the exterior of Yang Liping's villa and the exterior of young painter Zhao Qing's villa, Experience land of idyllic beauty And experience the simple folk customs of thousands of years, Let's explore in this peaceful fishing village! Arrive later Lijiang , Visit World Cultural Heritage --- Dayan Ancient Town, Lijiang Sifang Street Appreciate the small bridges, flowing water and people's homes. The ancient city was built in the early Yuan Dynasty. It is famous around the world for its "every family is close to the stream and every family is weeping willows"“ east Venice ".


1、     Today's drive is long and hard. Please cooperate with the tour guide and keep a good mood.

Old Town of Lijiang There are a lot of shops and all kinds of goods are mixed, please choose carefully; It is forbidden to play music and sing at 11:00 p.m. in the Old Town Bar. Please observe local regulations when you are happy to avoid unpleasant events.


Lijiang Business Hotel


After breakfast, go to the Natural Glacier Museum—— Yulong Snowmountain AAAAA Scenic Spot 240 minute tour, Yulong Snow Mountain, famous for its danger, beauty and wonder Yunshanping cableway You can visit Yulong Snow Mountain. It has a variety of climates from the subtropical zone to the cold zone. A wide variety of plants grow at different heights of the mountain according to different climatic zones. The whole mountain has 13 peaks. The peaks are covered with clouds and snow all the year round, like a row of jade pillars standing in the sky, like a vigorous jade dragon, overlooking the Holy Mountain of Naxi, enjoying the magnificent Yulong Snow Mountain, and listening to the crooning of pastoral songs. Gift—— Impression Lijiang The large-scale live show of Snow Mountain, directed by famous directors Zhang Yimou, Wang Chaoge and Fan Yue, employs more than 500 actors in the pure and beautiful background of the integration of nature and man on the snow covered plateau, trying to show the basic life style of Lijiang ethnic minorities. Visit the so-called "Little Jiuzhaigou" Blue Moon Valley (Battery car 60 yuan/person). Visit the place known as the source of Lijiang [Yushui Stronghold] (15 minutes for sightseeing), Go to the mysterious and ancient place of ancient civilization at the foot of the sacred Jade Dragon Snow Mountain---- - Kingdom of Dongba (60 minutes) Learn about the Naxi people's heritage culture "Dongba Culture", walk into the "Ancient Village of Naxi Ancestors", and accept the "Old Dongba" people who come from afar with the spirit of snow mountains to "pray for the blessing of Dongba" Naxi song and dance triple tea, Naxi ancient music, walk into Naxi people to feel the local customs, human feelings and enthusiasm. Naxi people take photos to linger on, and walk into the snack street to taste high-quality and inexpensive specialty snacks at their own expense Visit“ Spirulina distribution center ”(Visit time: 30 minutes)



ü       In order to let the distinguished guests have a more comprehensive understanding of Lijiang and see a relatively complete Lijiang in the limited time as much as possible, today's arrangement focuses on the Yulong Snow Mountain. Today, there are many scenic spots to visit and the tour time is quite long. I hope all the distinguished guests have a good attitude, actively cooperate with the tour guide and abide by the schedule.

ü       Lijiang is one of the three largest areas in the world and the only one in China that produces natural spirulina, so spirulina has become the most important specialty of Lijiang,

Today, we specially arranged to visit the Spirulina Exhibition Center for you to visit and purchase.

Lijiang Business Hotel


After breakfast, take the bus back to Dali for sightseeing [Dali Bai Nationality Silver Crafts Museum] Taste three courses of Bai tea, one bitter, two sweet and three aftertastes. After lunch, take the bus to Kunming, Then stay in the featured five-star hotel Hot Spring Hotel Enjoy open-air hot springs ten A hot spring pool allows you to fully relax and rest Geothermal energy SPA Hot springs (Please bring your own swimsuit Open air pool opening time: early 10:00~ before dawn 0:00 ). Let you wash away the tiredness and rush of the past few days' journey, feel the real leisure vacation style travel, and let the whole body and mind relax



Dali, an ancient city with a history of 1000 years, has always given us too many graceful associations because of its connection with the "romantic". From the Neolithic Age five thousand years ago, through the Nanzhao State in the Tang Dynasty, the Dali State in the Song Dynasty, to today's harmonious Dali, with a long history and culture, Dali has the reputation of "a famous country of literature". For Dali, when we really walk into her, understand her, blend in with her, and understand her, suddenly we are surprised that there is a history and a story under every stone in Dali

Kunming Hot Spring Hotel


After breakfast, visit the site of the 99 World Horticultural Exposition, an AAAA level scenic spot- expo garden (240 minutes) Visit the Jade Culture Museum, Garden Avenue, etc. After lunch, BUS goes to Stone Forest (70km, about 2 hours), Visit the 5A level scenic spot, the world's first wonder, colorful karst landform and world natural heritage—— Stone Forest (25 yuan/person for battery car) Watch Ashima, Jianfeng Pool, Wangfeng Pavilion, Shuangniao Ferry, Stone Forest Lake, Small Stone Forest and other wonders, and taste the magnificent landscape of "towering peaks and emerald peaks" Return to Kunming by bus, taste Longrun Pu'er tea, and then check in the hotel for a rest. According to flight time Go to Bangkok, the capital of Thailand. At the counter of Thailand Tourism Bureau before leaving the airport [Register for quality tour] It proves that our journey is a quality assurance group certified by Thailand Tourism Administration. Members accept Thailand [Maiden Presents Flowers] Then go to Quality Group Hotel. First day of arrival in Thailand , You can feel the colorful Thai customs.


1.   Jadeite has become the favorite of collections, and has been known as "jade comes from Yunnan" since ancient times. For those who love jadeite jewelry, buying jadeite in Yunnan has become the first choice. Yunnan is rich in resources and specialties. Today, we mainly introduce jadeite, Pu'er tea and essential oil.

two When visiting the Stone Forest, it is crowded. Pay attention to safety and take care of your belongings.          



Visit the Water People in the Meinan River The Grand Palace Royal Numismatic Museum Teak Palace Human demon singing and dancing performance

After breakfast, the group went to the Mother River in Thailand first - Meinan River , comfortable to ride long tail boat Visit the water house and overlook the Zhenghuang Temple (about 50 minutes). Then go to Thailand for a representative tour - Splendid The Grand Palace , and Thailand's first national treasure - Wat Haw Pha Kaew (About 60 minutes). The group members should pay attention to the Buddhist etiquette when visiting, and should not be rude or casually dressed. visit [Royal Numismatic Museum] (If open) After lunch, we will go through Huangjiatian and then visit the Fifth Emperor Teak Palace The dress requirements during the visit are more solemn than those of the Grand Palace. The palace was built without nails. Exhibits such as ivory, silver, crystal, etc. let visitors know about the life of the royal family for a century (about 30 minutes) Watch the world-famous Human demon singing and dancing performance (About 60 minutes), the performance that is difficult to distinguish between male and female, and wonderful and diverse, is guaranteed to make you unforgettable for life. After the performance, you can also enjoy the human demons at a close distance, and compare with them whether they are beautiful or gorgeous. Don't forget to take photos

Breakfast: hotel buffet lunch: Golden Palace buffet dinner: Thai hot pot meal

Hotel: Bangkok (see the designated hotel use table for details)




Bangkok Dongba Paradise Water Siji Village Riding an elephant in the forest Three Wonders Golden Triangle Style Park Oriental Princess

After breakfast In the afternoon, go to the resort of Pattaya, visit [Dongba Paradise] (Approx two About half an hour): Thai folk performances give you a taste of Thailand's unique folk dances, Thai boxing, wedding ceremonies, etc, [Elephant Performance] It makes you laugh and look for teeth everywhere. You really want to adopt a lovely elephant to go home. Then go to two thousand and eight The latest opening of Pattaya in [Water Siji Village] 『40m』 This is the closest review of the traditional life style of the Tai people on water; Along the way, you can eat, drink, buy and play all the way. There are more than 100 stores around. You can see if there are any desirable and inexpensive treasures. participate in [Riding an elephant in the forest] , then drive to visit [Three Wonders] (Approx forty Minutes). [Seven Treasures of Foshan] It is spectacular to take the mountain as the Buddha, [Ninth Emperor Temple] It is the future palace of the current Thai emperor, [Wax Museum] It reflects the great world of Thailand, both ancient and modern, with high visiting value. Visit in the afternoon [Golden Triangle Style Garden] (Approx thirty Minutes), including [Taibei Ethnic Village ninety-three Division Museum, Independent Army Equipment Room, Drug and War Memorial Hall, Kunsha History, beheading clan] Wait, let you know more about the mysterious Golden Triangle and the Kuomintang ninety-three The teacher has a strange history, and has a good time in the fruit garden [Tropical fruit meal] night [Oriental Princess] This is a must see place for European and American tourists. What is famous is not the night view of Siam Bay, but the beauty of oriental princesses. The exquisite singing and dancing performance of Thai sirens makes it difficult for many people to distinguish the female from the male on the stage. We will get close contact with them. This is to remind everyone that harass It's better to calm down and calm down. Return to the hotel for a rest.

Breakfast: hotel buffet lunch: Chinatown buffet dinner: Oriental Princess meal

Hotel: Pattaya (see the designated hotel use table for details)

  Ba Tiya


Double Islands Free activities Pacific Scenic Mountain Traditional Chinese Massage

After breakfast in the hotel, the guide has been waiting for you in the lobby wearing shorts and short sleeves, holding a towel. It reminds you that you must not wear trousers and leather shoes to go to sea. Rear ride Flying wing speedboat Swift the wind and lightning, ride the wind and waves Fly straight to Pattaya's most beautiful island Jinsha Island 『150m』 Routes coral island Jinsha The golden sand and blue waves on the island are the best of the surrounding islands. Clear water, blue sky , With the snowy white beach and colorful tropical fish , Let you linger in this fairyland on earth. After landing Free activities (about 60 minutes), then Go to Pattaya Pacific Scenic Mountain See the beautiful panoramic view of Siam Bay. Later, enjoy the authentic characteristics of Thailand [Thai Ancient Massage] "60m", to relieve fatigue and hard work.

Breakfast: hotel buffet lunch: island Shanghai fresh dinner: hotel table meal

Hotel: Pattaya (see the designated hotel use table for details)



Temple Temple Bangkok Free activities


In the morning, drive to visit the [Temple] [60m]. And those who are destined to be in the Temple can invite Kaiguang Lingfo to bless peace and return to Bangkok after lunch, and take a short rest at the rest station on the way. After arriving in Bangkok Free activities (about 60 minutes), Return to the hotel after dinner to check in and rest


Breakfast: hotel buffet lunch: KINGPOWER buffet dinner: Thai style meal

Hotel: Bangkok (see the designated hotel use table for details)





Bangkok Kunming


Say goodbye to the unforgettable Thailand It's time. Take bus to Bangkok International Airport and return to Kunming from Bangkok. According to the flight time, return from Kunming to your warm home (according to the flight time, if you can't go on that day, you can arrange a rest in the airport hotel, and then leave the next day).

Airport Hotel


Kunming All over the country

Return to warm home from Kunming according to flight time


Statement: Guests participating in this trip must sign the following supplementary agreement before they can be received by our club. In order to protect the rights and interests of the group club, please make sure that the guests sign the following agreement and require the guests to be at the end of the agreement Handwriting: "I have read the contents of XXXX itinerary and additional agreement in detail, recognized the service reception standards of this product, recognized the itinerary and additional agreement as a supplement to the package travel contract, and promised to travel in a civilized manner in strict accordance with the itinerary and the contents signed in the contract." This supplementary agreement shall be sent back to our press together with the confirmation

Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    Service standard Accommodation in Kunming: Jintai Hotel, Shengtai Hotel, Yuexiu Hotel, Hongrun Hotel, Xicheng Garden Hotel, Qiankun Hotel, Jiatai Business Hotel, Dulin Hotel, Guihua Hotel, Shengsheng St. Louis Hengxing Yuntian Mingchun
    Lijiang accommodation: Bodhi Hotel, Meilijiang Hotel, Lanya Hotel, Scenery Hotel, Caihong Business Hotel, Bolongju, Lianqiang Hotel, Guadai Villa Hotel
    Hot spring accommodation: Hantang Lotus Hot Spring Hotel, World Expo Yaoxing Hot Spring Hotel, Tangyun Hot Spring Hotel, Urban Golf Hot Spring Hotel.
    Catering: 7 dishes in the morning, 20 yuan per person, less than 10 people
    Admission: It already includes Yulong Snow Mountain, Yinxiang Lijiang, Yulong Snow Mountain Yunshanping Cableway Environmental Protection Vehicle, Guwei, Shilin Scenic Spot, Shuanglang 99 World Expo Garden, free of charge
    Transportation: air-conditioned tour buses with operation qualification shall be selected according to the number of people in our group, and everyone shall be seated properly
    Tour guide: Yunnan escort, local escort service in Lijiang
    Shopping arrangement: flower market (free market), AAAA level scenic spot in the Expo Park (jadeite, yellow dragon jade, essential oil)
    Dali Bai Silver Craft Hall (Handmade Silver) Spirulina (Health Product) Longrun Pu'er Tea
    Note 1 of the itinerary: For the guest who has a single room difference when joining the group, if our club can't make up the room, please make up the single room difference according to the regulations;
    2. The quotation for children under 13 years old includes half meal and parking fees; Excluding scenic spot tickets and bed occupancy;
    3. Breakfast is provided in the hotel room charge. If the child does not occupy the bed, the breakfast fee must be supplemented, which shall be paid by the parents according to the hotel charge regulations;
    4. Please show your old age certificate, officer certificate and other preferential certificates before entering the scenic spot. The preferential certificates are now refunded. Please give a special prompt; If the guests voluntarily leave the group during the trip, the expenses not incurred will not be refunded.
    5. In case of discount, free ticket, voluntary waiver, or failure to give free gifts due to flight time, weather and other force majeure reasons, our agency will not refund any fees!
    6. If the travel is affected by force majeure (natural disasters, traffic conditions, government actions, etc.), we can make travel adjustments to ensure the smooth progress of the travel; If the agreed plan cannot be implemented due to the fact, the tourists shall bear the extra costs caused by the change;
    7. The travel time of the tourist attractions is not included in the travel time; The tour order of the scenic spots on that day can be adjusted by our agency without affecting the tour;
    Friendly Tip 1. Please pay attention to the local weather forecast before your trip. Yunnan is located in the Yunnan Guizhou Plateau, where the temperature difference between day and night is large. Please bring enough warm and cold proof clothes. Yunnan has strong sunshine and strong ultraviolet rays. If you are outdoors for a long time, please wear a sun hat, sunglasses and sunscreen to protect your skin. The weather is changeable, please bring rain gear;
    1. Yunnan has high mountains and large slopes, so there are strict regulations on speed limit. The altitude of the destination is high and the oxygen content in the air is low, so sometimes the traveling speed is only 20-30 miles when going uphill. Please forgive me!
    3. Yunnan is a minority area, please respect the religion and living customs of local minorities;
    4. The air conditioners in the central air-conditioned hotels in Yunnan are open regularly, please forgive me!
    5. Necessary for travel: raincoat or umbrella, sports shoes, cold medicine, gastrointestinal medicine, insect proof plaster, sunscreen, sun hat, sunglasses, etc. (Lijiang has a large temperature difference in the morning and evening, please bring some thicker clothes. It is recommended to bring sweaters, long sleeved shirts, lightweight warm jackets, and travel shoes;
    6. Local specialties: jewelry and jade, Yunnan Baiyao, marble, silver decoration technology, Yunnan flue-cured tobacco, ham, spirulina health products, Pu'er tea, fungi, various seasonal fruits, etc;


    1、 Self funded projects:
    Date Self funded project content Cost duration Minimum number of participants
    Ancient wood glass boat watching fish
    Three Immortals Palace Viewing Platform
    Orchid Garden
    Gold House
    Jinsha Island Seafood Dinner
    Buffet on the 78th floor of Yuye Building, Bangkok
    Fengyue Pedestrian Street+Thai Boxing Performance
    Dream Castle
    Emperor's supper: shark fin+bird's nest
    Massage upgrade: herbal massage+plus bell
    Night Tour of Siam Bay Carnival Dolphin
    Princess Zhaopaye, Meinan River, Bangkok
    Essential oil SPA, health tea+snacks
    Thailand Bath Model Show
    One of the best live Qigong performances in Asia
    Fantasy Golden Cat
    One branch stands alone, Wang Zhongwang
    Six nine! Nine six! Wang Zhongwang
    Three in one dragon and phoenix performance 100 yuan
    160 yuan
    160 yuan
    220 yuan
    160 yuan
    240 yuan
    300 yuan
    160 yuan
    160 yuan
    220 yuan
    240 yuan
    240 yuan
    240 yuan
    400 yuan
    320 yuan
    400 yuan
    400 yuan
    400 yuan
    400 yuan
    480 yuan, 30 minutes
    30 Minutes
    30 Minutes
    30 Minutes
    30 Minutes

    30 Minutes
    45 minutes

    90 Minutes
    60 minutes
    60 minutes
    90 Minutes
    60 minutes
    60 minutes
    60 minutes
    60 minutes
    60 minutes
    60 minutes

    Description of self funded projects:
    1. If the number of participants in the above project does not reach the agreed minimum number of participants, both parties agree that the above project negotiation terms will not take effect and will not be binding on both parties;
    2. In case of force majeure or events that can not be avoided after the travel agency and the performing assistant have exercised reasonable care during the performance of the above project, both parties have the right to terminate. The travel agency will return the balance to the tourists after deducting the non refundable fees that have been paid to the performing assistant;
    3. Before signing this agreement, the travel agency has informed the tourists of the safety risks of the self funded project. The tourists should carefully choose according to their physical conditions. The tourists who sign this agreement for confirmation are deemed to have clearly known the corresponding safety risks and voluntarily bear the corresponding consequences;
    4. The travel agency will not bear any responsibility for the personal safety and property losses caused by the self selected self funded projects of tourists.
    2、 Shopping places:
    Brief introduction of region name (main commodity types, characteristics, etc.) Duration

    Thailand's S.G. CENTER CO., LTD various gemstone jewelry, with a ring of at least 60 minutes
    P. P.T.TOWN CO., LTD crocodile, elephant leather goods, etc. for at least 60 minutes
    P. P. P. BOUTIQUE PLAZA CO., LTD, at least 60 minutes for various bird's nests, swallow cups, swallow pieces, etc
    SIAM PARK CO., LTD extracts various pills with snake itself for at least 60 minutes
    Description of shopping place:
    1. Tourists who shop in shopping malls should be careful to purchase according to their own economic situation. The goods purchased will not be returned unless they have quality problems;
    2. The tourist attractions, restaurants, long-distance rest stations and other shopping shops within and around the itinerary do not belong to the arranged shopping places. If the goods have quality problems, the travel agency will not assume any responsibility;
    3. The travel agency will not bear any responsibility for the quality problem of the goods purchased by the tourists themselves at the shopping point;
    4. Thailand and Singapore provide convenience for tourists to buy international duty-free products, and all of them have free cars to pick up and send them to international duty-free chain stores (such as KINGPOWER or DFS), so that tourists can freely choose their favorite products. This is not within the scope of shopping shops arranged by travel agencies.
    5. The purchase price guarantees the market price. Compared with similar market prices, there will be appropriate profits. Please pay attention.

    payment method

    1、 Registration method;

    1、 Online shopping Online registration: online shopping is the best way for most customers to complete the registration process by signing a travel contract via email with our company's personnel, confirming the travel price and the list of tourists, (through QQ voice and video, MSN, electronic travel contract signed by email, scanning contract, digital camera photography contract can be transferred and remitted). Fast and efficient. Saving time.

    2、 Sign contract by fax and express Fax the travel contract and date, itinerary, quotation confirmation, remittance and transfer.

    3、 On site registration Go to our company to sign a travel contract, and consult and negotiate face to face. Cash transactions.

    4、 Telephone registration : Confirm the itinerary, guest list and price date by telephone to complete the transaction. SMS confirms the guest's name, ID number, and group information. Sign travel contracts by sending SMS, MMS and fax. Telephone bank payment.

    5、 Registration for door-to-door service Go to the tourist office to apply for signing the contract and pay the money, mainly for tourists in the Fifth Ring Road in Beijing,

    2、 Payment method,

    1、 Remittance and transfer settlement , including online bank transfer remittance, counter remittance transfer, ATM transfer remittance. Remittance is the best way for most customers to choose. Safe and fast, preferred for online shopping.

    2、 Cash settlement , RMB cash settlement. There are ATM machines downstairs to facilitate withdrawal and business halls of all banks to facilitate transfer.

    3、 Check settlement The contract will come into effect after the check is received. Only Beijing company can use check,

    4、 Credit card settlement Tourists are required to pay 2% of the service charge (4% of the service charge for foreign currency card swiping) and make an appointment at the POS machine in advance.

    5. Foreign guests and tourists Foreign currency settlement account BANK OF CHINA BEIJING BRANCH.


    Note: A part of the deposit can be remitted, and the balance can be paid in cash or cash, or a part of cash. The balance must be paid before leaving the group. For cheques and credit cards, it is the settlement method of remitting to the corporate account. If there is a refund, it can only be returned to the original account, and cash cannot be withdrawn. Remittance account, Bank of China, ICBC, Bank of Communications, China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, China Merchants. All major banks are convenient to use.

    Bank of deposit: Agricultural Bank of China Limited [Click to enter the bank's website]
    Card No.: 6228 4800 1826 7135 772
    Account name: Chen Xiaomei

    Bank of deposit: Bank of China Limited [Click to enter the bank's website]
    Card No.: 6213 3001 0000 1574 035
    Account name: Chen Xiaomei
    Bank of deposit: Bank of Communications [Click to enter the bank's website]
    Card No.: 6222 5309 1293 2451
    Account name: Chen Xiaomei
    Bank of deposit: China Construction Bank [Click to enter the bank's website]
    Card No.: 4367 4200 1080 0169 369
    Account name: Chen Xiaomei
    Bank of deposit: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China [Click to enter the bank's website]

    Card No.: 6212 2602 0003 0751 297

    Account name: Chen Xiaomei


    Bank of deposit: Postal Savings Bank of China [Click to enter the bank's website]
    Card No.:
    Account name:

    Company account Bank of deposit:

    BOC Beijing Branch Xicheng Sub branch

    account number:

    342 856 014 726

    Account name: Beijing China Travel Service Co., Ltd

    Publish Consultation

    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
    • contact information:
    • Consultation content:

    Service Centre

    Beijing China Travel Service Co., Ltd. Guang'anmen North Street Store
    Service hotline
    Tourism Consultation 010-56147185

    Classification of tourist routes


    Booking process