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 Five day Double Flying Tour from Fuzhou to Guilin+Lijiang River+Guanyan+Butterfly Spring on National Day

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Product No.: 684534

Five day Double Flying Tour from Fuzhou to Guilin+Lijiang River+Guanyan+Butterfly Spring on National Day

Landscape price: ¥2980 Market price: ¥3600 element Starting price description
Date of group sending: every day, it is recommended that you send the group in advance three Booking for more than days
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About Guilin
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June July August
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Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

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  • Reference travel
  • Scenic spots passing by
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  • Last updated: 2016-11-17
About Guilin - Guilin/Yangshuo/Lijiang River Scenery/Guanyan/Butterfly Spring/Yushan/Zizhou. Xiangbi Mountain/Nanxi Mountain/Dongjia Ancient Village Double Flying Five day Tour

Reference travel

Schedule of Day 1      Accommodation: Guilin
  •  Five day trip from Fuzhou to Guilin+Lijiang River+Guanyan+Butterfly Spring on National Day
  •   Travel? Consulting Zheng Ying 18959185012 0591-88877711 qq: 18959185012 (reserved position) Fujian Everbright International travel agency Address of limited company: Fuzhou 20/F, Grand Hyatt Hotel, No. 1, Dongda Road, Gulou District, 350001 Tel: 0591-88877711 Fax: 0591-83312225

    Follow the special WeChat "www53761com or Fuzhou Tourism Web ", enjoy more surprises and special prices.

    Pack up your bags and get in a good mood. Gather at Fuzhou Changle International Airport and fly to the best scenery in the world Guilin (Refer to flight SC4710/20:20-22:10), take a bus from the airport to the hotel (about 45 minutes) and check in.

    Guilin Tourism introduce

    Guilin, a world famous scenic city and one of the first batch of historical and cultural cities in China, enjoys the reputation of "Guilin's landscape is the best in the world". Permanent host of the UNWTO/APTA International Forum on Tourism Trends and Prospects. The world women's nine ball championship, the "most beautiful event in the world", was held in Guilin in 2014. China's first national tourism comprehensive reform pilot zone built by taking cities as units. In 2012, the construction of Guilin International Tourist Attraction was upgraded to a national strategy.

Schedule of Day 2      Meal: breakfast, lunch Accommodation: Guilin
  •  Five day trip from Fuzhou to Guilin+Lijiang River+Guanyan+Butterfly Spring on National Day
  •   Good morning! After dinner visit Lijiang River Pearl—— Coronal rock (Approx two Hour, the scenic spot trolley will take care of itself sixty element / People) , Located in the middle of the Lijiang River, the scenic spot is known as a country with zero distance from the Lijiang River 4A Tourist attractions There are two Guinness records in the world, namely, the karst cave with the most sightseeing ways and the longest sightseeing slide in the world. In the scenic spot, you can take a boat to visit the underground river in the cave. The river is clear and noisy; Take the train to visit the dry cave; Take the sightseeing elevator to overlook the cave. Today's trip ends. ( If you haven't finished your tour, you can also choose some self funded scenic spots according to your own preferences, such as Gudong Waterfall( one hundred and twenty minute, one hundred and twenty element / People), Jingjiang Palace( ninety minute, one hundred and forty element / People) and other scenic spots).
Schedule of Day 3      Meal: breakfast, lunch Accommodation: Guilin
  •  Five day trip from Fuzhou to Guilin+Lijiang River+Guanyan+Butterfly Spring on National Day

    After breakfast Visit Guilin landscape development site with beautiful gardens, beautiful temples and secluded caves【 Historical origin of Guilin—— Yushan scenic spot (Approx sixty Minutes) It is said that Emperor Yu, Emperor Shun, once visited this mountain in the south, so it was named Yushan, and a temple was built to commemorate it. After that, you can walk around freely waterside town Comparable to Venice【 Essence section of two rivers and four lakes —— Ronghu Lake, Shanhu Lake 】(Approx fifty (minutes) Take a stroll in the scenic spot and savor the beautiful bridge in Guilin, the flowing water and the comfortable life of people. You can visit Day and month Twin towers (Don't climb the tower), get close to the world's tallest copper building, the Ri Tower Later tour Zi Zhou ·Elephant Trunk Mountain 】(Approx fifty Minute), Zizhou is located on the east bank of the Lijiang River, opposite the Elephant Trunk Mountain. can one hundred and eighty ° Viewing Guilin City Emblem - Elephant Trunk Mountain When the drizzle drizzles and the smoke waves are misty, the island is shrouded in light gauze and mist, looming like a fairyland in Penglai. Since the Yuan Dynasty, it has been listed as one of the eight sights of Guilin - "Misty Rain in Zizhou".

    Recommended by senior food staff: Shangshui Food Street 】(Self care). Restaurants, teahouses, snack shops and coffee shops with upturned eaves and corners have formed their own unique styles. Here, desserts, hot and sour noodles, Cantonese snacks, pizza, curry and other special delicacies are all available.
Schedule of Day 4      Meal: breakfast, lunch Accommodation: Yangshuo
  •  Five day trip from Fuzhou to Guilin+Lijiang River+Guanyan+Butterfly Spring on National Day
  • After breakfast, take a bus to [Yangshuo, a famous tourist county in China] (Guilin's landscape is the best in the world, Yangshuo's scenery is the best in Guilin, about 100 minutes' drive), and take a boat tour of the famous [boutique landscape gallery - Lijiang River scenery] (Xingping Lijiang River, about 90 minutes). The boat will walk in the river like opening up wonderful landscape paintings, I really realized the beautiful Lijiang fairyland of "boats walking in the river, people swimming in the painting". Then go to visit [Yangshuo Mountains and Waters Essence - Tianlai Butterfly Spring] (70 minutes), which is named after a stalactite that looks like a butterfly in a cave in the scenic area. The scenic area has a reputation of "not reaching the top of the Butterfly Mountain, not knowing the scenery of Yangshuo" because of the colorful peaks, the brilliant caves, the splashing waterfalls, and the secluded paths. The grand and unprecedented Dong grand song and passionate Dong dance performance were held on the 1500 square meter music square, listening to the Dong grand song of the world intangible cultural heritage. For lunch, try the local special food - beer fish. Today's trip ends. (If you haven't finished your tour, you can also choose some self funded scenic spots according to your own preferences, such as Totem Ancient Road (60 minutes, 100 yuan/person), Julong Pool (60 minutes, 100 yuan/person), Yinziyan (60 minutes, 120 yuan/person), Yulong River (60 minutes, 150 yuan/person), Impression Liu Sanjie (70 minutes, 220 yuan/person) and other scenic spots, dinner (take care of yourself) After that, you can freely walk in the passionate "Foreigner Street - Yangshuo West Street" (no car, no guide) without any country to feel the rich exotic customs. Recommended by senior foodies who vomit blood: [Xiesanjie Beer Fish on Yangshuo West Street] (self-care), signature dishes such as Lijiang Beer Fish, Gingko Duck, featured dog meat, and 18 flavored wines such as Screw Wine and Bitter Melon Wine.
Schedule of Day 5      Meal: breakfast, lunch Accommodation: warm home
  •  Five day trip from Fuzhou to Guilin+Lijiang River+Guanyan+Butterfly Spring on National Day
  • After breakfast, take the bus back to Guilin and visit the AAA scenic spot Dong Village in Guangxi (about 60 minutes). Walk into their homes and visit them, truly understand the national culture, people's livelihood and living habits of the Dong minority, and feel the ancient, quiet and leisurely life of the villagers. Then go to visit [Nanxi Xinji - Nanxi Mountain Scenic Area] (about 40 minutes). In ancient times, "Nanxi Xinji" is one of the eight scenic spots in Guilin, which is like two white screens. The Nanxi River flows through the park from the north of the mountain. After the rain, it will clear up, the clouds will open, and the sun will shine on the rocks, emitting dazzling brilliance. Then take the bus to Guilin Liangjiang Airport, return to Fuzhou by plane, and return to your warm home. Reference flight (SC4709/17:50-19:25).


Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    1. Group outing: individual tourists compete in groups. Special attention: if the number of people on the flight is less than 5, our agency can send a taxi driver and guide to pick up and see off guests at the airport.
    2. Transportation: Fuzhou/Guilin round-trip air ticket (excluding flight insurance), Guilin local air-conditioned tourist bus.
    3. Accommodation: standard rooms for two people, Guilin Zhuyunyi Leisure Hotel, Jiuzhou Business Hotel, Jingxin Dongjiang Hotel, Houlilai Hotel, Jingui Business Hotel, Jinkailai Hotel, Four Seasons Beauty Three Star Hotel, Jinxiu Xiaoxiang Hotel (Nanzhou Store), Tiantian Express Hotel, Jinghao Business Hotel, Shiziling Hotel; Yangshuo Hotel is equivalent to Peninsula Holiday Hotel, Four Seasons Hotel, Shangpin Business Hotel, Zhengyuan Business Hotel, Riting Hotel, Banshan Hotel, Amway Hotel, Parkin Hotel, Jintian Business Hotel and Lizhou Hotel. Our club has the right to add beds or request to make up the room difference of 200 yuan in case of a single person during the delegation.
    Hotel information note: Guilin is a national tourist city below the third tier. The standards of the hotel are low, mainly based on hygiene and comfort. Be prepared in advance! In peak tourist season, travel agencies can adjust to any hotel according to the actual situation, but not lower than this standard. Yangshuo Hotel can only enter the room after 4pm. If you need to return to the hotel in advance, please wait in the lobby of the hotel to finish cleaning. If the guest is dissatisfied with the hotel arrangement and does not stay (breakfast is not included if he does not stay), the room fee of 50 yuan/person/night will be refunded, and the guest will be assisted to find the hotel (at his own expense).
    4. Meal: 4 breakfast and 4 dinner (the hotel includes breakfast, no need to return it, 10 people for one table, 8 dishes for one soup, 15 meal standards, no drinks, if less than 6 people, it is not easy to open a meal, the meal standard is now returned).
    5. Tickets: the first big ticket for the scenic spots listed in the itinerary (except for those marked at their own expense).
    6. Tour guide: local full-time tour guide explanation service.
    7. Children: children are 2-12 years old and less than 1.4m tall, including round-trip air tickets, fuel, parking spaces and half meals. Other expenses, if incurred, shall be borne by themselves.
    8. Insurance: travel agency liability insurance.
    9. Entering the store: No entering the store during the whole journey (Dongjia Ancient Village, Nanxi Mountain Tea Garden Handicraft Workshop is owned by the scenic spot, not a shopping shop, and local specialties are also not shopping shops); Tourists should add self funded projects according to their own needs. The tour guide's introduction is only for reference and will never force them to do so. Tourists who do not participate in self funded projects are kindly invited to have free activities at the entrance of the scenic spot or in the lounge. See the supplementary agreement for details.


    Departure date and price: In peak season, due to hotel price fluctuations, air ticket price increases and other factors, you can contact the customer service of Fuzhou Travel Network before registering to confirm the itinerary and real-time price.
    Fujian Everbright International Travel Agency
    Zheng Ying: 0591-88877711 18959185012
    QQ: 18959185012
    Address: Room 2012, 20th Floor, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Dongda Road, Fuzhou
    The following three methods can be used:
    1. Go to the travel agency to sign a formal travel contract.
    2. QQ registration 18959185012 (reserved space)
    3. For transfer and remittance with the company, please contact us by phone

    payment method

    China Construction Bank Fuzhou Chating Sub branch
    Qiu Jiacai: 4340 6118 2041 9187

    Publish Consultation

    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
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    Fujian Everbright International Travel Agency Co., Ltd
    Service hotline
    Professional visa processing 0591-88909088
    Domestic travel: 0591-88807001
    Tour around: 0591-88886580
    Hot Spring Ticketing: 0591-2222231
    Tourist car rental: 0591-26622681
    Outbound travel: 0591-88800093
    Professional visa: 0591-88882235
    Professional visa: 0591-88883925

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