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 One day tour of Shennongding Conservation Area and the essence of the Great Nine Lakes (one day tour of Shennongjia from Muyu Town to the Great Nine Lakes)

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Product No.: 676166

One day tour of Shennongding Conservation Area and the essence of the Great Nine Lakes (one day tour of Shennongjia from Muyu Town to the Great Nine Lakes)

Landscape price: ¥338 Market price: ¥430 element Starting price description
Date of sending group: every day
Service commitment: Tourist security
Package type:
Including tickets, fares, tour guides and insurance, excluding meals
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

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  • Last updated: 2016-04-26
A one-day tour of Shennongding and Dajiuhu Lake essence, starting from Muyu Town, Shennongjia, every day, a real eco-tourism and quality service.
One day tour scenic spots include Shennongding Conservation Area, the roof of Central China, and the beautiful wetland in the clouds - Dajiu Lake, to feel the purity and beauty of the unity of heaven and man.

Reference travel

Schedule of Day 1     
  •  One day tour of Shennongding Conservation Area and the essence of Dajiuhu Lake (Shennongjia local group tour, Muyu Town one-day tour of Shennongding Dajiuhu Lake) _ Day 1 itinerary
  • At 07:00 in the morning, Muyu Town left for the "No.1 Peak in Central China" -【 Shennong Summit Scenic area, about 4H travel]: Visit the Wild Man Research Station in Xiaolongtan, the Wild Man Museum to explore the mystery of the wild man, walk in the Golden Monkey Ridge of the primeval forest, experience the Golden Monkey Waterfall, the charming Shennong Valley, the primitive forest where the wild man haunts the floor cliff, the watchtower and other attractions.  
    Later, we will visit Jiuhu Township, which is reputed as Hubei Of“ Hulun Buir ”—【 Dajiu Lake National Wetland Park, about 3H] Surrounded by mountains, the highest peak is 2800m, forming a natural barrier. There are nine mountain ridges in the east and west. The forests on the ridges are thick and magnificent. "Look up and see the mountains, the ground is not three feet flat" Shennongjia It is rare to find such virgin flat land hidden deep in the mountains, and Dajiuhu Lake enjoys the reputation of "high mountains and plain".  
    After the tour, Muyu Town will be scattered, and the one-day tour of Shennongding Conservation Area and the essence of Dajiuhu Lake will end!


Instructions for participation

[Reservation method of one-day tour from Muyu Town to Shennongding Grand Nine Lakes]:
1. Online Direct Reservation: enter the route, click the button to book now, and fill in the relevant information;
2. 【 National toll free number 】: 4006-0717-05; Direct dial: 0717-6488298 6696298 6697298 6908219;
3. [SMS Booking]: 15608606453 and 13972602453 (edit "name+number of people+date of participation+line name");
4. [QQ Online Booking]: 306152054 or 1294652490 or 945877357



payment method

[Account No. of Yichang Meicheng Travel Agency Co., Ltd.]:
Account name: Yichang Meicheng Travel Agency Co., Ltd
Bank of deposit: Three Gorges Agricultural Bank of China Yigang Sub branch
Account No.: 3759 0104 000 5957

[Alipay account number of Yichang Meicheng Travel Agency Co., Ltd.]:
[Remittance account of Yichang Meicheng Travel Agency Co., Ltd.]:
1. CCB: 4213 4928 3034 1602 (Zhou Shenghua)
2. Bank of China: 4563 5176 0430 2233 349 (Zhou Shenghua)
3. Agricultural Bank of China: 95599 8077 80233 00313 (Zhou Shenghua)
4. China Merchants Bank: 6226 0971 7018 7778 (Zhou Shenghua)
5. Bank of Communications: 601428 2068 8138805 (Zhou Shenghua)

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You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
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Yichang Meicheng Travel Agency
Service hotline
Meiyou Customer Service 0717-6696298
Meiyou Consultation 0717-6697298
Meiyou Customer Service 13972602453
Meiyou hotline 13886724588

Booking process