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 Where to go to summer camp? Go to Beijing to participate in summer camp. Xi'an to Beijing Summer Camp Learning Tour Beijing 7-day tour

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Product No.: 665680

Where to go to summer camp? Go to Beijing to participate in summer camp. Xi'an to Beijing Summer Camp Learning Tour Beijing 7-day tour

Landscape price: ¥2280 Market price: ¥2580 element Starting price description
Date of group sending: every day, it is recommended that you send the group in advance five Booking for more than days
Service commitment:
Package type:
Regular delegation
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

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  • Last updated: 2016-08-14
1. Completely subvert the traditional meaning of summer camp, with new content, new mode, new experience and new harvest;
2. Learning courses and military life are specially tailored for the special training camp to ensure that the campers can learn something and help them grow and gain lifelong benefits;
3. Master the growth law of children, meet their growth needs, and care for their growth psychology;
4. Abundant camp activities: a grand [camp opening ceremony] will be held in a PLA unit, a colorful [camper interaction evening party] will be held, [excellent students from Tsinghua or Peking University will talk to each other], and [military life experience] will be held.
5. Follow up photography video: follow up some activities of children from camp opening to camp completion. After camp completion, children will speak out their feelings in front of the camera, so that parents can see the real changes of children.
6. Small class activities: each group will arrange a top student from Peking University or Tsinghua University to act as the children's counselor, and influence the children with the power of example.
7. Rich arrangement of Beijing attractions. Before the tour, professional guides will be arranged to popularize and learn the cultural knowledge of the attractions for the campers in the camp, so that the campers can "learn before traveling".

Introduction to featured boutique activities:
1. English Learning Tutorial
Lecturer: Peking University, Tsinghua University or Beijing Foreign Language Senior Professor
Course introduction: every parent pays close attention to children's English learning. How to train children
Their interest in English learning, mastering scientific and effective learning methods, and experiencing a good learning atmosphere. Special materials, expert lectures, perfect combination of sound, form and meaning of words through visual thinking and scientific five procedures, so that children can quickly master vocabulary "in a short, convenient and fast way" after happy play!
2. Psychological Quality Counseling Course
Lecturer: Senior professor of Peking University or Tsinghua University
Course introduction: The psychological quality of children is a social and family issue of general concern in China today. The psychological quality of children will directly affect their future growth. Senior professors from Peking University or Tsinghua University meticulously arranged for campers to give a thanksgiving education speech of "thank parents, thank the society", and each letter from home "a letter to parents" was a sincere confession with parents.
3. Military life experience
Experience and guidance: excellent officers of the Chinese People's Liberation Army
Experience content: learn military discipline, culture, training and other elements of the PLA, combine the physical and psychological status of the campers, and carefully prepare training plans to try to let the campers enter a special military life, so that they can personally feel strict, nervous, tired, hard, excited, happy, leave an unforgettable memory, and learn to stand on their own, self-improvement, self-confidence.
4. Student interaction
Exchange guidance: excellent students from Tsinghua University or Peking University
Communication content: I hope to have a good communication with excellent students from famous universities such as Tsinghua University and Peking University
I hope that their achievements today will help you to fight hard
Read, his (her) fighting spirit can give you encouragement.

Reference travel

Schedule of Day 1     
  • Day 1: Dream sets sail
    Gather at the designated place and leave by train Beijing Seven days of independent life is about to begin. Start self-management training, carry your bags, open your dreams, and head for the capital Beijing! Let the "physical and mental" holiday truly, and enjoy the happiness and harvest of the first Youth Motivational Growth Training Camp "Flying Dreams, Learning to Visit Beijing"! Fill in the camper's manual on the first day under the guidance of professionals. The campers fill in carefully, and check whether they follow the above requirements at all times, and record the downstream diary in time! On the train, the counselors and teachers guide the campers to carry out interactive games and spend a wonderful day in laughter!
Schedule of Day 2     
  • Day 2: Beijing Welcome to 07:00 - 17:00 [Check in all day] After arriving in the capital Beijing, the work commissioner will arrange vehicles to receive the campers to the camp. After arriving at the camp, the campers will make the following arrangements: 1. Rest, group, and shift. 2. Get familiar with the camp environment under the guidance of tutors or guides: military camp facilities, military camp accommodation The infirmary...... 12:00 Listen to the number and have a meal. At 14:00, a grand special training camp [opening ceremony] was held, which was presided over by excellent military officers. 17: 00 Excellent officers interact with the campers 18:00 Listen to the number and eat 19:00 Tsinghua or Peking University counselors interact with the campers 21:00 The campers wash 21:30 Listen to the number and turn off the lights The campers go to bed
Schedule of Day 3     
  • Day 3: Open the door of dreams, learn from a famous school, listen to the number, get up and wash, 06:30, breakfast at the camp, 07:00, leave in full, 08:00, visit the large royal gardens【 Old Summer Palace 】The large-scale imperial palace in the Qing Dynasty, known as the "Garden of Ten Thousand Gardens", entered the world's top universities at 10:00【 Peking University 】Visit Boya Tower, Weiming Lake and other landscapes to feel the style of famous schools. 11: 00 Enter the world-class institutions of higher learning【 Tsinghua University 】Visit a century old school. 12:00 Travel? Team table meal (10 people, one table, eight dishes and one soup) 14:00 Tsinghua University [English learning], [Psychological quality counseling] 18:00 Back to the camp to listen to the number of meals 19:00 Selection of special skills of the campers (optional for interactive evening party) 21:00 Rinsing of the campers 21:30 Listen to the number of lights out and the campers go to bed
Schedule of Day 4     
  •  Where to go for summer camp? Go to Beijing for summer camp. Xi'an to Beijing Summer Camp Learning Tour Beijing 7-day tour _ Day 4 itinerary
  • Day 4: Climb the Great Wall and feel the charm of science and technology. At 06:00, listen to the number and get up and wash. At 06:30, breakfast at the camp. At 07:30, pack up and leave. At 09:00, enter the palace of science and technology. [China Science and Technology Museum] is here through an exhibition combining science, knowledge and interest, From the four great inventions to the maglev train, the millennium long science and technology interaction practice will stimulate the enthusiasm of young people to explore the mysteries of science and technology, and cultivate the scientific concept of observation, discovery and innovation of young people. 11: 00 Visit [3D Gallery] to experience the amazing journey brought by the magical 3D art. Its bold and innovative combination of 3D illusion art and traditional art will bring visitors a pleasant surprise of immersive painting. 13: At 00, the campers returned to the camp to have a meal at 14:00, and set out to visit [Juyong Pass of the Great Wall] at 15:00. It is one of the seven wonders of human engineering in the world, a symbol of the Chinese nation, and one of the eight sights of Yanjing. The best in the world, climb high the Beacon Tower You can experience the heroic spirit of "not a hero without visiting the Great Wall", and visit one of the eight sights of Youzhou in ancient times - [Juyong Diecui] 18:00 Back to the camp for lunch 19:00 Senior students from Tsinghua University or Peking University interact with and learn from the campers 21:00 The campers wash 21:30 Listen to the number and turn off the lights The campers go to bed
Schedule of Day 5     
  •  Where to go to summer camp? Go to Beijing to attend summer camp. Xi'an to Beijing Summer Camp Learning Tour Beijing 7-day tour _ Day 5 itinerary
  •   Day 5: I love Beijing Cheerfulness

    04:00  The camper gets up   Wash and gargle  

    04:30  Pack and go

           Visit the world's largest city center square【 Tiananmen square 】Listen to the national anthem and watch Zhuang solemnly【 rise    

           Flag ceremony 】, visit famous【 Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall 】(In case of policy closure, only appearance;

           Closed on Monday). Look at the【 Monument to the People's Heros 】, View【 People are big     

           Exterior view of the auditorium 】,【 National Museum EXT 】。 Visit the largest and most complete ancient buildings in China

           Group【 the Imperial Palace 】。

    12:00 Travel? Team featured lunch (Beijing century old Quanjude Roast Duck)

    14:00 visit Beijing Film Museum

    Exhibition Centennial Chinese Film National film major with development history, film technology exhibition and film culture dissemination


    16:00  Go to【 Olympic Park 】Visit the main venue of the Olympic Games【 Bird's Nest The water cube EXT 】。

      Back to camp   Catering for campers

    19:00  The camp held wonderful [Camper interaction evening] , campers can show their expertise and feel the sea of joy


    21:00   Rinse the campers  

    21:30   Listen to the number and turn off the light   Campers go to bed

Schedule of Day 6     
  •   Day 6: Military quality development inspires people to fight     

    zero 6:00  Listen to the number and get up   Wash and gargle

    06:30   Camp breakfast  

    07:00  Enthusiasm in the camp【 Military outward bound training

    Improve the psychological quality of students, enhance their sense of cooperation, temper their will, improve their enthusiasm for exercise, comprehensively improve the overall quality level of the campers, and cultivate the soldiers' quality of marching forward bravely.

    10:00  Hold wonderful【 Closing ceremony

    12:00  Back to camp   Catering for campers

    13:00  Set out in a pack Travel? Bus to Beijing Train station, take the train back to your warm hometown

Schedule of Day 7     
  •   Day 7: Return with Honor

        Arrive in Xi'an in the morning, and the campers will be picked up by their relatives in an orderly manner, ending【 let your dreams fly Learning tour Beijing 】Special training trip Returning home with full harvest will start a new journey; This special training trip can help you plan your studies and forge your life. I hope you can realize your dream of life as soon as possible!


Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    1. Consultation does not act as a voucher to ensure the reserved quota; The reserved quota is subject to the group payment (transfer) or group deposit received by Shaanxi CITS.
    2. Online booking shall be subject to our company's confirmation of the customer's transfer (advance payment) to the Shaanxi China Travel Service account by mail, fax and other written forms;
    3. Seasonal changes affect price changes, so no prior notice is given;
    4. Team air tickets and hotel prices fluctuate at any time, and the final price is subject to the price at the time of payment and agreement signing;
    5. This journey is for reference only; The final itinerary shall be subject to the itinerary confirmed in the contract signed with our company before departure.
    6. Before the end of the trip, please fill in the feedback form of tourists' quality opinions carefully, truthfully and completely; If satisfied or not signed locally

    Shaanxi China Travel Service Co., Ltd. West Street Branch
    Address: Room 810, Jintaifeng Building, No. 133, Nanguangji Street, Xi'an

    24-hour hotline: 029-87620852 13359247276 029-87260971 13309269971

    QQ Consulting Customer Service I: 1339418944
    QQ Consulting Customer Service II: 1051447967
    QQ Consulting Customer Service III: 1027155632
    QQ Consulting Customer Service IV: 1329087526
    Welcome to call us for consultation. Please confirm if the price fluctuates greatly


    Rights and interests of campers:
    1. Each camper can obtain an exquisite special training certificate issued by the organizer.
    2. Each camper can get 2 exquisite special uniforms, a camp cap, a badge and a "camper learning tour manual".
    3. Each camper can get a set of DVD of wonderful activity album professionally shot and edited.
    4. Each camper can get a group photo of Tiananmen Square
    5. Each camper can get a high-quality "commemorative badge" of Tsinghua University and a commemorative fountain pen of Tsinghua University

    Participants and requirements:
    1. Middle school students all over the country can sign up.
    2. When students participate in special training activities, they must strictly follow the Rules for Campers

    payment method

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    Publish Consultation

    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
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    Service Centre

    Shaanxi China Travel Service Group Co., Ltd
    Service hotline
    Domestic travel consultation 029-87260971
    Outbound travel consultation 029-87620852
    Individual reservation 13309269971
    Team meeting consultation 13359247276
    Grounding comprehensive consultation 13309269973

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