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 Tree planting around Beijing, one-day trip to Pinggu in 2021, and one-day trip to Jingdong Grand Canyon+strawberry picking

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Product No.: 633298

Tree planting around Beijing, one-day trip to Pinggu in 2021, and one-day trip to Jingdong Grand Canyon+strawberry picking

Landscape price: ¥238 Market price: ¥248 element Starting price description
Date of sending group: every day
Service commitment:
Package type:
Specific consultation 13011103851
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

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  • Last updated: 2021-06-20
Winter goes and spring comes again, spring is warm and flowers bloom, birds sing and flowers smell, spring is a good season for planting trees, go to the suburbs of Beijing for hiking, picking, planting trees, and breathing fresh air.

Reference travel

Until 2021 Jingdong Grand Canyon + Green tree planting + One day leisure tour of picking strawberries( Spring Tour Plan)

The specific itinerary is as follows:
Good morning! 07 00 from Beijing Depart from the designated place, take the Beijing Pinggu Expressway, go directly to Pinggu Tree Planting Base, get seedlings and buckets, and start green tree planting.
go to Grand Canyon Scenic Area Tour (here is beautiful scenery, Longmen Lake Thin strip of sky , Ghost Valley, Wanzhang Cliff, various waterfalls, secluded pools, waterfalls, scenic spots and cable cars. You can also visit the Yuzi Mountain Anti Japanese Memorial Hall for free, remember the revolutionary martyrs, and remember history)
00 Local farmhouse special lunch (reservoir fish, corn porridge, vegetable dumplings, etc. have Pinggu ethnic flavor)
thirty Go to Pinggu Strawberry Planting and Picking Base to pick strawberries and appreciate the fun of picking!
00 End the pleasant journey and return to Beijing
Comprehensive quotation for the above trips: two hundred and thirty-eight element / People( forty Per person)
Travel? Cart round-trip air conditioning, high-speed round-trip shuttle service.
、 Local farmhouse special lunch
Tickets for the local Grand Canyon.
, picking strawberries per person two Jin.
Each person shall provide a sapling.
. Full service provided by local staff.
The menu is attached separately:

Cold dishes: three meat and three vegetable dishes

Hot dishes: farmhouse reservoir fish, dry fried small river shrimp, chicken stewed with mushrooms, streaky pork stewed with kelp, farmhouse steamed meat, boiled firewood eggs, steamed pumpkin, fried pepper sprouts, plain fried vegetables, celery fried meat.

Main food: rice, vegetable dumplings, corn porridge

2: Special tips:

1、 Strawberry can be properly tasted during picking, so as not to waste fruit and pick in a civilized manner.

2、 Dining standard is ten One table for each person, no drinks.

3、 Trees shall be planted with seedlings, buckets, shovels and other tools.

4、   In the process of mountaineering, be sure to pay attention to safety and do not play in dangerous areas.

5、 The above itinerary is only for reference. We sincerely look forward to your visit and call for consultation and consultation: thirteen billion eleven million one hundred and three thousand eight hundred and fifty-one thirteen billion nine hundred and ten million two hundred thousand two hundred and sixty-five Contact person: Guan Tao. We will make more reasonable Tourist routes


Instructions for participation

1. Please confirm the number of people and specific time before traveling.
2. The temperature difference between morning and evening is large in spring. Please keep warm.
3. Please call in advance for consultation when booking this line.


1. Strawberry can be properly tasted during picking, so as not to waste fruit and pick in a civilized manner.
2. Dining standard is 10 people per table, without drinks.
3. Trees shall be planted with seedlings, buckets, shovels and other tools.
4. In the process of mountaineering, be sure to pay attention to safety and do not play in dangerous areas.
5. The above itinerary is only for reference. We sincerely look forward to your visit and telephone consultation. Tel: 13011103851, 13910200265, contact person: Guan Tao. We will make more reasonable travel routes according to your needs.

payment method

1. The hotel can choose check, cash, support various credit cards, UnionPay cards and other settlement methods!

Publish Consultation

You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
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Service Centre

Beijing Huafeng International Travel Agency Co., Ltd
Service hotline
24-hour hotline: 1391020026513011103851

Booking process