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 2-day trip from Fuzhou to Dongshan Island, Maluan Bay, Volcano Island and Zhaojiabao (double bullet train) in March

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Product No.: 626943

2-day trip from Fuzhou to Dongshan Island, Maluan Bay, Volcano Island and Zhaojiabao (double bullet train) in March

Landscape price: ¥638 Market price: ¥700 element Starting price description
Date of sending group: every day
Service commitment:
Package type:
Surprise when calling!
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

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  • Instructions for participation
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  • payment method
  • Last updated: 2014-06-16
Fujian Kanghui is a good travel companion!
Consulting hotline: 0591-87715560/87715570
For more information, please visit www.fzcits.com

Reference travel

D1   6:50 or 7:10 in the morning Fuzhou Centralized on the first floor (under the big clock) of the railway station (north) , multiplied by D6217 (7:50/9:33) or D6219 (8:10/9:52) or 7:35 stay Concentrated at the west entrance 2 on the second floor of Fuzhou South Railway Station , multiply by D6221 (8:35/10:06) Wait for the train Xiamen (North) , by car Go Dongshan Island (about 2.5 hours), after lunch, visit the National AAAA Scenic Spot -【 Wind stone (about 1.5 hours), watching "the most wonderful stone in the world" - the wind moving stone, Taiwan The main temple of many Guandi temples—— Tongshan Guandi Temple , Tongshan Ancient City, Stone Monk Worship Pagoda. Later【 Maluan Bay Seashore Free activities (about 1 hour), feeling blue sky, white clouds, sunshine, beach, waves... Go to Zhangpu, live in Dongshan or Zhangpu.

D2  After breakfast, drive to the national key cultural relics protection unit -【 Zhao Jiabao Visit the settlement of descendants of Zhao and Song royal families (about 1 hour), an ancient castle modeled after Bianjing, the ancient capital of the Song Dynasty. Visit Binhai Volcano National Geopark【 island (About 1 hour), visit the Xiangshan Peninsula, where we will have a wonderful "geocentric trip". The submarine volcanic eruption caused by the Himalayan movement 17 million years ago will bring us an experience 70 kilometers deep from the geocentric; Visit the largest Pure American RV Campground in China. After lunch, walk along the seaside plank road, watch the volcanic landforms with different shapes, such as sea caves and sea cliffs, watch the ancient volcanic craters, beaded volcanic vents, etc., and have the most intimate experience with the sea on this magical beach. Watch the sea sails, listen to the sea breeze, pick up shells, play the tide, and tread the waves... Return to Xiamen by D6236 (17:54/19:32) Or D6238 (18:07/20:00) or its Its train number Return to Fuzhou, not including dinner, and end the happy journey!

Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    1. Transportation: Fuzhou Xiamen round trip multiple units (second-class seats), local air-conditioned tourist buses (size depends on the number of people).
    2. Accommodation: economy hotel double standard room (reference hotel: Zhangpu Holiday Star or Dongshan Super 8 Hotel, if a single person needs to make up room difference of 60 yuan, please bring your ID card).
    3. Meal standard: including 3 meals in the morning, 10 yuan for breakfast and 20 yuan for dinner.
    4. Including: the first ticket of the scenic spot and tour guide service.
    5. Children: refer to children under 1.5 meters, including half meal, occupying parking space, not occupying bed. Tickets are provided by themselves, excluding moving tickets (half fare is required for height 1.1~1.5 meters, and free for height below 1.1 meters).


    1. The above itinerary and standards can be adjusted according to your requirements. The cost of children will be discussed separately according to the actual situation.
    2. Without reducing the number of scenic spots, our club has the right to adjust the itinerary accordingly. However, it does not affect the original standards and scenic spots.
    3. We will not bear the extra expenses incurred due to the guests' departure or change of itinerary.
    4. The cost of detention caused by force majeure factors (such as landslides, landslides, etc.) shall be borne by the guests themselves.
    5. During the Spring Festival, May Day, National Day and other holidays, tourism prices will fluctuate differently.
    For more information, please consult 0591-87715560/87715570

    payment method

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    Publish Consultation

    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
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    Service Centre

    Fujian Kanghui International Travel Agency Co., Ltd. Hudong Road Branch
    Service hotline
    Tel: 0591-87715570
    Tel: 0591-87715560

    Booking process