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 Tangshan Hot Spring from Nanjing Tangshan Yishang Outdoor Hot Spring Holiday Day (the largest and most classic hot spring in East China)

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Product No.: 61030

Tangshan Hot Spring from Nanjing Tangshan Yishang Outdoor Hot Spring Holiday Day (the largest and most classic hot spring in East China)

Landscape price: ¥179 Market price: ¥198 element Starting price description
Date of departure: Saturday and Sunday, we recommend you to advance one Booking for more than days
Service commitment:
Package type:
Half package price for adults
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

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  • Instructions for participation
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  • Last updated: 2018-10-16
★ Afternoon and evening in autumn and winter are the best time to soak in hot springs
★ Yishang Hot Spring Resort, the representative of the leisure tourism sector in the eastern suburbs of Nanjing, has beautiful mountains and waters, beautiful scenery, clusters of springs, and hot springs all the year round. It gathers the essence of the hot spring vein, integrates history and modern times, and is surrounded by green trees. The hot springs are smooth, birds sing and flowers smell, making you feel like a paradise in the world. Route features: beautiful mountains and waters, beautiful scenery, clusters of springs, and hot springs all the year round, Gather the essence of the hot spring vein, blend history and modernity, set off by green trees, and the hot spring is slippery,

Reference travel

10: 00 Changjiang Road, at the entrance of the Presidential Palace, to Tangshan, about 35 kilometers, 60 minutes [Tangshan Yishang hot spring 】(218 yuan/person, about 360 minutes) : The mountain and woodland open air hot springs built on the mountain are naturally integrated with nature. More than 50 characteristic outdoor hot spring pools, Flower Love Area, Turkish Fish Therapy Area, Bali Island Style Area, Finland Bath Area, Rome Dali The stone bath area, etc., gathers the essence of Chinese, Turkish, Bali, Finland, Rome and other eastern and western Mutang cultures. There are dynamic area, fitness area, leisure area, fish therapy area, indoor water intake area, etc. It suddenly feels like a paradise, like an imperial enjoyment. Please bring your own swimsuit.  

18: 00 End the pleasant journey,

At about 19:00, return to your sweet home! Only stop near the Daxinggong subway station on the return journey!  

Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    Expenses include

    Half inclusive price: fare, tour guide, liability insurance, large ticket.
    Children's seat fee: only seat fee is included, and the rest is not included

    Fees not included

    Please bring your own swimsuit

    Meals not included

    Special reminder: children below 1 meter are free of charge, 100 yuan/person for 1 to 1.4 meters, and adults above 1.4 meters.


    Tourists participating in this activity should bring their own swimsuits;
    1. The hot spring bath can be soaked repeatedly. You should go to the pool every 20 minutes to have a rest and drink some drinks to supplement water;
    2. In the hot spring pool, beautiful women can apply facial masks or wipe their faces with cold towels, which is more conducive to beauty;
    3. The hot spring water contains minerals. After soaking in the hot spring, you should use less bath fluid. Washing your body with clean water is more conducive to maintaining the minerals attached to your skin;
    4. Before taking a hot spring bath, you must take off the metal jewelry on your body, otherwise the jewelry will be stained black by the minerals in the spring water;
    5. After bathing in hot springs, the metabolism is accelerated, so you should not follow up with activities or drink or overeat to avoid increasing the body load or indigestion. Rest and relax to restore physical strength;
    6. When you are hungry, you cannot soak in the hot spring immediately, because it is easy to feel dizzy, want to vomit and tired when you soak in the hot spring with an empty stomach;
    7. People with heart disease, hypertension and arteriosclerosis should slowly wipe their bodies with the hot spring before soaking in the hot spring, and then soak in the hot spring. They should not go to the hot spring at once, so as not to affect the contraction of blood vessels;
    8. People with cancer and leukemia are not suitable for bathing in hot springs, because it is easy to stimulate metabolism and weaken the body quickly;
    9. If there are people who get acute colds, acute diseases and infectious diseases, it is better not to soak in hot springs;
    10. When or around the physiological period of girls, the early and late stages of pregnancy, it is best not to soak in hot springs for the time being;

    payment method

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    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
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    Service Centre

    Nanjing Jinqiu Travel Agency Co., Ltd
    Service hotline
    Consultation 025-83617985
    East China Tourism 025-83213292
    Custom depth 025-83378344

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