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Your location: Yellow Pages of Landscape Tourism > Dandong China International Travel Service Co., Ltd >>View
 Hangzhou, Zhejiang -- Korean Pyongyang, Kaesong, Panmunjom, Miaoxiangshan classic four-day tour

Departure city

Scan to mobile phone

Scan line to mobile phone Check your schedule anytime, anywhere

Tourists' attention

Product No.: 555119

Hangzhou, Zhejiang -- Korean Pyongyang, Kaesong, Panmunjom, Miaoxiangshan classic four-day tour

Landscape price: ¥2900 Market price: ¥3000 element Starting price description
Date of group sending: every day, it is recommended that you send the group in advance seven Booking for more than days
Service commitment:
Package type:
Including tips (Arirang performs from August to October)
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

  • Line features
  • Reference travel
  • Scenic spots passing by
  • Instructions for participation
  • reminder
  • payment method
  • Last updated: 2020-08-18
Walk into North Korea and learn about North Korea

Reference travel

Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    From July 22 to September 9, Arirang performance will start. The cost is 800 yuan per person, and you must attend.
    From July 24 to August 8, you can't stay in Yangjiao Island International Hotel, but in Xishan or the same level hotel.


    The expenses include: visa fees to North Korea, exit handling fees, international round-trip transportation fees between Dandong and Pyongyang, overseas transportation (imported luxury buses) listed in the itinerary, accommodation (Korean super hotels are equivalent to domestic four-star hotels), catering (three mornings and seven rectifications), scenic spot tickets, Korean Youxiu Chinese tour guides, personal accident insurance, travel agency liability insurance. The tip (10 yuan/person/day) of the Korean company does not include: private consumption and additional expenses caused by weather, transportation, natural disasters, politics and other irresistible reasons.
    Registration procedures: provide tourists with copies of passports, ID cards, work units and positions 7 days in advance (please ask our agency for the registration form); The original passport and two two inch front color photos shall be provided 2 days in advance.
    Friendly tip: Tourists shall bear all the expenses incurred from the suspension or delay of the team due to force majeure or the DPRK.

    payment method


    Dandong Tourism Customization Center

    Address: Zhanqian Railway Station (No. 11, Jiangcheng Street), Dandong City Zip code: 118000


    Bank of Communications of China

      Bank account: 622260 044000046 7718
    Account name: Han Weitao
    Deposit bank:
    Bank of Communications Dandong Branch Jinshan Business Department



      Bank account: 6222 020707 00306 1439
    Account name: Han Weitao
    Deposit bank: China
    Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Dandong Branch


    China Construction Bank

      Bank account: 6236 6806 1000 0058 625
    Account name: Han Weitao
    Bank of deposit: Dandong Zhanqian Branch of China Construction Bank Corporation


    Bank of China

      Bank account: 6013 8205 0098 400 8205
    Account name: Han Weitao
    Bank of deposit: Tianzeng Office, Dandong Branch, Bank of China


    Postal Savings Bank of China

      Bank account: 6221 8822 6000 238 8246
    Account name: Han Weitao
    Bank of deposit: Postal Savings Bank of China


    Online booking instructions:
    How to book the travel products provided on the online travel website?

    Booking method 1: Booking by telephone or fax (the most common and direct booking method)
    If it is inconvenient for you to register by email, you can call the service center directly:
    ◇ Tel: Telephone line: 0415-2266111
    Second line: 0415-2927111
    Third line: 0415-3993111
    Telephone Line 4: 0415-3993222
    Night consultation (before 21:00): 13704255220 13304955220

    (Please dial other numbers when busy)
    ◇ Fax: Fax: 0415-2266111

    Booking method 2: Book via email
    China Landscape Tourism Yellow Pages Dandong Branch (Feiyang Holiday)
    Email reservation: ddls0415 @163.com    Or E-mail: yljgl0415 @163.com
    Please indicate your name, contact number, line name, participation level, participation date, number of people, whether to make a separate group, location and other information in the email, and then send the email. We will process your reservation at the first time;

    Booking method 3: Booking through the order system
    There is a "reservation" icon next to each line of Dandong Branch Station (Feiyang Holiday) in the Yellow Pages of China Landscape Tourism. After clicking it, a reservation form will appear. Fill in your information and click the "Confirm" button. After we receive your order, we will process it as soon as possible, and notify you of the order processing by phone, e-mail and other means;

    Booking Mode 4 : Booking via online chat
    ◇ You can consult and book through online QQ:

    Online consultation QQ: 709568212




    (Please indicate "Consultation")

    Booking Mode 5: Booking through WeChat

    ◇ You can consult and book through WeChat:

    WeChat: 13704955220 15641550666 (please indicate "Korean Tourism Registration")

    explain: No matter which method you take to register, the booking effect is the same. We will reply to your E-mail, phone or online order as soon as we receive your registration information.

    Can I make a reservation without paying the deposit in advance and contact your company when I get to Dandong?
    We can also understand customers who have this idea, because the Internet economy is not popular in China, they have almost no online consumption experience, and always feel that online booking or payment is unreliable or deceptive; This kind of guests often cannot find a plane, parking space or hotel after arriving in Dandong, which delays time and increases the cost of accommodation in Dandong.

    This website reminds such guests that the purpose of collecting deposit is to ensure that you want to book and confirm the travel items, and ensure that you travel on schedule!

    Why should I pay the deposit and how?
    Most of the routes provided by Dandong Branch of Yellow Pages of China Landscape Tourism (Feiyang Holiday) depart in the morning. Guests from other places need to arrive in Dandong one day in advance. In order to ensure that you can travel as scheduled after arriving in Dandong, the website needs to charge you a deposit to reserve a parking space or a flight space, so as to avoid that there is no parking space or flight space when you arrive in Dandong, delaying your time and generating unnecessary accommodation fees;


    The deposit payment generally includes the following situations:
    ◇ During the May Day, National Day, Spring Festival, weekend, peak tourist season or hot tourist service projects, the website has the right to require customers to pay a deposit according to the actual travel time and the nature of the tourist products confirmed by customers. After the deposit is paid, the reservation and retention will be 100% effective; The customer also has the right not to pay the deposit. We will try our best to guarantee the reservation without paying the deposit in advance, but we cannot make the reservation 100% effective. Please forgive me if this happens!
    ◇ After receiving the deposit, our website also needs to advance other travel funds for you, so bookers should be sure to participate in the group and check in on time, and the balance should be settled in time after joining the group.
    ◇ If you book air tickets, train tickets and tickets separately, after confirming the price, you need to pay the ticket price in full before issuing the ticket

    1. Tourists choose the best way to travel to the local area according to their own city -- check the traffic information
    2. Tourists choose their own tour routes and standards according to the purpose of the tour -- choose tour routes
    3. If you have chosen the tour route and transportation, please contact our agency to inform you of the local transportation mode, departure date, tour route, standard and number of people, or consult more in detail
    4. According to your requirements, our agency has agreed with you on the relevant matters and fees, and has made final confirmation with you according to the agreed contents (sign the travel contract after fax confirmation/telephone confirmation)
    5. The tour guide will greet the tourists at the exit of the railway station/airport with a reception board with the tourists' names written on it, and then take the bus to start a pleasant journey!

    • 24-hour hotline: 400-116-5176   400-165-5220

    • Individual customer service center: 0415-3993111  2266111

    • Team Operation Center: 0415-3993222  2927111

    • Telephone fax: 0415-3811666  2266111

    • North Korea Service Center: 0415-2927111  2927333

    • Bus rental center: 0415-3811666  2927222

    • Domestic operation center: 0415-2763266  3993222                                        


    Publish Consultation

    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
    • contact information:
    • Consultation content:

    Service Centre

    Dandong China International Travel Service Co., Ltd
    Service hotline
    24-hour service hotline 400-165-5220
    Korean Service Center 0415-3993111 2266111
    Domestic Tourism Center 0415-3993222 2927222
    Team Operation Center 0415-3811666 2927111
    Individual Guest Service Center 0415-2266111 2927333
    Self driving service center 400-116-5176
    Car rental center 400-165-5220
    Tour Guide Reservation Center 0415-3811666
    WeChat registration WeChat 15641550666
    Fax 0415-2266111

    Booking process