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 Shijiazhuang to Yunnan Tourism Ilian Inn Kunming, Shilin, Dali, Lijiang Six day Double Flight Tour

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Product No.: 523398

Shijiazhuang to Yunnan Tourism Ilian Inn Kunming, Shilin, Dali, Lijiang Six day Double Flight Tour

Landscape price: ¥2020 Market price: ¥2120 element Starting price description
Date of group sending: every day, it is recommended that you send the group in advance ten Booking for more than days
Additional items:
Package type:
Default type_1
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

  • Line features
  • Reference travel
  • Scenic spots passing by
  • Instructions for participation
  • reminder
  • payment method
  • Last updated: 2019-01-13
Present the Impression Lijiang directed by Zhang Yimou and the AAAA Ethnic Village;
★ Noble service: Take a rest in the VIP lounge of the airport, and the scenery of Kunming makes you unique;
★ Quality characteristics: the whole journey is pure play, no opportunism (note: colorful Yunnan, ethnic villages, flower markets are characteristic tourist attractions,
Is not counted as a shopping shop);
★ Featured food: Lijiang Naxi Wedding Banquet, featuring unique food and Yunnan flavor;
★ Relaxing accommodation: Kunming is listed as a three-star hotel, Chuxiong designated a four-star hotel, and Lijiang featured a four-star hotel, which does not pass off quality hotels as substandard hotels, allowing you to have fun and sleep comfortably.
★ Intimate service: one bottle per person per day

Reference travel


brigade   swim   that 's ok   Cheng

have meals


first day

fly Kunming , pick up the plane with flowers, and let the staff in ethnic minority costumes access the scenery Travel? exclusive VIP The staff will provide you with wired and wireless Internet access, tea, coffee and other services. After a short rest, the bus will be sent to the hotel by a full-time driver, You can take a rest after checking in





the second day

After breakfast, go by bus Dali (Approx four point five Hour) Visit the "mysterious, real, shocking, popular science, interactive and happy" World Dinosaur Valley Cultural Tourism Theme Park Site Museum (about one five Hours); Visit the national key cultural relics protection unit and the national excellent tourist city - the symbol and symbol of Dali [Chongsheng Temple, Three Pagodas] (Tour time is about one Hours, Battery car: twenty-five element / people ); Go by bus Lijiang (Approx four Hours); Upon arrival Enjoy the Naxi wedding banquet.


on the third day

After breakfast, go to the Natural Glacier Museum - Yulong Snowmountain Scenic Area (The tour time of the whole scenic spot is about four Hours) (Including mountain entrance fee, Yunshanping cableway, environmental protection vehicle) Take the Yunshanping cableway to see the Yulong Snow Mountain; Later, visit Ganhaizi Ranch Baishui River , Blue Moon Valley Blue Moon Valley battery car: fifty element / people Presented to director Zhang Yimou Impression of Lijiang (If you cannot visit due to personal reasons or force majeure, the fee cannot be refunded); visit [Yushui Stronghold] (Tour time is about forty Minutes); [Black Dragon Pool] (Tour time is about thirty Minutes); Visit the unique ancient city style of Lijiang, where "households hang up and compete in the south of the Yangtze River"; Taste those snacks at your own expense in the late ancient city.



the forth day

After breakfast, go to Dali (about four Hours). visit [Dream Bai Folk House] , taste three courses of Bai tea, watch singing and dancing performances (sightseeing and viewing time is about one Hours); Visit the famous literature countries at home and abroad - [Dali Ancient City] Feel the charm of Nanzhao Ancient Country (about forty minute; Battery car in ancient city thirty-five element / people ); Take bus to Chuxiong and check in the hotel.


The Fifth Day

After breakfast, return to Kunming by bus. Free Tour Ethnic Village - Visit Mosuo Family, Yuman World or sightseeing [World Horticultural Expo Park] , visit Garden Avenue or Jade Culture Museum (visiting time one hundred and fifty Minutes); visit [Colorful Yunnan] , and watch the tea art show (about two point five Hours); Visit the wonders of karst landform - Ashima incarnation in stone forest Stone Forest (Tour time is about two Hours, Battery car: twenty-five element / people )


Day 6

After breakfast, go shopping [Flower Market] (Tour time is about one Hours), send off (dinner excluded), and end the pleasant trip!

remarks: twelve 00 For flights before o'clock, our company cannot arrange flower market, so there is no refund.




Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    Date of dispatch: daily dispatch
    Children's quotation: including local half dinner, travel bus fees, excluding tickets and bed occupancy (the whole journey includes early accommodation, and children's quotation does not include accommodation. If the height is too high, breakfast fees need to be paid)

    Meals: The whole journey includes 5 mornings and 7 meals: the hotel includes breakfast, 10 people for a table, 8 dishes and 1 soup (the standard price for dinner is 15 yuan/person, and the dishes are adjusted according to the number of people).
    Accommodation: Kunming hangs three, Chuxiong designates four stars, Lijiang lives in the characteristic four star hotel in the ancient city.
    Tourist attractions: as shown in the itinerary, the first big ticket for the listed tourist attractions has been included.
    Shopping: There are no shopping shops throughout the trip (colorful Yunnan, ethnic villages or the Expo Garden are tourist attractions).

    1. No natural single room difference is provided throughout the whole process, and the natural single room difference is borne by the guest; It does not include travel accident insurance, aviation insurance, airport transfer fees at the departure point, various voluntary consumption, etc.
    2. In case of travel delay, change of scenic spots not visited and expenses not incurred due to guests' reasons, government reasons or human irresistible factors (weather, natural disasters, traffic jams, etc.), we will not refund them. All losses such as detention and increased expenses arising therefrom shall be borne by the guests themselves, and we have only the obligation to help solve the problem and minimize the losses of guests; If you do not visit the complimentary items, the fees will not be refunded.
    3. The travel agency and the guests shall provide the accurate name list and ID card number of the guests. The ID card shall not expire, and the losses caused thereby shall be borne by the guests and the travel agency.
    4. The quotation for children under 12 years old only includes the half meal fee (excluding breakfast) and parking fee, excluding tickets and bed occupancy. If any cost is incurred, the customer should pay for it.
    5. In consideration of property and personal safety issues during the free activity period, try to minimize going out at night. If you must go out, please take your hotel card and return to the hotel before 22:00. Any problems during the free activity period have nothing to do with the travel agency. Our tour guide will remind the guests to pay attention to personal and property safety, and the safety responsibility during free activities shall be borne by the guests themselves.
    6. Our company will settle the complaint according to the "opinion sheet" signed by the guest in the local area. If there is any complaint, please put forward it at that time or within 7 days after the guest returns, otherwise it cannot be handled.
    7. The self paid items marked in the itinerary are provided with car and tour guide services. Tourists only need to buy tickets for the scenic spot.
    8. Yunnan is a plateau area with a high altitude. Guests should choose the route according to their physical conditions and bring their own plateau tourism necessities.
    9. Please don't forget to fill in the Opinion Sheet before finishing your tour. This is your final assessment standard for the quality of this tour; Our quality inspection center will take this as the basis for team quality investigation, otherwise it will not be accepted. After the end of the trip, the guests must sign the opinion sheet in each section of Yunnan: those who do not sign the opinion sheet will be treated as no opinion; If you complain after signing a satisfactory return, please forgive us!


    304, East Building, No. 1, Fuqiang Street, Yuhua District, Shijiazhuang City (southeast corner of the intersection of Yuhua Road and Fuqiang Street) Tel: 0311-85357822 15032828751 Li Xiaobing
    Buses 6, 18, 32, 35, 36, 42, 43, 46, 55, 112, 99, 85 and Tourism 11 go south

    payment method

    1. If you see our route and are ready to book to participate, please contact our customer service representative first to confirm the price, itinerary, flight and train tickets. Because the travel price is changing at any time, our customer service representative will inform you when confirming with you in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding two After confirming the price, itinerary and flight, you can choose one of the following two contract signing methods.

    A : Go directly to the address of the company, sign a written travel contract, and pay the travel expenses. Yuhua East Road, Qiaodong District, Shijiazhuang City sixty-two No. (southwest corner of the intersection of Yuhua Road, Jianshe Street), in the west courtyard of Huanyu Hotel one hundred and one room ride two six ten sixteen nineteen twenty-nine thirty-two thirty-four thirty-five thirty-six fifty-one fifty-five sixty-six seventy eighty-three ninety-two ninety-nine five hundred and sixteen , Tourism eleven , Tourism twelve Luhebei Grand Theater, get off and go west one hundred Mi Lunan   Telephone: 0311-85357822  15032828751  Li Xiaobing

    B : Book online, contact our customer service representative, and send you the electronic travel contract and itinerary by email. Just fill in the content, confirm the price, and reply to the company's email address according to the contract prompts sjzyzlxs@126.com , and transfer through Alipay or online banking.


    Publish Consultation

    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
    • contact information:
    • Consultation content:

    Service Centre

    Shijiazhuang Yanzhao Travel Agency Co., Ltd
    Service hotline
    Individual Customer Department: 0311-85357822
    Fax: 0311-85357833
    Mobile: 15032828751 15369187567

    Classification of tourist routes


    Booking process