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 Dalian Beibingyu Tourism _ Dalian Beibingyu (Yunpan Valley) _ 2-day tour of Tianmen Mountain

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Product No.: 501143

Dalian Beibingyu Tourism _ Dalian Beibingyu (Yunpan Valley) _ 2-day tour of Tianmen Mountain

Landscape price: ¥268 Market price: ¥488 element Starting price description
Date of group sending: every day, it is recommended that you send the group in advance one Booking for more than days
Service commitment: Tourist security
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  • Last updated: 2020-01-23
Dalian Beibingyu (Yunpan Valley)+2-day mountaineering tour of Tianmen Mountain.
Tel: 0411-84908947 WeChat: 15524835727

Reference travel

Cloud Pan Valley Tianmen Mountain 2-day mountain climbing tour


Boarding time and place:

Route A:

7:00 Dalian Puzhao Electronic City in front of the railway station

7: 15 Dalian Xianglujiao Haida Plaza

7: 30 Zhenxing Road PetroChina Gas Station

7: 50 Development Zone Wucaicheng Light Rail Station

Route B:

7: 00 Departure from Champs Elysees Square

7: 10 Haida Plaza (Tomoto Tangmenkou Station)

7: 40 Development Zone Triumph (Behind Jinma Road)

9: 10 Pikou high-speed port

Route C:

7: 00 The small square in front of the Bohai Pearl Hotel at Dalian Railway Station

7: 10 Dalian Xianglujiao Haida Plaza

7: 20 Houyan Gas Station

7:30 Entrance to Yinfeng Group (formerly Triumph Hotel) in the Development Zone


D1:  Dalian Cloud Valley                                                           

    Good morning! seven Gather and depart in front of Dalian Railway Station and take the bus to Xianrendong Town, Zhuanghe (about 3.5-4 hours), lunch after arrival. Go after lunch Cloud Pan Valley Cloud Disk Valley is a pool of clear water surrounded by high mountains. The water is as flat as a mirror, but the bottom is not visible. The mountains are green and the waters are beautiful, and the beauty is as beautiful as poetry and painting! It looks like the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River and Yangshuo Lijiang River The green mountains reflect the water, and the clear water is turbulent. Walking along the mountains, you can reach the ends of the world! Suddenly I remembered Li Bai's "Early Departure to Baidi City": "Farewell to the White Emperor in the morning , A thousand miles of Jiangling will be returned in one day. The boat passed thousands of mountains with apes shouting without endless. ”And Du Fu's "Wen Guan Jun Shou" Henan The poem in Hebei says, "Sing in the daytime and indulge in wine. Return home with youth Wu Gorge , then go down Xiangyang towards Luoyang ”! Sitting on the bamboo raft, let your mind travel through time and space with the current to the far distance... Yunpan Valley is located at the north gate of Bingyu Valley Scenic Area, Yosemite drift At the end of the project, it is a large-scale scenic spot integrating entertainment, mountaineering and water riding (more than 10 kinds of water projects, such as electric boats, small water trains, bamboo rafts, etc.) Stay in the hotel after dinner.

                                                                                Check in Xianrendong Town


D2: Cloud Pan Valley- Tianmen Shan Dalian                                                     

   After breakfast, go by bus Tianmen Mountain Country Forest Park Ride appointment 0.5 hour, about 2 hours for sightseeing), Dalian Tianmen Mountain National Forest Park is a national park Grade 4A Travel? The scenic spot is 66 kilometers north of Zhuanghe City and 220 kilometers away from Dalian City. The core scenic spot covers an area of 40 square kilometers. The scenic spot is divided into five scenic spots and a drifting area, with peaks, rocks, caves, valleys, drifting and other wonders. It has created more than 30 famous scenic spots, such as the famous Tianmen Peak, Tibetan Immortal Cave, Qianfo Temple, and its unique quartzite peak woodland shows the world the majesty It is dangerous, precipitous, strange and beautiful, and all mountains and valleys have the charm of overlapping peaks. visit Thousand-Buddha Cave Tianmen Cave , Gu Song, General Shi Tianmen Peak , viewing platform, sword edge Tianmen Lake And other scenic spots Natural oxygen bar After lunch, return to Dalian and end the happy journey!

Trip Summary:

get accommodation
first day
Dalian Cloud Valley

Round table meal

10 persons/table

Round table meal

10 persons/table

Xianrendong Town Express Hotel/ordinary 4-6 rooms/double standard rooms
the second day
Yunpan Valley Tianmen Mountain Dalian
Side dishes/porridge/steamed bread

Round table meal

10 persons/table


——The above schedule may not affect the schedule and reception standards due to force majeure factors such as flights, weather and road conditions

On the premise of this, we will adjust the tour order. Please understand! ——



Cloud Disk Valley is a high mountain ring. When it rains and clouds cover the water, the water is always surrounded by clouds. The mountain is close to the trend, and the turning is zigzag. The two gorges stand face to face, the trees are luxuriant, the cistanche is luxuriant, the water is flowing, and I occasionally hear the birds chirping gently. The valley is empty, a quiet place, and a special cave! Walk in the mist and rain, watch the green mountains, enjoy the water, listen to the heart singing! The mind is suddenly open, light and relaxed

Dalian Tianmen Mountain National Forest Park is a national AAAA tourist attraction, located in Tianmen Mountain Village, Xianrendong Town, Zhuanghe City. This place is called Little Guilin in Northeast China. Look at flowers in spring and appreciate leaves in autumn, play drifting in summer and play snow in winter. " For Zhuanghe Tianmen Mountain, this description is not excessive at all. It can bring you great surprises every season.

The whole forest park is composed of five scenic spots with different interests, including Tianmen, Yunqi, Kuangyu, Dayan River and Zhuanxiang Lake. There are more than 100 scenic spots, such as winding Guanshan, Tianfeng Crossing the Immortals, Mao'er Ridge, Hanjiagou, ancient castle, Thousand Buddha Cave, etc, In Tianmen Mountain, you can enjoy all the beautiful features of nature, such as majesty, wonder, danger, majesty, beauty, wilderness and seclusion. It is an ideal resort for vacation, sightseeing, mountaineering exploration and folk custom tourism.

More connections to Beibingyu (Cloud Valley) (click the title to see the itinerary):

Dalian Beibingyu (Yunpan Valley) One day Tour

Dalian Bingyu Valley+Beibingyu Valley (Cloud Valley) 2-day pure play tour

Dalian Bingyu Valley+Beibingyu Valley (Cloud Valley) 2-day trip without self expense

Dalian Beibingyu (Cloud Valley)+ Two day tour of climbing Tianmen Mountain without self expense

Dalian Beibingyu (Yunpan Valley)+Buyun Mountain Hot Spring for free 2-day trip

Dalian Beibingyu (Yunpan Valley)+Xiema Mountain Hot Spring for free 2-day tour

Dalian Bingyugou Hotline:  0411--84908947


Dalian Bingyugou special line mobile phone: 15524835727 (same as WeChat)


Dalian Bingyugou Special Line QQ: one billion eight hundred and six million nine hundred and sixty-two thousand two hundred and forty-eight

Address: Room 718, Mike Building, No. 42 Kunming Street, Zhongshan District, Dalian

Scan to access WeChat online consultation:


Instructions for participation

1. Accommodation: ordinary 4-6 rooms in Xianrendong Town (such as upgrading double standard rooms to make up room difference)
2. Transportation Dalian/Yunpan Valley/Tianmen Mountain round-trip tourist air-conditioned vehicle
3. Dining: 3 a.m. (ten people for one table, eight dishes for one soup, if less than ten people, one person for one dish). The local hotel and catering conditions are far from those in Dalian. Please understand!
4. Admission: the first big ticket for the above scenic spots (Bingyugou Yingna Lake Xiema Mountain Hot Spring bath)
5. Tour guide: accompanied by excellent tour guide
6. Insurance: Our agency has insured travel agency liability insurance for tourists
The round-trip distance from Tianmen Mountain Scenic Spot to the foot of Tianmen Mountain is about 9 kilometers, and the transfer bus is 40 yuan/person;


1. The temperature difference between morning and evening is large, please prepare long sleeved clothes and trousers! Pay attention to the weather change, bring your own rain gear, and wear swimsuit and swimming cap when bathing in the hot spring.
2. Tourists who voluntarily give up sightseeing, dining, accommodation, tickets, etc. temporarily for personal reasons will not be refunded. Please take your valuables with you or hand them to the relevant departments for safekeeping. In case of loss of valuables (cash, certificates, cameras, jewelry, etc.), the tourists shall be responsible for it.
3. Due to force majeure, we can't complete all the itinerary, so our company will only return the preferential tickets, and the tickets for the scenic spots will not be returned. The stay of the team and the expenses incurred shall be borne by the guests themselves,
4. There is no natural single room for accommodation. If there is a single man and single woman, our club will arrange guests to stay in three rooms or make up for the single room difference in the local area.
5. If the travel agency has uncontrollable factors (such as landslide, traffic jam, weather, flight delay, vehicle failure, etc.) that cause travel delay or failure to complete the scenic spot tour, it will not bear the losses and responsibilities caused thereby;
6. Bonus items, self care items and free time do not include insurance. Please bring your own toiletries; This quotation does not include items for personal consumption.
7. Group members' complaints shall be subject to the feedback form filled in locally. Please fill in carefully.
8. This itinerary is an attachment to the domestic travel contract
Note: Children under 10 years old and old people over 70 years old, excluding travel agency liability insurance, will be given travel accident insurance to tourists. In addition, children and the elderly must be accompanied by their families when traveling, otherwise the travel agency will not be covered by the insurance in case of any accident.

payment method

——Payment method is not filled——

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You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
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Dalian Shihai International Travel Agency Co., Ltd
Service hotline
Tel: 0411-84908947

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