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 Price of 6-day tour in Yunnan Double Flight 6-day tour in Kunming and Xishuangbanna

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Product No.: 44917

Price of 6-day tour in Yunnan Double Flight 6-day tour in Kunming and Xishuangbanna

Landscape price: ¥2480 Market price: ¥2580 element Starting price description
Date of group sending: every day, it is recommended that you send the group in advance four Booking for more than days
Service commitment:
Package type:
Price of 6-day tour in Yunnan
Departure month:
June July August
Departure Date:
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty
Number of tourists:
adult Children

The enterprise providing this line is an ordinary member, and has no online booking function!

  • Line features
  • Reference travel
  • Scenic spots passing by
  • Instructions for participation
  • reminder
  • payment method
  • Last updated: 2020-09-09
Product positioning
——The definition of "good" must be to create something that meets your needs, and every service is emotional
Market positioning: middle-class family travel
——With parents and children, it aims to make your family travel comfortable, secure and secure
Product selling points/highlights:
1、 Selected hotels
One night international chain five-star hotel+4-5 star hotel on Ctrip
● Kunming (the first night): Ctrip 5 stars. Zhonghuang Hotel
● Pu'er (the second night): Ctrip Online Review 4-star Hengrun Hotel
● Banna (the third night): International chain five-star, cloud investment Sheraton Hotel
● Banna (the fourth night): Ctrip 4-star Xinhaomen Hotel
● Kunming (the fifth night): Ctrip 5 stars. Zhonghuang Hotel
2、 Cuisine
● Diversified and unique dining environment (riverside, park, village, border)
● Tropic of Cancer Sign Park/Hani style food+Dai Le Restaurant/Peacock Feast+Mengjinglai/Border ethnic food
3、 Selected stories
● Jiuxiang (free cableway) - underground karst cave world, no visit to Jiuxiang
● Tropic of Cancer Sign Garden - a place to turn around in search of the sun
● Mengjinglai - Follow "Dad Go There" to play with ethnic customs and look across the river to Myanmar
● Wild Elephant Valley - watching elephant performances and intimate contact with elephants
4、 Comfortable traffic
● The vehicles used shall be air-conditioned vehicles with formal and legal travel operation qualification within three years, and the vacancy rate of the whole vehicle shall be 20% to ensure that one person has one seat
5、 Audiovisual stories
● [Mengbalanasi] folk song and dance performance+bonfire party
6、 Emotional
● At your own expense throughout the journey
● Free battery cars for Tropic of Cancer Sign Park

Reference travel

[Banna Story]

——Let me understand your language, starting from the Banna story

Kunming Xishuangbanna 6-day double flight tour

Day 1 Beijing -Kunming

The airport is picked up by a specially assigned person. After staying in the hotel, tourists can visit Kunming by themselves and taste street food.

Recommended shopping in Kunming: Nanping Pedestrian Street Jinma Biji Restaurant Cuihu Park ......

Kunming Features Food recommendation : small pot rice noodles, bean curd rice noodles, braised bait, Guandu Baba, wild mushrooms, steamed chicken

Dining:///Accommodation: Kunming

The next day Kunming → Jiuxiang Tropic of Cancer Sign Park Pu 'er Tea

8: 00:00-10:00 Visit the Jiuxiang Scenic Area (including cableway, 120 minutes), which is "not visiting Jiuxiang, but coming to Yunnan in vain". Jiuxiang is a large-scale comprehensive landscape with karst cave landscape as the main part, and mountains and valleys, ethnic customs, cultural landscape, and complete supporting facilities outside the cave Travel? Region;

12: 00:12:30 Chinese food

12: 30-16:00 Take a bus to Mojiang [Tropic of Cancer Sign Park] (including the scenic spot battery car, about 90 minutes)

16: 00-17:30 Visit the Tropic of Cancer Sign Park, located at 22N. 51~23。 59, 101 E. 07~102。 The Tropic of Cancer runs through the county seat between 2004 and 2004. The Tropic of Cancer is a latitude circle north of the equator, and also the limit of the sun's vertical irradiation of the northern hemisphere. At noon on the summer solstice, the sun shines directly on it, and there is no shadow on the pole. The northern regions also have the shortest shadow; After the summer solstice, the direct sunlight gradually moves south. When winter goes and spring comes, the sun shines directly here again, which is called "return". The Tropic of Cancer is the astronomical boundary between the tropics and the northern temperate zone, and the area along the Tropic of Cancer is subtropical. The Tropic of Cancer traverses Taiwan, Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan provinces and regions of China, with a total length of more than 2000 kilometers.

17: 30-18:30 [Tropic of Cancer Sign Garden] Dinner

18: 00-20:00 Take a bus to Pu'er, check in the hotel and have a rest

Meals: Morning, noon and night accommodation Pu 'er Tea

The third day: Pu'er urban area → Dadugang 10000 mu tea garden → Mengjinglai Scenic Spot → Daluo Border → International five-star hotel

07:30-08:30 Take the bus to Xishuangbanna, visit the "Dadugang Tea Garden" (120 minutes), bathe in the afternoon sun, taste a cup of aged Pu'er tea, watch the tea rise and fall in the water, and the hot water makes the tea smell overflowing. Walking into the tea garden, the green all over the mountains and plains becomes more colorful after the sun shines, and the faint fragrance of the tea tree comes to your nose, making you relaxed and happy.

09:30-12:00 Go to [Daluo], a border town between China and Myanmar, and visit Daluo Port, an important border tourism and trade port in Yunnan Province. Bordering Myanmar, it is 80km away from Jingdong, Myanmar, 239km away from Misai, Thailand, 550km away from Chiang Mai, Thailand, 1250km away from Bangkok, the capital of Thailand. Visit the country and take photos.

12: 00-13:30 [Mengjinglai - Border Ethnic Flavor Dinner]. After lunch, visit the first village in Myanmar and China -- [Mengjinglai] Mengjinglai is also one of the shooting places of the third season of "Where's Dad Going". Along with dads and children, Mengjinglai and its scenery are also known to more people. The reputation of "the first village in China and Myanmar" is built on the basis of Jinglai Village (formerly called Mengjinglai) in Daluo Town, Menghai County. The clear Daluo River flows through the west side of the village, forming a natural border. In Mengjinglai Dai Village, there are simple and unique Dai folk houses, agricultural culture exhibition area, border exploration and sightseeing area, and the thrilling Dalao River rafting on the boundary river between China and Myanmar. [Buddhist Temple], [Pagoda Forest], [Bodhi Divine Tree], [Divine Spring], [Baye Academy], [bamboo weaving], [pottery making], [sugar squeezing], [paper making] and other handicrafts are all hot spots for people to visit. The sky is blue, the water is blue, the bamboo is green, the flowers are gorgeous, the fruit is rich, and the dance is graceful, which is the true portrayal of Mengjinglai. The beautiful and sentimental Dai girls, beautiful folk legends, thrilling frontier exploration, and beautiful folk music all make people nostalgic for going back and forth.

21:30-22:00 Check in the international chain five-star cloud investment Sheraton Hotel

Meals: morning, noon and evening Accommodation: Jinghong


Day 4: Manlong Jinwan • Ganbaichang → Wild Elephant Valley Scenic Spot → Mengbalanasi

From 08:00 to 10:00, after breakfast, visit the most original daily show in Xishuangbanna [Manlong Jinwan • Show] (120 minutes)

10: 30-12:00 Visit [Xishuangbanna Latex] to learn about Xishuangbanna's forestry science and technology pearl. Natural latex is located at the core of China's latex raw material production area. The best sunshine and rain and dew make the best latex raw materials, and the best latex products made from the best materials; Explore a corner of the world.

13: 00-15:00 Take a bus to the Wild Asian Elephant Valley in China (120-180 minutes)

15: 00-17:00 Visit the Wild Elephant Valley, the only place in China where Asian wild elephants can be safely observed at close range. There are the longest aerial observation corridor in China, the only Asian elephant museum in China, the most authoritative Asian elephant breeding and rescue center, and the earliest Asian elephant school in China. You can walk into the mysterious aerial observation corridor, breathe the fresh air, overlook the whole picture of the tropical rainforest in the valley, cross the tropical rainforest to find the tracks of Asian elephants, and have an intimate encounter with Asian elephants.

18: From 00 to 21:00, enjoy the "ethnic flavor buffet dinner", watch the characteristic ethnic minority song and dance performance "Mongbala Naxi", visit the characteristic ethnic minority customs in Xishuangbanna, interact with the ethnic minorities, and sing songs with the ethnic minorities around the bonfire after the party to truly blend into the most beautiful Xishuangbanna.

22:00 Check in the hotel.

Meals: morning, noon and evening Accommodation: Jinghong

Day 5: Dai Village → Return to Kunming by bus

07:30-08:00 Take a bus to [Dai Village] (about 120 minutes)

08:00-10:00 Visit Dai villages, visit Dai villages, learn about Dai people's living customs and experience Dai culture; The village is a typical Dai village. The house building is a "dry fence" type bamboo building. The bamboo fence between households is a fence, forming a courtyard. The Dai village is surrounded by coconut, banana, bamboo and other fruit trees, which are lush everywhere. It has a subtropical scenery and exotic atmosphere.

11: 30-12:30 Enjoy ethnic food - [Dai Le Restaurant - Peacock Feast] Peacock Feast is one of the most distinctive feasts of the Dai people, integrating the characteristics of intelligence, diligence and beauty of the Dai people.

After lunch, we will return to Kunming by bus. Today, the return journey is longer. Please bring your own snacks in advance.

Meals: morning, noon and evening Accommodation: Kunming

The sixth smallpox city distribution center → Changshui International Airport → Beijing

After breakfast, the hotel visited the world's largest flower themed greenhouse. The neon flower border covers an area of nearly 6000 square meters. It is known as the most beautiful greenhouse garden in Asia, and also known as China's "Kukenhoff Garden". The garden took three years to build and was designed by the Dutch royal horticultural designer. The whole garden has collected thousands of rare flowers from all over the world. It is a flower peacock that dominates the whole neon flower world. The peacock is made of a variety of precious stones and millions of flowers. It is noble, beautiful, colorful, and has the momentum of reigning in the world and thousands of birds coming to court. Then we will see you off according to the flight time and return to the starting place. Yunnan will sincerely welcome your next arrival!

Meal: Morning//

The travel and service prices of all tourism products in tourism advertisements will fluctuate with seasonal air tickets, hotels, scenic spots, traffic and other factors. Please refer to the travel price at the time of booking. The advertising travel price is for reference only. thank you!

Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    The cost includes:
    1. Round trip transportation: Beijing Kunming round-trip economy class (if the ticket is confirmed to be issued without change, signature or refund, if the passenger temporarily cancels the travel fee, the ticket is totally lost), Dali Kunming bullet train, second-class seat.
    2. Accommodation standard: designated hotel throughout the journey.
    3. Dining standard: 5 breakfast/8 dinner. Breakfast is the hotel buffet; The whole meal is 30 yuan/person, and the special meal is 50 yuan/person.
    4. Car use standard: The vehicles used are air-conditioned vehicles with formal and legal travel operation qualifications within three years, and the vehicle vacancy rate is 10% to ensure that one person has one seat.
    5. Service standard: The tour guides arranged in the itinerary are outstanding personnel with national tour guide qualification certificate and more than five years of experience.
    6. Safety standard: travel agencies purchase Yunnan tourism portfolio insurance (travel agency liability insurance) for tourists.
    7. Admission: The first big ticket for the scenic spot in the itinerary is included, but not outside the itinerary.


    Unified tourism, unified service, factory direct sales, preferential wholesale price!!!
    Early booking discount, multi person booking discount, preferential membership rate, and you will get a membership card for travelling around the world! Including travel agency liability insurance of 300000 yuan. Travel accident insurance is 300000 yuan, and overseas SOS emergency rescue medical insurance is 30000 euros.
    The responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai, and the personal information and whereabouts of tourists are strictly confidential. We sincerely serve every tourist, and customer satisfaction is our greatest wish. Adhering to the service principle of "honesty first, quality first", we treat every tourist as their parents and relatives, and provide tourists with happy and healthy tourism services.
    Complaint hotline of the Administration for Industry and Commerce: 12315 travel agency quality deposit of 1.6 million yuan, integrity and quality! Safe and secure!
    Travel and vacation free consultation hotline: 010-51666 87151666872 The price can be discounted! Welcome to inquire!
    24-hour SMS registration consultation service: Ms. Zhang 13051246388, WeChat service number: 13051246388
    24-hour fast service hotline: Mr. Zhou 18901066209, WeChat service number: 827394859
    Excellent after-sales service hotline: Ms. Tian 13051906288 WeChat service number: 106712452
    Email registration contact: EMAIL: 1760066870@qq.com Email name: tourism consultation
    Business hours: 09:00 to 18:00 Monday to Sunday, free door-to-door service within the Fifth Ring Road of Beijing.
    Non local tourists can register by phone, SMS and email, or online.

    payment method

    1、 Registration method;

     1 , online shopping Online registration: sign a travel contract by emailing our customer service to confirm the travel price and the booking information of the tourist list (via QQ Online or email, WeChat, e-travel contract signed by email, scanning contract, camera (mobile phone) photography contract can be transferred after remittance) online shopping is the preferred best way for most customers. Fast and efficient. Saving time Email signing: we will send the stamped electronic contract document to your designated email address, and you will read the contract and relevant attachments as soon as you receive the email, and reply "Read, agree to this travel contract and sign" to complete the signing process.

    two Signing contract application by fax and express Sign the travel contract and itinerary by fax, and transfer the money after the date and price are confirmed. Express signing: we will express the sealed contract to you, and after you sign it, it will be sent back to our company to complete the signing, If the visa materials need express delivery, please indicate the order number in the express so that the staff can handle them in time.

    three On site registration Go to the travel agency to sign a travel contract, and consult and negotiate face to face. Pay cash to complete the scheduled registration.

    four Telephone registration : Confirm the travel date price and reservation information by telephone to complete the transaction. SMS to confirm the tourist's name, ID number and other details. Sign travel contracts by sending SMS, MMS, WeChat, email, etc. Telephone bank payment.

    five . On site service registration Go to the tourist office to apply for signing the contract and pay the money, mainly for tourists in the Fifth Ring Road in Beijing,

    (In the Fifth Ring Road of Beijing, door-to-door service is available fifty From yuan)

    2、 Payment method,

    1、 Remittance and transfer settlement , online banking, mobile banking transfer remittance, bank transfer remittance, ATM ATM transfer remittance. WeChat, Alipay and other transfers are the best way for most customers to choose. Safe and fast, preferred for online shopping.

    2、 Cash settlement , RMB cash settlement. There are ATM The machine is convenient for withdrawal and the business hall of each bank is convenient for transfer.

    3、 Check settlement , need to advance six The contract will come into effect after the cheque payment is received. Only Beijing company can use check,

    4、 Credit card settlement , tourists are required to pay service charges 2% , (foreign currency card swiping 8% Service charge). Credit card can be bound to Alipay to scan QR code for payment (remote payment), if necessary POS Please make an appointment in advance.

    5、 Foreign guests and tourists Foreign currency settlement account BANK OF CHINA BEIJING BRANCH All currencies in the world are remitted to BOC.


    be careful: You can remit the deposit for reservation, and then pay the cash or remittance balance, or you can pay part of the cash deposit, and then pay off the balance or remittance before leaving the group. For cheque payment and card swiping, it is the settlement method of remitting to the corporate account. If there is a refund, it can only be returned to the original account, and cash cannot be withdrawn. Remittance account, Bank of China, ICBC, Bank of Communications, China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, China Merchants. All major banks are convenient to use. Please do not make inter-bank remittance. Alipay please use urgent remittance to ensure immediate payment. The payment to account contract takes effect. Avoid delaying your travel.

    Publish Consultation

    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
    • contact information:
    • Consultation content:

    Service Centre

    Zhongtang International Travel Agency Co., Ltd. - Unified Holiday Department
    Service hotline
    24-hour free reservation hotline 010-51666871
    Free door-to-door service hotline: 010-51666872
    Tourism quality supervision hotline: 13051906288
    Green fast service hotline 18901066209
    24-hour SMS registration phone 13051246388
    Group enterprise customer 13051243988

    Classification of tourist routes


    Booking process