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 Quotation of Shijiazhuang to Emei Mountain Tourism [Latest] Quotation of Shijiazhuang to Emei Seven day Tour

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Product No.: 319396

Quotation of Shijiazhuang to Emei Mountain Tourism [Latest] Quotation of Shijiazhuang to Emei Seven day Tour

Landscape price: ¥4000 Market price: ¥4000 element Starting price description
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  • Last updated: 2018-10-25
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Reference travel

Platinum Tour: Chengdu jiuzhaigou , Huanglong Leshan Mount Emei Shuangfei 7th (individual passengers)
get accommodation
Shijiazhuang 】- Air voyage 2 hours - [Chengdu] - 20 km, 30 minutes - [Hotel]
17: 10 Take flight NS3209 from Shijiazhuang to Chengdu, arrive at 19:35, check in the hotel and rest in Chengdu after picking up the plane (20 kilometers, 30 minutes' drive).
[Chengdu] - 140km, about 2 hours [Leshan] - 45km, about 1 hour [Emei]
After breakfast, the hotel will pick up the group and leave for Leshan (140 km from Chengdu Leshan Expressway, about 2 hours' drive), passing through Shuangliu, the fourth airport of China waterside town - Xinjin, Changshou County of China - Pengshan, the hometown of the great writer Su Dongpo - Meishan Jiajiang, the capital of porcelain in western China, visited the world's largest Buddha—— Leshan Giant Buddha (About 3 hours): The Giant Buddha was excavated in the early years of Emperor Xuanzong's reign in the Tang Dynasty, and it took 90 years to complete. The Buddha statue is 71 meters high, 18 meters higher than the world's largest Afghan Giant Buddha, Miang (53 meters high). It is truly the most famous in the world, known as "Buddha is a mountain, and mountain is a Buddha". Visit Lingyun Temple, the Mahavira Hall, the nine winding plank road, the confluence of the three rivers, and the Lingbao Tower. In the afternoon, take a bus to Mount Emei, a Buddhist holy land and leisure paradise. Recommended on the way At his own expense Visit the largest Ebony Museum in southwest China (80 yuan/person) and the Oriental Buddha City (80 yuan/person for the shooting location of the film Fengyun I and II). Recommended after arriving in Emeishan City At his own expense After visiting the 4A level scenic spot Xianzhi Zhujian Royal Tea Panda House (150 yuan/person), arrive at the hotel and check in. After dinner give Watch the Bashu stunt feast party integrating the unique skills from all over Sichuan.
Daily tip: Please be more careful when visiting Leshan Giant Buddha and walking along the Nine Curve Plank Path, and be sure to pay attention to safety.
Morning, noon and evening
Mount Emei
[Emei] - 160km, about 2.5 hours - [Chengdu]
After breakfast, transfer to environmental protection sightseeing bus for sightseeing Mount Emei Take the first sightseeing bus in the scenic area to Leidongping Parking Lot (2 hours), walk to the Reception Hall (1.5 km, 20 minutes), take the cableway (120 yuan at your own expense) to Jinding (the second highest peak of Mount Emei, also known as the Thousand Buddhas Peak, 3077 meters above sea level), watch the sunrise, the sea of clouds, the Buddha's light, the holy lamp, the gold, silver, copper, three halls, and the ten wise people, Visit the world's highest Buddhist pilgrimage center. Huazang Temple in Jinding is the highest temple in Mount Emei. Tourists can visit Samantabhadra Bodhisattva here to bless their families (Jinding tour lasts about one hour). Return to Leidongping on the original road, take a sightseeing bus from Leidongping Parking Lot to Wannian Temple Parking Lot (about an hour's drive), take Wannian Temple Cableway (65 yuan per person at one's own expense, or walk for about an hour), and visit the Wuliang Hall of Puxian Bodhisattva Temple Wannian Temple (Sightseeing time is about 40 minutes), White Dragon Cave, Qingyin Pavilion, Qingyin Pinghu, Black and white two water washing cattle heart, Yixiantian, China's first natural ecological monkey area, walk to Wuxiangang and return to the foot of the mountain by sightseeing bus, then transfer to the tourist bus to return to Chengdu (160 kilometers, about 2.5 hours' drive).
Daily tip: There are many monkeys in Mount Emei, so please don't provoke the monkeys. Keep your valuables close to your body. Don't wear colorful clothes. You can buy a crutch for self-defense and walking
Early middle/
Dujiangyan 48km, Chengdu 66km, Wenchuan 42km, Maoxian 149km, Songpan 106km, Jiuzhaigou Estuary (about 7-10 hours' drive in a whole day)
Start from Chengdu in the morning and go up along the Zipingpu Reservoir Area to watch the "earthquake murals", the ruins of Cheguanyingxiu Power Plant, the Laohuzui (barrier lake), the ruins of the "epicenter" Grand Canyon, the ruins of the National Highway 213, the worst hit "Yiwanshui Village", and the ruins of the bridge, the boulder in the road, and the stone in the house. The villages buried by rocks and houses invaded by the barrier lake arrive at Wenchuan County, Cheguan County Hospital, bus station, Red Army Bridge, and then go to Maoxian County. After lunch, watch Diexi Haizi, the quake lake of the 1933 Songpan earthquake, and then go to Songpan and Chuanzhu Temple prairie, In the plateau grassland, you can feel the wind blowing on the grassland, making you relaxed and happy (The tour lasts for 1-2 hours). After the tour, you will arrive at the hotel. After dinner, take part in the Tibetan Roast Sheep Party, taste the roast sheep, hand grazed meat, and refreshing highland barley wine and buttered tea (This project is a free gift. No refund if you do not participate).
Daily tip: The accommodation hardware and software conditions along the line are limited, please do not measure them by the standards of the city; Please respect the customs of ethnic minorities.
Morning, noon and evening
Goukou/Chuanzhu Temple
[Jiuzhaigou Valley] -- [Jiuzhaigou Valley] [Tour time is about 8 hours]
After breakfast, transfer to the green sightseeing bus (try to sit on the same side of the driver, because the scenic spots in the first ditch are in the direction of the driver), and roam all day jiuzhaigou (Tour time: about 8 hours): Visit the shooting place of "Heroes Come out of Youth" in Shuzheng Valley: ancient mill, prayer flags, small bridges, flowing water... Visit the Bonsai Beach, Reed Sea, Tiger Sea, Wolong Sea, Shuzheng Qun Sea, Shuzheng Waterfall, Nuorilang Waterfall; Enjoy the most enchanting Five Flower Sea and the highest Haizi Changhai; The Pearl Beach, the shooting spot of Journey to the West, and the Bamboo Sea of Arrow on the location of Hero (Rizegou has other scenic spots such as Mirror Sea, Five Flower Sea, Panda Sea, and Primitive Forest)... are intoxicated with the 114 wonderful lakes in Jiuzhai Paradise. In the evening, you can watch the Jiuzhai Tibetan and Qiang style evening party at your own expense (viewing time is about 90 minutes; experience the Tibetan and Qiang cultural customs and religions of a large-scale comprehensive evening party, 180 yuan/person).
Daily tip: take care of lunch in the ditch by yourself (Jiuzhaigou Neinuorilang Restaurant provides a buffet of 60 yuan per person, or you can bring your own dry food into the ditch for dinner); Please comply with the management system of the scenic spot. Smoking and littering are prohibited. Violators will be fined at least 500 yuan. Only one corner of the restaurant has a smoking area; Jiuzhaigou Scenic Spot is 2500-3100 meters above sea level. Please walk down from the scenic spot with high altitude. Most tourists have no plateau reaction, so please rest assured; In the scenic spot, each scenic spot has a sightseeing bus stop. Please take a bus at the station. Each sightseeing bus has a guide.
Ditch mouth
Jiuzhaigou Pass 89km Chuanzhu Temple 17km Songpan 54km Huanglong 110km Maoxian
After breakfast, take a bus to Huanglong. On the way, take a bus to see the beautiful natural meadow ranch "Ganhaizi" and the "mother river" in western Sichuan - the source of Minjiang River, and taste the plateau yak meat for free (45 minutes). After lunch, go Huanglong Scenic Area (The tour lasts about 3 and a half hours): The thousands of calcified color pools in Huanglong Valley are of different shapes, flowing light and color, and the calcified sulfur with a length of 2500 meters is the most in the world. The main scenic spots along the way are Sham Shen Cave, Jinsha Paving, Bonsai Pool, Huanglong Cave, Huanglong Temple, Stone Tower Zhenhai, Colorful Pool, Zhuanhua Jade Pool, etc. Please do as you can (you can take the cableway up and down at your own expense, 80 yuan/person, 40 yuan/person), and then take the bus to Chuanzhu Temple or Maoxian County, and stay in the hotel for a rest.
Daily tip: stay outdoors for a long time this day, please prepare a sun hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, drinking water and rain gear; Huanglong Scenic Spot is 3558 meters above sea level, and some tourists may have altitude reactions. If you need oxygen, please buy it yourself; The temperature difference between morning and night is large, please pay attention to cold prevention and warmth.  
Morning, noon and evening
Chuanzhu Temple/Maoxian County
Maoxian County 42km Wenchuan 38km Yingxiu 32km Water Mill 38km Dujiangyan 48km Chengdu Shijiazhuang
After breakfast, take the bus to Maoxian AAAA Ethnic Village—— Baishizhai : Clear small bridges and flowing water, wooden plank roads, independent family yards, grey walls and white roofs, yellow mud and rubble, all of which reveal the simple beauty of Qiang folk houses; Leisure rattan chair teahouse, romantic rocking chair, vigorous plants, warm courtyard houses, exquisite bonsai, gorgeous flowers, and eye-catching Qiang totem make you feel like you are in the Sifang Street of Lijiang. Later, we arrived at Yingxiu Town, the epicenter of the May 12 earthquake (about 30 minutes), and watched this valley town that the whole world had been worried about. After three years of reconstruction, there was no damage caused by the earthquake. Only the leaning teaching building of Xuankou Middle School, which was specially reserved, was still silently telling us the violence of the earthquake, as if time had also solidified... We returned to Chengdu by car. 20: 35 Take flight NS3210 back to Shijiazhuang, arrive at Shijiazhuang at 22:55, and end the trip happily.
Early middle/

Scenic spots passing by

    Instructions for participation

    Please read carefully when signing the contract:
    1. If the team is detained, delayed or lost due to force majeure, the expenses incurred shall be borne by the guests themselves, and we will assist in the arrangement; The standard error caused by special reasons shall be refunded and compensated according to the actual situation; Our agency reserves the right to temporarily adjust the travel schedule without reducing the number of tourist attractions;
    2. The fee only includes one bed per adult per day. If there are single men and single women in the group and no gay group friends can live together, please make up for the single room difference locally; Please manage your belongings to avoid loss; Follow the tour guide's arrangement and observe local customs during the trip. Guests should be cautious when participating in the off trip self funded projects. The guests should coordinate with the scenic spot in case of unexpected losses, and the travel agency will not bear any responsibility; Be careful when shopping;
    3. The itinerary is a group tour for individual tourists, which is not an independent group tour. Please sign an agreement on group tour for individual tourists when signing the travel contract. Our society will monitor the quality of the team at any time, ask the guests to understand the limitations of group tour for individual tourists, and communicate with our society on the quality of the team in a timely manner to help solve problems in a timely manner;
    4. If the guest has any opinion during the trip, please raise an objection immediately in the local area and fill in the quality tracking form truthfully. If there is a complaint at the end of the trip, the quality opinion form signed by the tourist shall prevail, and the claim shall be settled according to the relevant tourism laws and regulations within the scope of responsibility. If an objection is raised only after the return trip, it will be deemed as waiver of the right to complain, and the travel agency will no longer accept it.
    5. This line is located in the plateau, and tourists know and promise that they are physically fit to travel when signing the contract;
    6. If the team's itinerary is changed due to force majeure and road maintenance, the tickets to the scenic spots that have not been visited will be returned or the route arrangement will be changed according to the actual situation. No refund will be made if the guest fails to have meals, cars or rooms during the travel due to his/her own reasons.
    7. All the shopping shops listed in the itinerary will arrive. Tourists can choose whether to enter or not according to their personal preferences, which is not mandatory. It takes some time to go shopping in the store. Guests who do not enter the store can have their own activities outside the store. During the free activities, drivers and guides may not be able to provide services. Please forgive us.
    8. The self paid scenic spots and self paid entertainment items listed in the itinerary are recommended by the tour guide. If more than half of the guests in the group participate, the team will go to the self paid scenic spots. Guests who do not participate can have their own activities outside the scenic spots. The driver and tour guide may not be able to provide services during the free activities. Please forgive the guests.
    9. The hotels listed in the itinerary are the corresponding star rating made by the industry according to the tourists' feelings about the hotel after returning and the actual reception conditions of the local tourism, which does not represent the official basis. All stars are reserve stars (i.e. quasi stars), except those specially required by tourists.
    1. Due to the large temperature difference between Jiuzhaigou and Huanglong, and the low temperature in the morning and evening, you should bring a thicker suit even in summer. Guests are invited in spring, winter and autumn due to the low temperature
    Take cold proof clothes
    2. There is a lot of rain in Sichuan. Remember to prepare rain gear
    3. The sunshine is strong at high altitude on the plateau. It is recommended to wear sunglasses, sun hat, sunscreen, lip balm, cold medicine, gastrointestinal medicine, aspirin, valium, headache powder, rhodiola, etc
    4. The travel agency is responsible for purchasing travel accident insurance
    5. Because it is a group of individual tourists, the guests are scattered, so the license plate and tour guide call out late; However, the tour guide will contact the guests by phone from 18:00 to 22:00 the day before departure to inform them of the license plate number and the assembly method; If you still haven't received the call from the tour guide at 22:00, please contact the travel agency immediately. Thank you!
    6. All fees will not be refunded if tourists give up the tour and project temporarily due to their own reasons.
    7. The bus routes from Chengdu to Jiuzhaigou listed in the itinerary are for reference only. The exact route is subject to the departure on the same day, and no commitment is made


    This information is provided by Shijiazhuang Yanzhao Travel Agency. Travel information hotline: 0311-85357822, 89808981 Mobile phone: 15032828751 Manager Li Online QQ: 1625564353 Company website http://www.hblvyou.com
    http://www.lblvyou.com Shijiazhuang Tourism Website
    http://www.3sjz.com www.sjzlxsh.com
    Official website: www.rmtour.com

    payment method

    1. If you see our route and are ready to book to participate, please contact our customer service representative first to confirm the price, itinerary, flight and train tickets. Because the travel price is changing at any time, our customer service representative will inform you when confirming with you in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding two After confirming the price, itinerary and flight, you can choose one of the following two contract signing methods.

    A : Go directly to the address of the company, sign a written travel contract, and pay the travel expenses. Yuhua East Road, Qiaodong District, Shijiazhuang City sixty-two No. (southwest corner of the intersection of Yuhua Road, Jianshe Street), in the west courtyard of Huanyu Hotel one hundred and one room ride two six ten sixteen nineteen twenty-nine thirty-two thirty-four thirty-five thirty-six fifty-one fifty-five sixty-six seventy eighty-three ninety-two ninety-nine five hundred and sixteen , Tourism eleven , Tourism twelve Luhebei Grand Theater, get off and go west one hundred Mi Lunan   Telephone: 0311-85357822  15032828751  Li Xiaobing

    B : Book online, contact our customer service representative, and send you the electronic travel contract and itinerary by email. Just fill in the content, confirm the price, and reply to the company's email address according to the contract prompts sjzyzlxs@126.com , and transfer through Alipay or online banking.


    Publish Consultation

    You can consult our staff before purchasing products, and we will reply you in time! The travel agency will change the itinerary, schedule, accommodation and other parameters of some products at any time, so this reply is only valid for the questioner at that time, and only for other tourists' reference! The consultation reply time is from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. Please wait patiently for the staff's reply!
    • contact information:
    • Consultation content:

    Service Centre

    Shijiazhuang Yanzhao Travel Agency Co., Ltd
    Service hotline
    Individual Customer Department: 0311-85357822
    Fax: 0311-85357833
    Mobile: 15032828751 15369187567

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